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There are few things I won't do in this world but willfully take a dump in a public restroom is one of them.

Now if I'm about to blow ass then that's a different story (got no choice), but if I can help it, I don't go.

It makes my skin crawl enough just taking a piss. Human beings are seriously trifling

Man, I'm with you on that.  And if you ever had a job where it required you to clean restrooms for the general public (i.e. bagger at a groc. store, etc.) oh man the **** you see, literally.  


My first job at 16 was a grocery store, so new man cleans the bathrooms, it's the unwritten law.  Oh man some people were nasty.  I swear to God I watched some old woman walk in there and never come out.  I went in there to clean up and there was crap all over the toilet and walls.  




Edit - made it a less disgusting description, after posting it reminded me how it still grosses me out and gives me a full body shiver to this very day.

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Hey everyone in the DC region, here comes steady rain, starting right now, for approx the next 18 hours.

Which probably kills work for me tomorrow. Seriously I've been on this board for a decade now. I never come on here and ****. But man, life is wearing me down. Just tired man. When is enough, enough? When do i get a break? I'm tired. And i don't mean sleepy. I've been through some ****. **** most folks only see on TV and have nightmares about. I consider myself a strong person. But man I'm tired. Just tired.

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Which probably kills work for me tomorrow. Seriously I've been on this board for a decade now. I never come on here and ****. But man, life is wearing me down. Just tired man. When is enough, enough? When do i get a break? I'm tired. And i don't mean sleepy. I've been through some ****. **** most folks only see on TV and have nightmares about. I consider myself a strong person. But man I'm tired. Just tired.

Hang in there man.  Hope **** gets right for ya and you catch a break.

I just watched like 6 or 7 episodes of The Wire in a row.

Made it to season 1 episode 11.

First time through?  Me and the wife just watched it through for the second time, love that show.  

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Which probably kills work for me tomorrow. Seriously I've been on this board for a decade now. I never come on here and ****. But man, life is wearing me down. Just tired man. When is enough, enough? When do i get a break? I'm tired. And i don't mean sleepy. I've been through some ****. **** most folks only see on TV and have nightmares about. I consider myself a strong person. But man I'm tired. Just tired.

I feel you bro. Like my brain is poisoned. I'm trying my best, going through high emotions all the time. A serene vacation would hit the spot. Maybe I should plan that camping trip I've wanted to do. Just chill next to the Shenendoah for a few days.

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Those ESPN bamas suspended Bill Simmons piss me off


What am I supposed to listen to in the car to work now


I got Kornheiser but he only does 2 hours and that is burned up on my commute home on 495. The **** I supposed to listen to on my 30 minute drive to work. 

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I guess they arrested that guy in the UVA case? That's great and all, but I've really been annoyed by another instance of Missing White Woman Syndrome on the airwaves. There are so many missing persons cases worthy of our attention and vigilance, but with the ones that garner national attention always seem to have that one key factor in their cases. 

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I guess they arrested that guy in the UVA case? That's great and all, but I've really been annoyed by another instance of Missing White Woman Syndrome on the airwaves. There are so many missing persons cases worthy of our attention and vigilance, but with the ones that garner national attention always seem to have that one key factor in their cases.

I feel ya. And you right.

For real though, don't be shocked if that dude is a serial killer. That idea is out there

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Do you listen to O&J now without Ant

I quit listening to Opie, Jimmy and Anthony after the firing

I stopped well before the incident, Ant was wearing thin on me long before he broke. I've thought about finding a feed and seeing what it's like but if what I've read is any indictation its basically Opie begging Jim to do something funny for a few hours in between a lot of dead air.

In the world of podcasts, I don't have to turn to them if I want to hear comics I like and that's a good thing.

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I feel ya. And you right.

For real though, don't be shocked if that dude is a serial killer. That idea is out there

Wow, hadn't heard that one. I've avoided a lot of the details on this & generally changed the channel if one of the 24hrs station started to cover it but my FB feed has been filled with links. Since I'm in Chicago now haven't had quite as much direct exposure to it. I always try to pass along reports to friends out here when something like this strikes in their neighborhood though.

That will certainly be crazy and tragic if true, and I hope the other victim's families can gain a sense of closure and have their daughters' stories told/memory preserved in the end.

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