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Dean: US Won't Win in Iraq


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Lol. Good one. :laugh:

No, Dean meant what he said.

Of course, Kerry still didn't say what Newsmax said he did, but I guess we are done over in that other thread.

You know I'm starting to think some people here are just stupid. That other thread was mind blowing and now seeing how proud some get over making a lowbrow insulting comment....

I think discussion may not be possible. Perhaps a fruit snack and a pat on the head would be more effective.

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Bush isn't an embarrassment but thats another issue.

I wont bash Dean because we need him to stay on as the face and mouth of the Democrats.

Nothing wrong with a liberal being honest.

We always have known that they are soft on crime, against having a moral foundation and anti military.

Vietnam the military war wasnt lost the political one was.

Iraq and the war on terror wont be lost militarily or politically because we will bring to light the spineless cowardly,power hungry(I want our majority in congress back) undermining liberals.

Liberals do seem to be more known as Ameriquits when its time to fight for your country in times of all wars.

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Iraq and the war on terror wont be lost militarily or politically because we will bring to light the spineless cowardly,power hungry(I want our majority in congress back) undermining liberals.

Who's your majority? I thought it was conservative Republicans?

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I always knew Dean was a moron. Now Dean is officially a traitor to this country. Here we are fighting terrorists who's goal is to the just the reponse Dean gave them, and he is encouraging them to continue with their tactics by giving them exactly what they want to hear. Anyone who is too stupid to understand this, please contact me so we can reserve an online poker table. And please, bring lots of cash.

It's idiots like Dean and the fools who support him that make me a reluctant supporter of the right. :doh:

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Why is this "war" impossible to win? The goal is to equip the Iraqi government with the necessary tools to be a successful pseudo-democracy. Those tools would be a constitution of sorts and a trained military to thwart the threats of terrorists. I don't understand how this is "impossible". Difficult, yes. Impossible, no.

And that WILL be considered a win.... in time.... when history is written and Iraq is a burgeoning democracy with it's low points and high points.

I commend Dean.... because he's simply stating what he believes.... and he's saying something others won't say..... like Kerry... Clinton...Edwards.... Kennedy.... Reid.... and the rest of the Democratic Left. They are now the party known as the "Cut & Run".... "Quit when it gets tough"..... "Empower the enemy"....... "Demoralize our troops"..... "Screw the military effort". Like others here.... I'm glad he said it... for no other reason than to show the Independents and Repubs exactly why they should continue to vote Repub. and keep this ilk out of power. America has awoken.... and we will no longer allow these appeasers, negotiators, blame america, bleeding heart liberal, weak knee-ed Democrats to run this country off the cliff.

I'd rather Die Standing than Live on my Knees. Eff the Liberal left... the enemy within.

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I have a question for those who are against the war in Iraq. Do you believe that Dean or any other politician should be stating such things in such a public way? Even if they absolutely believe what they are saying? Isn't there a point where such things are subversive? Maybe not intentionally, but subversive none the less?

I don't have a problem with people thinking we can't win, though I find that to be a defeatist, decidedly un-American virtue. I would much rather they disagree with the methods and at the same time offer some concrete alternative. This would atleast show the enemy that though we may not agree on the method, we are united in our goal.

The problem I see is the left taking the freedom of speech to the extreme in a time of war. What is the problem with exercising some restraint? Is the extreme left so driven to regain power that they will say anything with no regard of the consequences? I know some here agree in principal with Deans statement, but i'd hope you would exercise restraint in the public forum.

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I have a question for those who are against the war in Iraq. Do you believe that Dean or any other politician should be stating such things in such a public way? Even if they absolutely believe what they are saying? Isn't there a point where such things are subversive? Maybe not intentionally, but subversive none the less?

I don't have a problem with people thinking we can't win, though I find that to be a defeatist, decidedly un-American virtue. I would much rather they disagree with the methods and at the same time offer some concrete alternative. This would atleast show the enemy that though we may not agree on the method, we are united in our goal.

The problem I see is the left taking the freedom of speech to the extreme in a time of war. What is the problem with exercising some restraint? Is the extreme left so driven to regain power that they will say anything with no regard of the consequences? I know some here agree in principal with Deans statement, but i'd hope you would exercise restraint in the public forum.

