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John Stewart on Accountability


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Well then post where I am wrong, and bring up an argument.

So now that I have answered ALL of the rights ridiclous talking points, maybe they can try to tackle a few.

Did the fact that Bush was on vacation hamper the response?

He like Congress is never really on Vacation, Congress gets 180 days vacation to go back and forth also...

Why did Bush not call for an immidiate return to Washington for his cabinet?

Bush returned to Washington 1 day after the levee's broke

Why were people turned away from helping?

The State turned away the Red Cross to help the SuperDome people, But to answer you question on individuals.. It wasnt safe to just let people wander in there in ones and twos with gangs/shootings...

Why were people kept CAPTIVE in NO, and not allowed to leave?

from the previous page According to Hugh Hewitt, Major Garrett of Fox News is reporting that the Red Cross "had prepositioned water, food, blankets and hygiene products for delivery to the Superdome and the Convention Center in the immediate aftermath of the hurricane, but were blocked from delivering those supplies by orders of the Louisiana state government, which did not want to attract people to the Superdome and/or Convention Center."

Why are there 40,000 troops in NO now IF

a) The president needed the gov. to "ask him"


B) She infact turned down Bush's fax request for assistance?

Why did Bush say "Why would I do that, He's done a remarkable job" when asked if he would Fire Michael Brown?

Blanco has refused to sign over National Guard control to the federal government and has turned to a Clinton administration official, former Federal Emergency Management Agency chief James Lee Witt, to help run relief efforts.

Blanco was not informed of the timing of Bush’s visit, nor was she immediately invited to meet him or travel with him. Bush spokesman Scott McClellan said the White House reached out to Blanco’s office Sunday, but didn’t hear back, and White House staff in Louisiana spoke with Blanco early Monday.


Why did Bush say "we never anticipated the levees breaking" on Wednesday?

Does anyone want to try and tackle these? Somehow I doubt it. :doh:

You see, the right CAN'T answer, they NEVER have. They only spin, tell lies, and blame it on the democrats. Read DarkLadyRavens post on the neo-con handbook and you can equate EACH crisis and see how the NEVER hold anyone accountable.

In fact, I challenge any righty to answer all of them with clear concise points, using reputable links to documents. I think you guys may fall short on this one, maybe you should divide the questions so each one of you can tackle just one.

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Please. In the context they were asked, I know exactly what you meant. Now go run off and tell someone else how "conservative" you are. :silly:

I confess, they were definitely directed in that way. I was actually just curious what kind of comedy you like. While I don't agree with Jon Stewart as an ideologue, I find his points of view compelling and interesting. I also really enjoy his schtick and find him and his crew pretty funny. This is partially because I know, as an acquantance, one of the writers on the show.

Anyway, here's a thread where you'll see a touch of my conservative viewpoints. I mean I agreed with Art--how much more conservative can you be. :)

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ALLLLLLLLLLLLLRIGHT!!! another thread where lefties and righties are pointing fingers and namecalling over the Katrina situation! Wow, I haven't seen this before on here.


Anyway, what good does it do to keep arguing this over and over? Whats done is done, guys. Trying to place the blame on Bush or the Mayor or the Govenor isn't going to fix anything or make anyone feel better. It's not going to bring back any homes and it's not going to save any lives.

Can we all just agree to disagree that multiple parties dropped the ball on this one? I think we already have but hard headed foolishness makes us look up and quote websites and act like blame should be placed moreso on one party than another.

So, I ask, what good is it to blame the mayor, Bush, or govenor more? Does it make you sleep better at night? Whats the deal here, fellas? Bush doesn't run again in 2008, right? So why are we arguing about who dropped the ball when the answer is multiple people dropped it. Everyone should be held accountable.

Good post Spiff!!!

I've been following the various Katrina posts for a few days now, like most others, and I knew it was getting out of hand....but this morning when I saw people saying something like "I responded to that question is this thread, and I responded to the other question in this other thread"....my head was spinning.

We're on the verge of opening up the season in which we return to glory...and I'm afraid some people are not going to see that glorious moment when we hoist the Lombardi again because I think some are on the verge of a coronary :(

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All politicians are like ****roaches. They all run when the lights come on. Short term thinking dominated decisions affecting long term protection for the City. Half assed planning for emergencies was conducted while monies went to golf courses and wars. Extremely weak leadership and petty infighting took charge while people drowned.

And now the ****roaches all run for cover.

