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John Stewart on Accountability


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This is too funny. Like Stewarts beliefs or not, he hit it out of the park with this one.

"Now, for you people who are saying, `Well, stop pointing fingers at the president...left-wing...the media's being too hard:

No. SHUT...UP! No! This is inarguably---inarguably---a failure of leadership from the top of the federal government.

Remember when Bill Clinton went out with Monica Lewinsky? That was inarguably a failure of judgment at the top. Democrats had to come out and risk losing credibility if they did not condemn Bill Clinton for his behavior. I believe Republicans are in the same position right now. And I will say this: Hurricane Katrina is George Bush's Monica Lewinsky. The only difference is that tens of thousands of people weren't stranded in Monica Lewinsky's vagina."

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Jon Stewart = Bill Mahr = Al Franken = swarmy know-it-all pr!cks

Don't be so uptight. They enlighten the mood and give us a diversion from the O'Reilly's of the world. Stewart is friggin' hilarious. Bill Mahr is okay and Al Franken is "good enough, smart enough and dag gone it people like him". :D

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Jon Stewart = Bill Mahr = Al Franken = swarmy know-it-all pr!cks

With a well thought out assessment like that, how could we argue? :rolleyes:

Wait - aren't you the same guy that said FOX News isn't biased, that they are actually the most "fair and balanced" news organization? BTW, I can't believe you actually quoted their obviously false slogan; a cult member couldn't have said it better.

Nelms, no one takes your opinions seriously. Thats's not a effort to try and belittle you, that's just a fact. Thought you might like to know.

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This is too funny. Like Stewarts beliefs or not, he hit it out of the park with this one.

So this is where you get all your information from, the truth is out and shows everything :doh:

You still have not talked about the fact the Mayor and Gov knew about the poor and forgot them in two different storms, but you blame that on the president, keep living in your dream world Chom and maybe you will wake up one day.

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So this is where you get all your information from, the truth is out and shows everything :doh:

You still have not talked about the fact the Mayor and Gov knew about the poor and forgot them in two different storms, but you blame that on the president, keep living in your dream world Chom and maybe you will wake up one day.

The city, the state, and the federal government screwed up. It doesn't have to be one or the other.
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The city, the state, and the federal government screwed up. It doesn't have to be one or the other.

I agree. Can someone point out where Stewart was critical of the local and state Govts?

Or how about anyone being critical of Blanco and Nagin other than the quote "right wing meida".

There's plenty of blame to go around, but it seems that what we hear most is illogical bashing of the President.

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So this is where you get all your information from, the truth is out and shows everything :doh:

You still have not talked about the fact the Mayor and Gov knew about the poor and forgot them in two different storms, but you blame that on the president, keep living in your dream world Chom and maybe you will wake up one day.

Booma, do you want me to destroy you again? Well, lets look at what the situation REALLY was, outside of your right wing circles. This was a pretty spot on review I read.

Two pieces of information have become famous in wingnut circles over the last few days, but they are quoted out of context and completely miss the the extent of the preparation the City of New Orleans was undertaking for a hurricane such as Katrina.

The first piece of information the Right Wing Noise Machine is trying to argue is that the City of New Orleans didn't follow its hurricane plan as contained in the The City of New Orleans Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan Annex I: Hurricanes. The second piece of information is that the City of New Orleans had no plan for sheltering its citizens who did not have their own transportation with which to flee with portions of this article from the Times-Picayune from July 24th.

There are several striking bits of information in a series of articles from the Times-Picayune over the last year since Hurricane Ivan was a near miss. Here are a four more articles that capture the major issues the city faced. Click these links to see the full articles over the last year.

One clear conclusion is that the City was acutely aware of the problem of evacuating the poor and others who couldn't get out, but didn't have the resources to do it. Even with the claims on Drudge regarding the buses being available, the reality is the City didn't have 200 bus drivers to volunteer to drive them. The young man who comandeered a school bus was great, but imagine just grabbing two hundred drivers and sending them in heavy traffic to evacuate--the number of problems involving accidents would only make a difficult evacuation harder. City resources were focused on securing the city and moving people within the city to shelters including the Superdome, an action that save innumerable lives and the Times-Picayune agrees. Click here By choosing to move people to a safe site, the City was able to reach far more citizens than if it had simply evacuated people out of the City. With the Contraflow plan under way, there was virtually no way to get buses back into the city after dropping off individuals so any bus trip out of the city would have been a one way trip for a bus.

Most striking despite the attempt to blame the City, is this sentence in the Times-Picayune article

City, state and federal emergency officials are preparing to give the poorest of New Orleans' poor a historically blunt message: In the event of a major hurricane, you're on your own.

That's right--federal emergency officials were a part of the plan. Why? Because everyone understood there was no plausible means to evacuate everyone from the City of New Orleans in the face of a disastrous hurricane.

During Ivan, only 1200 people showed up at the Superdome. During another hurricane about 14,000 took refuge there as well. Since Ivan, the City improved it's plan and had city buses run routes for people without cars to places where other special bus routes ran people to shelters. This time, 20-30,000 people got there. If there was a mistake, it was not designating another shelter of last resort--such as the Convention Center (this would have helped additionally because there would have been some real security planned).

