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The Count of Monte Cristo.

Its about a regular guy that gets effed over by 4 jealous guys and gets sent to prison for life. He excapes, gets really rich, and comes back and gets his revenge. His revenge is OFF THE CHARTS!

Its really good, its fast paced, not too long, and its got a lot of action. Its my favorite book.

The Count of Monte Crisco...

That's Cristo, you dumb ****.

Written by Alexandree Dumb-ass. Dumb-ass.

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CitR was alright...I never saw what the big fuss was about. I liked 9 Stories and Franny and Zooey better. Maybe I'm not smart enough or something...:whoknows:

It's OK dude, just keep reachin for the brass ring :laugh:

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Want a short "classic": Old Man and the Sea by Hemingway.

Another good short one is "The Pearl" which I think is by Steinbeck. I would think that would be considered a classic but maybe not. Certainly "The Grapes of Wrath" is but that might be too long.

Just about anything Hemingway, in my opinion, is excellent. If I had to pick a favorite book, I might pick "A Moveable Feast."

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Go with "The Name of the Rose" by Umberto Eco.

i strongly disagree. i bought this on the rave reviews a couple posters here gave it and hated it. the only reason i finished it was for pride's sake... i've never not finished a book, but this one was damned close to the trash can.

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well i compiled a list of everything you guys have said and showed my teacher

she ended up rejecting each and every one of them for some reason

and so im reading Slaughterhouse-Five by Vonnegut based purely on two of my classmates recommendations

Thanks anyways though, haha

If you want to know why your recommendation was rejected i'll tell you

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well i compiled a list of everything you guys have said and showed my teacher

she ended up rejecting each and every one of them for some reason

and so im reading Slaughterhouse-Five by Vonnegut based purely on two of my classmates recommendations

Thanks anyways though, haha

If you want to know why your recommendation was rejected i'll tell you

EVERY ONE OF THEM?!? Your teacher is stupid. Those were some pretty good classics there.

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