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For english we have a project that revolves around a book. The catch is we can pick any book we want as long as its a "classic", not pop fiction or nonfiction

So what would some good books for me to consider? (my favorite pop fiction author is stephen king...)

I want something interesting and really good, not something that will get too long or boring


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The Count of Monte Cristo.

Its about a regular guy that gets effed over by 4 jealous guys and gets sent to prison for life. He excapes, gets really rich, and comes back and gets his revenge. His revenge is OFF THE CHARTS!

Its really good, its fast paced, not too long, and its got a lot of action. Its my favorite book.

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1984... one of my fav's

or, if you're up for a challenge (it's long), Atlas Shrugged. not sure if that would be classified as a "classic," though i certainly do.


i just caught you "not too long." scratch Atlas Shrugged. that being said, you should still give it a read.

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The first book was written in 1932 I believe. But because of the success of the movie, I wasn't sure if a teacher would classify it differently.

If that happened, that would be a travesty. LOTR is one of, if not the best, series EVER written.

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If that happened, that would be a travesty. LOTR is one of, if not the best, series EVER written.

I agree, but I don't know what teachers now say about it.

If you do short stories you always have the Tell-Tale Heart, or any Poe classic.

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The Count of Monte Cristo.

Its about a regular guy that gets effed over by 4 jealous guys and gets sent to prison for life. He excapes, gets really rich, and comes back and gets his revenge. His revenge is OFF THE CHARTS!

Its really good, its fast paced, not too long, and its got a lot of action. Its my favorite book.

I agree with this one, it is my favorite as well!

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What kind of project is it?

I have to create a "journal". Theres 10 parts and i have to answer each part with like pages of explanation with textual evidence.

Like i need character developement, good themes, etc.

Its a pretty BS assignment in my opinion but i want to make the most of it by picking an awesome book.

My teacher wont approve the book if it is too short though, so by "not too long" i meant like not like anything over like 400 pgs.

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If you are into ancient Japan at all (Samurais, people getting their heads chopped off, ritual suicide, etc.) then you should read Shogun by James Clavell. It is 1100+ pages, but it is a book you can't put down. I think the slowest I read it was in 2 weeks (I've read it about 4 times now). My favorite book ever.

I don't know if it counts as a classic, but you could also check out Dune by Frank Herbert. Awesome. Its only around 300 pages or so, average.

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