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All politicians are like ****roaches. They all run when the lights come on. Short term thinking dominated decisions affecting long term protection for the City. Half assed planning for emergencies was conducted while monies went to golf courses and wars. Extremely weak leadership and petty infighting took charge while people drowned.

And now the ****roaches all run for cover.

:notworthy :applause:

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John Stewart has zero to say about accountability as far as I am concerned. The guy is in charge of a show that is a primary news source for an insane number of people.

When john stewart went on CNN he lost all credibility with me. His charge was that the news media didn't do enough to ask important questions along with various other charges, but when countered about his own role in making the media a better place, he responded with a gem the likes of "I run a joke comedy show" or something like that.

He has no credibility on any of these issues because he himself is not willing to take on any of the responsibility he sees lacking in others.

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I think you're missing Stewart's point.

His point is "I run a freakin comedy show, and I ask my guests tougher questions than you do. (And I follow up those questions, when the guest tries to weasel out of them.)"

O'Rieley had him as a guest, and tried to beat him up with "I'm a journalist, and you just run a comedy show for High Schoolers". Stewart kept comming back with "But my audience is better informed than yours."

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I guess that Joe Scarborough is part of the out of touch liberal media as well.

"The bottom line is that despite the fact the president was strapped with two governors who bungled this crisis badly, in the end it is the president who sends in the National Guard and FEMA relief. The president's suggestion that the size of this storm caught all by surprise just doesn't get it. His administration was 48 hours late sending in the National Guard and poor Americans got raped and killed because of those mistakes."

-- Joe Scarborough, MSNBC

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Well then post where I am wrong, and bring up an argument.

So now that I have answered ALL of the rights ridiclous talking points, maybe they can try to tackle a few.

Did the fact that Bush was on vacation hamper the response?

Why did Bush not call for an immidiate return to Washington for his cabinet?

Why were people turned away from helping?

Why were people kept CAPTIVE in NO, and not allowed to leave?

Why are there 40,000 troops in NO now IF

a) The president needed the gov. to "ask him"


B) She infact turned down Bush's fax request for assistance?

Why did Bush say "Why would I do that, He's done a remarkable job" when asked if he would Fire Michael Brown?

Why did Bush say "we never anticipated the levees breaking" on Wednesday?

Does anyone want to try and tackle these? Somehow I doubt it. :doh:

You see, the right CAN'T answer, they NEVER have. They only spin, tell lies, and blame it on the democrats. Read DarkLadyRavens post on the neo-con handbook and you can equate EACH crisis and see how the NEVER hold anyone accountable.

In fact, I challenge any righty to answer all of them with clear concise points, using reputable links to documents. I think you guys may fall short on this one, maybe you should divide the questions so each one of you can tackle just one.

In all of my adult life I’ve never run across someone more in dire need of a blow_job.

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In all of my adult life I’ve never run across someone more in dire need of a blow_job.

:laugh: :laugh: :notworthy :notworthy

Thanks Duncan....I happened to be taking a sip of my afternoon coffee when I read that....

...and now I have a stained shirt....

....and coffee coming out of my nostrils... :(

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I think you're missing Stewart's point.

His point is "I run a freakin comedy show, and I ask my guests tougher questions than you do. (And I follow up those questions, when the guest tries to weasel out of them.)"

O'Rieley had him as a guest, and tried to beat him up with "I'm a journalist, and you just run a comedy show for High Schoolers". Stewart kept comming back with "But my audience is better informed than yours."

Just out of curiousity, where is Stewart getting that his audience is more informed than O'Reilly's? Do you have to pass a current events quiz to watch the show? I don't watch either, so I don't know, but I doubt it's as absolute as Stewart claims. I was always under the impression that his audience was mostly high school and college kids who are looking for some funnies. It seems to me like him saying that doesn't have any more merit than if the tables were turned and he told O'Reilly that his audience is "a bunch of gun-toting rednecks", to which O'Reilly countered that they are more informed than Stewart's audience.

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Just do a google search and you'll find the info regarding Stewart and O'Reilly's audience.

"According to independent Neilson Media Research, Stewart's audience is better educated than O'Reilly's and Stewart's audience earns more than O'Reilly's."

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Just do a google search and you'll find the info regarding Stewart and O'Reilly's audience.

"According to independent Neilson Media Research, Stewart's audience is better educated than O'Reilly's and Stewart's audience earns more than O'Reilly's."

If I cared enough I would. It was just another example of his arrogance that rubs me the wrong way. If they're better educated and make more money, that doesn't mean they're better informed. All three of those are unrelated, and whoever is connecting them is just relying on laws of averages.

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