Honestly I don't see what Dean is saying as that bad. I do however think the real lunatics that say Iraqi insurgents are freedom fighters and speak as if they are right to do what they do are crossing the line.

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And that WILL be considered a win.... in time.... when history is written and Iraq is a burgeoning democracy with it's low points and high points.

I commend Dean.... because he's simply stating what he believes.... and he's saying something others won't say..... like Kerry... Clinton...Edwards.... Kennedy.... Reid.... and the rest of the Democratic Left. They are now the party known as the "Cut & Run".... "Quit when it gets tough"..... "Empower the enemy"....... "Demoralize our troops"..... "Screw the military effort". Like others here.... I'm glad he said it... for no other reason than to show the Independents and Repubs exactly why they should continue to vote Repub. and keep this ilk out of power. America has awoken.... and we will no longer allow these appeasers, negotiators, blame america, bleeding heart liberal, weak knee-ed Democrats to run this country off the cliff.

I'd rather Die Standing than Live on my Knees. Eff the Liberal left... the enemy within.

Please, that is your only defense? Seriously, do you guys ever take a step outside of your situation and examine something from a different point of view? Your only defense is the democrats are all traitors? Seriously WTF??? I am really astonished that people acutally believe things like this. But then again, when you have Ken Mehlman saying that Kerry is equating our soldiers are terrorists, that's about what I expect.

When do you guys actually stand up and admit that things are effed up? When do you people come around to understand that this war has been mismanaged from the get go, and it continues to be mis managed from this day forward? When do you stop believing the vitriolic and hate filled rhetoric the Right is pumping your ears with? When do you actually stand up and say I am an AMERICAN before I am a republican? When do you admit that this was a grandiouse dream, but it was just a dream? When anotehr 20,000 Americans are dead? The leaders in DC are already pulling the troops out, and Murtha is spot on. The war is over we are leaving and it is completely effed up. You only have yourselves to blame.

This is what I hear from the right. The democrats give aid to the terrorists, we will be attacked again, the democrats are traitors, they want the terrorists to win. . . seriously listen to the rhetoric from an objective point of view, and look at what you are now standing up for. Iraq is a complete freakin mess, things are NOT getting better, they are getting worse. Al Qaeda now has a live training ground to plan and try out techniques against us and they are improving daily. Our mre presence in Iraq is creating more terrorists then we are killing, and half of the Iraqis think attacks on our soldiers are justified!!!! Let me repeat that, half of the country of Iraq thinks that attacks on Americans are justified!!! So much for the welcoming us with flowers and roses huh :doh:

Iraq is ALREADY in the midst of a civil war, it has aready started, but you guys are to blind to even see it. The terrorists aren't targeting Americans, but Iraqi's, and they are starting a civil war. What about the Shiites that were tortured by the Sunni's? Do you think that went un-noticed? There is no possible way to avoid a civil war in Iraq.

If you are worrying about victory, then declair victory. Hell, Saddam is captured, there are no WMDs, lets get out of there!!! Unfortunately, the moronic policies of this Administration has left two options, we can leave, and allow it to turn into a civil war, which is already happening now, or we can turn Iraq into our Afghanistan. Either way the prospect is a losing one, and you have nobody to blame except the yourself. Maybe if Bush was man enuogh to actually admit his mistakes we could figure out some things, but instead we will continue to sink this ship. Put the morons in charge. . . yep always a good thing :doh:

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Please, that is your only defense? Seriously, do you guys ever take a step outside of your situation and examine something from a different point of view? Your only defense is the democrats are all traitors?

It's rather amusing, the war was a bipartisan war

I wish the dissent was louder

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Please, that is your only defense? Seriously, do you guys ever take a step outside of your situation and examine something from a different point of view? Your only defense is the democrats are all traitors? Seriously WTF??? I am really astonished that people acutally believe things like this. But then again, when you have Ken Mehlman saying that Kerry is equating our soldiers are terrorists, that's about what I expect.

When do you guys actually stand up and admit that things are effed up? When do you people come around to understand that this war has been mismanaged from the get go, and it continues to be mis managed from this day forward? When do you stop believing the vitriolic and hate filled rhetoric the Right is pumping your ears with? When do you actually stand up and say I am an AMERICAN before I am a republican? When do you admit that this was a grandiouse dream, but it was just a dream? When anotehr 20,000 Americans are dead? The leaders in DC are already pulling the troops out, and Murtha is spot on. The war is over we are leaving and it is completely effed up. You only have yourselves to blame.

