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The Official fire Jon Gruden Thread


Will Sean Taylor ever grow up?  

  1. 1. Will Sean Taylor ever grow up?

    • yes-hes young, he'll be fine
    • no-too much of a hot head on the field and off

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Huh? Are you joking?

Not at all, he peed his pants looking across the sideline at a HOF coach. Grudens "Run up the middle on every 1st down" mentality killed us. He should not be back next season, for crying outloud he wants Griese back on the team next year. I wonder if their is the domain name FireGruden.Com available?

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The title says it all, Gruden had his chance this year, failed miserably when it counted, now it is time for him to go. I guarantee the Bucs will finish no better than 5-11 next year. I say we save ourselves the trouble and can him now.

You are crazy man, the guy won you a super bowl...have a little hope and faith...faith in gruden and hope you don't have to play us in the playoffs again. Did Hardy Nickerson ever win you guys a super bowl...thought not.

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Gruden got lucky this year, the previous 2 years are much more of an indication of what kind of a coach he really is. He had one of the single worst free agent signings ever with Garner, from which we might recover in the next 2 years salary cap wise. I am sure he will be around for a couple of more years. We had no business winning the south this year, we just got lucky that Carolina choked against the Cowboys. Next year will be 5-11 again and at that point everyone will see how he is a below average NFL coach.

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Wow...I can't believe this post. What's more amazing is that a Bucs fan would choose a Redskins forum to discuss it.

Hey, you know the situation in Tampa better than I. I didn't think he did a bad job, but I do think he won the Super Bowl with what was essentially Tony Dungy's team. But I do think he can get them right back into the playoffs again next season.

Again, you would know better than I. BTW, what ever happened to Garner? I thought he was good when he was with the 49ers.

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Jon Gruden built a Super Bowl team in Oakland, then turned around and beat them with someone else's squad in the Super Bowl. Does it really get any better than that? He's a great coach.

Don't be silly and don't beat yourself up too much. Many here doubted Joe Gibbs could ever make it back to the playoffs.

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Jon Gruden built a Super Bowl team in Oakland, then turned around and beat them with someone else's squad in the Super Bowl. Does it really get any better than that? He's a great coach.

Don't be silly and don't beat yourself up too much. Many here doubted Joe Gibbs could ever make it back to the playoffs.

Ummm, it showed who built the better team though......Dungy.. But Gruden is so young for an NFL head coach. If I was the Bucs, I'd lock him up for a long time. He can only get better. DAMN!!!! He won his division this year! Cut him some slack!

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Wow...I can't believe this post. What's more amazing is that a Bucs fan would choose a Redskins forum to discuss it.

Hey, you know the situation in Tampa better than I. I didn't think he did a bad job, but I do think he won the Super Bowl with what was essentially Tony Dungy's team. But I do think he can get them right back into the playoffs again next season.

Again, you would know better than I. BTW, what ever happened to Garner? I thought he was good when he was with the 49ers.

Garner blew his knee out, but before that he was already old and sorry, much like the players Gruden likes.

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With that defense, they'l win at least 8 next year without any kind of offense.

I hate Chuckie, but until you've experienced Norvis, you won't know how good you have it.

We had 20 years of Norv Turners, before Dungy came along. Now we have an ego-maniac that doesn't mind losing as long as its done his way.

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