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I realize you didn't know, friend, but the dates in his signature, and the salute, are for his father, who was killed in a helicopter crash. :(

That is precisely why I don't joke about people's parents anymore. Too much possibility of a REALLY uncomfortable situation there. Granted, he started it. ;)

True, sorry about that Toaster, I should've known better. :(

Just sent a PM to him, so hopefully we're good.

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As we talked about last night, I think that weight is something that differs for each individual. While the BMI chart says I should be 165, I know that's way too light for me. And if 190 is a good, healthy, comfortable weight for you, then I see no need to gain weight because of some chart or whatever.

If your body fat percentage, blood pressure, resting heart rate, cholesterol levels, and other measures of overall health are good; then you're good, IMO.

Well, ideally, I'd be a cut 180-185. My right knee gets some aches and pains from my years running and rowing in high school, so I don't like being too heavy just for comfort reasons when I'm doing athletic stuff.

You're right about the general concept of it though. Everyone just needs to figure out their own healthy level and not worry about trying to look like celebrities who have personal trainers and chefs and airbrushed/photoshopped magazine models.

when I think of 6'1 190, I think of male models- in my magazines, they often have the model's heights and weights, and the guys are always said to be 6'1 and 190. I mean, of course they don't look bad at all, I guess I just like my men a little sturdier.

I wish I could say I had the physique of a Men's Fitness model, but I'm not that cut. If I was really lean and had a visible 6 pack I'd probably be closer to 180-185, but I'm a hard gainer so just keeping at 190-195 takes a lot of effort on my part.

I'd like to think I'm sturdy enough though. :)

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Some of you guys are extremely skinny. I'm 5'10, 190 at the moment, and I am in great shape. When I was in the best shape of my life, I was 180, and I had 3% bodyfat.

When I was in the best conditioning of my life, senior year of high school with rowing, I weighed 165 to 170 with maybe 6% body fat. When I was the strongest and most filled out in my life, a couple of summers ago, I was about 205 and maybe 12% body fat. But like I said, that was too heavy for me and I had to eat so often to keep it up. I just did that because it was the summer and I was life guarding at the time.

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Why is it that when you park way out in an empty parking lot, when you return to your car, several people have parked next to you?

It's like people see a car in a parking lot off by itself, and they have to go park next to it. It is incredibly ****ing annoying.

I have an ext. cab truck with suicide doors that requires a lot of room to get the kids out of on either side, so I always park WAY out whenever we go anywhere. (plus, I enjoy the walk, I'm sick I know). 9/10 some ****-stain has parked right next on either side making it a pain in the ass to get the kids loaded up. Not to mention the armload of groceries, etc.

Luckily it's a company car so I just open the doors and smash whatever ******** decided to park next to me. :)

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Why is it that when you park way out in an empty parking lot, when you return to your car, several people have parked next to you?

It's like people see a car in a parking lot off by itself, and they have to go park next to it. It is incredibly ****ing annoying.

I have an ext. cab truck with suicide doors that requires a lot of room to get the kids out of on either side, so I always park WAY out whenever we go anywhere. (plus, I enjoy the walk, I'm sick I know). 9/10 some ****-stain has parked right next on either side making it a pain in the ass to get the kids loaded up. Not to mention the armload of groceries, etc.

Luckily it's a company car so I just open the doors and smash whatever ******** decided to park next to me. :)

Happens to me all the time. I'm getting a brand new Dodge Challenger in October, and I'm gonna park that sum***** as far away from everyone as possible.

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After church this evening, it was time to go to the diner with friends. Got some great tasting chili.

I fully expect to have blown-out windows during the night.

What's with the 39 page menus at NJ diners? I see a 39 page menu, and I immediately think "how could they possibly do all 80000 entrees well?" And I'm almost always right.

New Jerseyites love them some diners. I can't figure it out, I don't think I've ever had a good meal at a NJ diner before. (and there have been several)

Tip for any would be diner customers: Don't order the gyro. It will suck. Even if the family running the diner is greek.


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