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I have no problem with staying friends if the romantic relationship ended amicably. Some people just aren't meant to be romantic, but they work great as friends.

I don't think infidelity has ever ended things amicably. If you truly loved the person, to me, the fear of falling again to have them not want you far outweighs the benefit of the friendship.

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Motor, a friend would have at least had enough respect for you to leave you before cheating.

Perhaps your friendship dissolved over the years, and you both just became comfortable.

I know a person that I used to call a friend...and he tried to get with my wife when she and I were having issues. She told him her side of the story...he asked her out for drinks. He never even bothered to ask me my side and take the time to evaluate it all. It's a damn shame too. She didn't go because she felt uncomfortable.

I never spoke to him again.

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Explain please.

Only 4 more days till the "Bash".:)

when you're about to rebuild lincoln's cabin with bricks it is important to note not to fart before you sit down or you will fart on yourself. At times you may want to really really go bad and you allow yourself random tweets to come out before you sit down, which then forces you to take in the fart you just made standing up a moment ago.

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Exactly!How can we be friends when you cheated on me.:mad:

You just can't say "lets be friends to anyone".

One day you just know it!

There is no ****ing question!

The friends thing is simply a way,(in some cases),to help appease whatever is left of whatever they call a conscious after the ****ing bull**** they put you through.

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The friends thing is also used when they don't really want to completely end it with you, because they still have feelings for you, but they want to have the freedom of doing whatever they want when they want. In other words, I think it's a leash to keep you on so they can come back should they choose to. And if you accept the offer of friendship, that's exactly what would happen.

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The friends thing is simply a way,(in some cases),to help appease whatever is left of whatever they call a conscious after the ****ing bull**** they put you through.

I concur my friend!

Now see I didn't ask PCS to be my friend.He just is!I think?

Please go take more spring pics.:)

My Ex took my nice camera.:mad:

Just be friends.:mad: **** you and your new "friend".

And then move on.But it's hard.

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The friends thing is also used when they don't really want to completely end it with you, because they still have feelings for you, but they want to have the freedom of doing whatever they want when they want. In other words, I think it's a leash to keep you on so they can come back should they choose to. And if you accept the offer of friendship, that's exactly what would happen.

Yep. Can and has been done. No ****ing more. It's all bull****.

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Yep. Can and has been done. No ****ing more. It's all bull****.

I'm semi going through it. Except we're not just friends. We're going out on dates once a week and doing the dating thing (though we're not officially dating, apparently, but we are... Women are strange). If she had told me we were just friends I'd put a stop to it immediately.

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The friends thing is also used when they don't really want to completely end it with you, because they still have feelings for you, but they want to have the freedom of doing whatever they want when they want. In other words, I think it's a leash to keep you on so they can come back should they choose to. And if you accept the offer of friendship, that's exactly what would happen.

Boys do the exact same thing!!

All I can say though is be careful. Do not let her use you as a place holder until she finds the guy she really wants to be with. I have seen plenty of people do this.

That said, I have a friend who was dating this guy for a few years and living with him for like 6 months when they broke up. She moved out and was enjoying single life but still hung out with the ex at least once a week. She more or less dated some other guy for a month or so, but that didn't last. Then she and the ex started hanging out fairly often. I can home one morning and they were sleeping together (like literally sleeping :silly:). When I asked her about it later she said "Ren, sometimes people can sleep together and it's JUST SLEEPING." I was like ummmm, no not when it's your EX BOYFRIEND!! A month or so later she finally admitted they were back together. Last year she got into grad school in Boston and he moved up there with her and they are happier than ever.

Moral of the story: staying friends or just dating but not in a relationship is sometimes used as a placeholder, but sometimes I think a person honestly doesn't know what they want and taking that break helps them get their own **** together and put things in perspective.

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i hate the drama ****. i was right in the middle of a mess for a whole year, and over the last two months, i believe ive taken myself out of the situation but i am scared i may be dragged back into it. i was starting off slow, and tried to give myself some breathing room, but this girl kept getting me involved in her mess over and over again, and i think im free of it. at least, for now.

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In other words, I think it's a leash to keep you on so they can come back should they choose to. And if you accept the offer of friendship, that's exactly what would happen.

Another song that's great! NSFW

And the words.

Troubled souls unite, we got ourselves tonight, oh...

I am fuel, you are friends, we got the means to make amends

I am lost, Im no guide, but Im by your side

I am right by your side, yeah...

Young lover I stand it was their idea,

I proved to be a man

Take my ****ing hand it was their idea,

I proved to be a man

Will myself to find a home within myself

We will find a way, we will find our place

Drop the leash, drop the leash... } (3x)

Get outta my ****in face }

Drop the leash, we are young (2x)

Oh, get outta my ****in face...

Drop the leash, drop the leash...

Get outta my, my...

Delight, delight, delight in our youth...oww...

Get outta my ****in face...

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