The State and the City were aware that a Mandatory evacuation would still leave at least 100,000 behind. There simply is no infrastructure to solve that problem anywhere in the nation. Knowing that, the City was working to retrofit the Superdome during its rehab to provide exactly the kind of improvements that would have alleviated the suffering--power sources, food storage, and sewage modifications.

Overall though, those who vote have their concerns most addressed and in Ivan's case the contraflow system was very poorly managed causing long delays for those evacuating. The State fixed that plan and those with the means to leave certainly had a lot of traffic to deal with, but it moved relatively fast. The Times-Picayune said average speed was about 45 miles per hour which is not speedy, but fast and orderly for an evacuation.

Those who vote are those people who could evacuate and politicians responded. What's stunning is that even in the case of the worst off, the City of New Orleans still worked to improve the shelter intake and provision system to give a last resort.

What is unbelievable is the federal government didn't have a contingency for evacuating those left in the City after the storm. The problem was known and the City did what it could do to alleviate those concerns and in the long term had plans to alleviate the problems even further. Katrina beat them to it though. Let's make it clear though that with the Hurricane Pam exercise, federal officials fully understood the Superdome was a refuge of last resort and as such would need to be evacuated after a devastating storm.

While Ray Nagin should have called for a mandatory evacuation earlier than he did, he issued the first mandatory evacuation for the City of New Orleans ever and seems to have achieved a higher rate of compliance than any previous evacuation with estimates ranging from 70-80%. His actions to open the Superdome and provide transportation to it saved many lives. The failure was when federal agencies that knew the plan then failed to provide for evacuation of citizens stuck there after a catastrophic natural disaster.

There are going to be thousands of mistakes to identify over the next few years. Everyone in the situation make some understandable mistakes given the breadth of the crisis. Some of those mistaked are not understandable and at a minimum we are seeing a flood of bull**** out of Mike Brown's mouth that seriously questions whether he is in touch with reality. Fire him now. Updated 9/7 10:30 CDT


Debunk the article, not the site.

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I agree. Can someone point out where Stewart was critical of the local and state Govts?

First thing we agree on.

illogical bashing of the President.

There is noting illogical for asking a man to do his job, and not fail. I'd be praising him if this went well, but instead he thought vacation, photo-ops and cake were more important business for him to take care of then the aftermath of Katrina.

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Booma, do you want me to destroy you again? Well, lets look at what the situation REALLY was, outside of your right wing circles. This was a pretty spot on review I read.


Debunk the article, not the site.

Hey Booma, do you feel destroyed now? :laugh:

I find it funny, Chom, that you insult him for not looking out of his "right wing circle" when your ENTIRE ARGUMENT was from a left wing circle.

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I agree. Can someone point out where Stewart was critical of the local and state Govts?

Or how about anyone being critical of Blanco and Nagin other than the quote "right wing meida".

There's plenty of blame to go around, but it seems that what we hear most is illogical bashing of the President.

Illogical bashing? I'm from Virginia, the mayor of NO doesn't answer to me, the Gov of LA doesn't care what I think......but do you know which political leader has an interest in what the entire nation thinks? That's right the man running the entire show. When the President is involved he will ALWAYS command the bulk of the attention and the blame. It's just how it works Kilmer.

Also if you'd like call a senator or a mayor to place a complaint....watch what happens when they learn you aren't from their state or city.

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Booma, do you want me to destroy you again? Well, lets look at what the situation REALLY was, outside of your right wing circles. This was a pretty spot on review I read.


Debunk the article, not the site.

you are quoting an article from a site bill-in-portland-maine :laugh: :laugh:

This is where you are getting all your garbage form, man you are lost.

Chom if you want to do some research then look into this. Find out what happened during Hurricane Isabel. The Mayor and Gov both came to a startling conclusion that when the evacuated NO then, they FORGOT about the poor.

So they created this great plan that the next storm they would mobilize the school buses to try and get them out of NO before the storm. If there was not enough time then they would MOVE THE BUSES to higher ground and then get them out of the ciy.

Why on earth do you think ALL the news media kept showing the flooded buses after the storm. Well Chom it is because they were all supposed to be moved, and were not. Once again not only did the forget about the poor they forgot about the plan to get them out.

Had the at least been able to get the buses to higher ground then you would never have seen the scene at the convention center.

Wake up Chom these are the facts, the facts are the Gov and Mayor both screwed up royaly, so the feds didn't get their in in perfect time. I guess you know how long it takes to mobilize the force needed to help :doh:

The mayor and gov should be fired or step down, it is that simple.

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Hey Booma, do you feel destroyed now? :laugh:

I find it funny, Chom, that you insult him for not looking out of his "right wing circle" when your ENTIRE ARGUMENT was from a left wing circle.

At least Chom has an argument. Why not rise to the challenge and debunk the article and not the site?

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Let's Federalize everything then. From now on, local and state Govts must get permission and approval from the Pres before doing anything.
That's not the point, but what you want is clear....you want a massive federal screw up to not reflect poorly on the President. I'm sorry to say this but too much has gone wrong on his watch. Far too damn much. History is going to be a harsh harsh critic.
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No Des, I want people to place blame squarely where it belongs.

And I dont want an over-reaction to a disaster. It was a massive natural disaster. People have this idea that Govt (state, local, Fed) should have been able to make it all better. I just dont share that belief. A disaster is, by definition, exactly that. A disaster.

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