This is what I hear from the right. The democrats give aid to the terrorists, we will be attacked again, the democrats are traitors, they want the terrorists to win. . . seriously listen to the rhetoric from an objective point of view, and look at what you are now standing up for. Iraq is a complete freakin mess, things are NOT getting better, they are getting worse. Al Qaeda now has a live training ground to plan and try out techniques against us and they are improving daily. Our mre presence in Iraq is creating more terrorists then we are killing, and half of the Iraqis think attacks on our soldiers are justified!!!! Let me repeat that, half of the country of Iraq thinks that attacks on Americans are justified!!! So much for the welcoming us with flowers and roses huh :doh:

Iraq is ALREADY in the midst of a civil war, it has aready started, but you guys are to blind to even see it. The terrorists aren't targeting Americans, but Iraqi's, and they are starting a civil war. What about the Shiites that were tortured by the Sunni's? Do you think that went un-noticed? There is no possible way to avoid a civil war in Iraq.

If you are worrying about victory, then declair victory. Hell, Saddam is captured, there are no WMDs, lets get out of there!!! Unfortunately, the moronic policies of this Administration has left two options, we can leave, and allow it to turn into a civil war, which is already happening now, or we can turn Iraq into our Afghanistan. Either way the prospect is a losing one, and you have nobody to blame except the yourself. Maybe if Bush was man enuogh to actually admit his mistakes we could figure out some things, but instead we will continue to sink this ship. Put the morons in charge. . . yep always a good thing :doh:

You and your liberal friends give up too easily. War is tough, it's not for whiners and hand-wringing cry babies. You can give up, that's your perogative. You're not even in this fight, so it doesn't matter. You quit before it got started. No one needs you or your ilk. Progress is being made. Joe Lieberman wrote a nice article about the progress that is being made, after his 4th visit to Iraq. He's a Democrat. One of the few left that pulls for America in this war. Maybe you should read his article. Not that it will do anything, but read it and see what others that have been on the ground there recently are seeing.

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I'm sure you also belive that if frogs had pockets they'd carry handguns. Way to refute my statement by taking a stunt from "jackass" and using it as a comparison. I tell you, that sure changed my way of thinking, bravo genius.

You obviously missed the analogy that sending a person to feed an aligator with raw meat strapped to his/her ass is a bad idea, it's an idea only a jackass would have. . . as well as trying to force a democracy on a population with so much religous and racial antimosity towards one another they's just as soon kill them selves then see the other in power.

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It's rather amusing, the war was a bipartisan war

I wish the dissent was louder

Tell me about it. I was psyched Murtha got up and did what he did, unfortunately there are to many fence sitters, and not enough people willing to make a hard stand and say this is what needs to be done. They have been beaten down enough by the machine and they don't want their face as the poster child for the "traitor de-jour" come next election cycle. . .

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You and your liberal friends give up too easily. War is tough, it's not for whiners and hand-wringing cry babies. You can give up, that's your perogative. You're not even in this fight, so it doesn't matter. You quit before it got started. No one needs you or your ilk. Progress is being made. Joe Lieberman wrote a nice article about the progress that is being made, after his 4th visit to Iraq. He's a Democrat. One of the few left that pulls for America in this war. Maybe you should read his article. Not that it will do anything, but read it and see what others that have been on the ground there recently are seeing.

I didn't want us to go to Iraq in the first place, they had nothing to do with 9-11 and Al Qaeda. :doh:

As for war being tough? War is tough when you have a bunch of chickenhawks in charge who ignore reality, remove dissent, and promote people who agree with them. The problem is that when you eliminate the dissenters, and the dissenters were the ones who were right, you surround yourself with an entire group of incompetent boobs. Harriet Miers was the perfect example of how this country is run right now, and the war is no different. This is how Iraq got effed up, why it is effed up, and why we should leave :doh:

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You obviously missed the analogy that sending a person to feed an aligator with raw meat strapped to his/her ass is a bad idea, it's an idea only a jackass would have. . .

You don't know any soldiers do you? Go tell a Marine that he can't win this war and he is stupid for trying. Then run away as fast as you can.

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