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Also, I think that the paparazzi is the scourge of the planet. TMZ, US Magazine, Star is all a giant piece of ****. Those people are quite possibly the worst people ever. Someday, they will all get what is coming to them.

Bring the paparazzi to VA. I guarantee they don't get the great protection they do in CA. One of those douchebags would be knocked out cold in VA.

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Lol I tried reading that Harry Potter book where Snape kills you know who, and I couldn't even get past the first 10 pages. I still have it with me here in this room but I'm too lazy to read it.

I guess the Harry Potter phase has passed by, I'm just a muggle now

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She's not Columbian, she's Mexican. She's just saying that to make you happy. It's a trick buddy, she wants a green card. lol. Now sober up and get to work with your girl.

Good one my man Kosher. Well, she says she's Columbian. I just completed my last day at work. Took some shots with her in Alhambra. I will call her tommorow. Pretty, big tits. Opportunities. Fun. Yes. Thats all I got.

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To Do List my wife left for me this morning:

  • Clean out beer coolers and put them away
  • Put away the lawn chairs in the back yard
  • Put away the Redskins chairs
  • Empty the oil pan sitting in the driveway and put it away
  • Put away the bottle rockets and M-88s that are on the dining room table
  • Do something with the six-pack of beer on the floor of the dining room

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To Do List my wife left for me this morning:

  • Clean out beer coolers and put them away
  • Put away the lawn chairs in the back yard
  • Put away the Redskins chairs
  • Empty the oil pan sitting in the driveway and put it away
  • Put away the bottle rockets and M-88s that are on the dining room table
  • Do something with the six-pack of beer on the floor of the dining room

The fact that your wife even remarks upon these happenings instad of squaking is excellent. Jolly, I can't wait until I am 26 an d married. Maybe not. Okay goodnight I've had qnoguh fun tonight.

*edit* I apologize for these random ramblings. Micahel Jackosn is a piece of sht.

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What are you doing up at 4 am your time?

I'm up but it's 7 am my time

Well, I finished my last day of work at this rehab center I worked at. Pleae reference the thred " I just got fired" And I am happy, I just kicked it with thisbeautiful Columbian girl and I am optimistic that I will ahve sexual relaions with her. I am drunk. Sorry, cliche but it is true. I am going to wake uo tomottow and go get some great pharmacumetical marijuana and enjoy life because I have nothing else to do. ANd then who knows.

Hoyas, Terrapins, Orioles, REDSKINS, Wizards, beautiful girls, and family is all that matters.

I will wake uo tommorow and expain all of this when I have light instead of my laptop illumination.

You are all champions. Yes I just took the time to change the font on that.

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