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Was Reagan the greatest American ever?

Ancalagon the Black

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Yes, it's a condescending article from The Guardian; yes, the poll appears utterly unscientific...but this is good for a laugh or a cheer, I figure.



The greatest American? Lincoln? Einstein? No - it's Ronald Reagan

Jamie Wilson in Washington

Tuesday June 28, 2005


As an actor he had a sidekick called Bonzo. And as politician, he never quite lived down his quip to start bombing Russia in five minutes. But in life Ronald Reagan was forgiven most of his faults, and in death America now regards him as the greatest of them all.

Edging out Abraham Lincoln, the man who abolished slavery and guided the country through civil war, Reagan, the B-movie star whose presidency is commonly regarded as having brought down the Soviet bloc, won the popular vote to be crowned the greatest American ever.

While assassinated civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr came third, just ahead of George Washington, the country's first president and the man considered father of the nation, some of the most notable names in US history - the Nobel prize-winning scientist Albert Einstein; the inventors of the aeroplane, Orville and Wilbur Wright; and the first man to walk on the moon, Neil Armstrong - did not make it into the top 10.

However, George Bush and his predecessor, Bill Clinton, secured sixth and seventh places respectively, while the talk show host Oprah Winfrey can claim the title of greatest American woman after taking ninth spot, just behind Elvis Presley. Reagan, who died last year after a battle with Alzheimer's disease, is often derided in Europe as a cowboy and intellectual lightweight.

Testing his microphone moments before a 1984 radio address, he joked: "My fellow Americans, I'm pleased to tell you today that I've signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes." But his two terms as president heralded an era of unprecedented economic growth and restored pride to a nation still reeling from the Vietnam war. His son, Ron Jr, hinted that his father's recent death may have helped swing the vote.

He told the Discovery Channel: "People remember the funeral ... I'm sure he would be very honoured to be in the company of these great gentlemen." The American public cast more than 2.4m votes by phone, text or email in the poll, organised by the Discovery Channel and AOL.

Voters' top 20

1 Ronald Reagan

2 Abraham Lincoln

3 Martin Luther King Jr

4 George Washington

5 Benjamin Franklin

6 George W Bush

7 Bill Clinton

8 Elvis Presley

9 Oprah Winfrey

10 Franklin D Roosevelt

11 Billy Graham

12 Thomas Jefferson

13 Walt Disney

14 Albert Einstein

15 Thomas Alva Edison

16 John F Kennedy

17 Bob Hope

18 Bill Gates

19 Eleanor Roosevelt

20 Lance Armstrong

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2005

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Originally posted by Leonard Washington

well only 3mil people voted. and i wasn't one of them, so i can't complain. but reagan over g.washington? edison? franklin? MLK? LEONARD WASHINGTON?!?!!? seriously this poll was flawed. :rolleyes:

I'm sure it'll draw flames but MLK probably shouldn't be top 5. But then I thought James Madison should be #1.

Though he shouldn't have won, Reagan won for some of the same reasons Bush and CLinton are even on the list. Bush has yet to carve his place in history and Clinton---well, not a top American, but they're both 'recent.'

Reagan does get some credit because he is recognized as having re-energized the American spirit and sense of optimism and led the West to victory over the Communist bloc. Of course many, especiallly leftists who hated him when he was alive and are loath to give him(or any one) credit for a Cold War "victory," will diminish his accomplishments. In any case, Lincoln gets a nod for ending slavery in the US, but communism and its slave labor and death camps covered the world. In many ways, that can be regarded(since none of these actions was TRULY one man and direct) that it was a greater accomplishment than any of these others(20th century, I mean) The point is that while I don't agree with it, it's not like they named Carrot Top Greatest AMerican either.

In many ways, we can NEVER have a man like THomas Jefferson or George Washington again. Politics has become so divisive, and in a particular way, that even time really can't heal the rift. Reagan got some credit upon his death from some who probably surprised themselves. But he's never going to get the love from Democrats that they reserve for FDR or 'leftists' because he was so anti-leftist.

Politics are such 'packages' now it's hard for anyone to really be that popular across the spectrum.

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No different than a football poll..

The now always trumps the past.. Deion better than Darrell because 1/2 the people never saw Darrell ...

Why would you expect any different. This is the Pro Bowl of names for America.. I'm surprised Bob Hope made it.. Must have got a bunch of old veteran families from the USO days...

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I would like to think of the greatest American ever as a person who supported and held the principals of what made/make this country great.

I agree with Ghost. James Madison is the one who you can thank for most of the freedoms you have in this country. He is the Father of the Constitution and sponsor of the US Bill of Rights.

While I like Reagan he isn't worth the #1 ranking he is recieving. I would put him in the Top 10 though. Abraham Lincoln doesn't deserve to be in the Top 10 IMO considering his dictatorship style tactics during the Civil War.

JP's Top 5 Greatest Americans

1.) James Madison

2.) Thomas Jefferson

3.) MLK

4.) George Washington

5.) FDR

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I think Iran Contra along with the fact he vetoed sanctioning the apartheid South African Government for the sake of maintaining the status quo of free trade would keep him off a "greatest American list".

Was one of the most influential and powerful presidents of our time though.

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I agree, this list is flawed. I am still on the George Washington bandwagon. I think people take him for granted and decide to put others #1 instead. He was not only our first president, but he was the commander-in-chief of the continental army which defeated the British to allow the country to be free.

And Bill Clinton at #7, please.

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Ben Franklin gets my vote.

The first true American. A man who came from nothing and pulled himslef up out of poverty and obscurity to become the most successful, entreprenuerial, famous, wise and honored man of his era. He published papers and magazines and almanacs. He invented stoves and bifocals and public libraries and lightning rods. He helped write and sign the declaration of independence. He helped broker peace with England. He continued to represent his nation and her people until his death at age 84. He was brilliant, innovative and passionate, and embodied the qualities we Americans value most. The first self-made American.

After that, I'd go with John Adams, Abraham Lincoln ... and then the list gets murky.

Reagan? What IS it with Reagan? I realize he an popular President and did some good, but I don't get this love affair some people have with the guy. This rush to name every other building, road or airport after the man and diefy him. I just don't see it.

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Originally posted by Henry

Ben Franklin gets my vote.

The first true American. A man who came from nothing and pulled himslef up out of poverty and obscurity to become the most successful, entreprenuerial, famous, wise and honored man of his era. He published papers and magazines and almanacs. He invented stoves and bifocals and public libraries and lightning rods. He helped write and sign the declaration of independence. He helped broker peace with England. He continued to represent his nation and her people until his death at age 84. He was brilliant, innovative and passionate, and embodied the qualities we Americans value most. The first self-made American.

After that, I'd go with John Adams, Abraham Lincoln ... and then the list gets murky.

Reagan? What IS it with Reagan? I realize he an popular President and did some good, but I don't get this love affair some people have with the guy. This rush to name every other building, road or airport after the man and diefy him. I just don't see it.

I couldn't of said it better.

Franklin's own son decided to stand with England during the war, and Ben took his Grandson from his son, and stood with the Revolution.

Simply....he got it done.

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The 2 that I don't get are Billy Graham and Bill Gates. Gates isn't "great", he's just rich. Isn't Graham just one of those evangelists I flip away from on Sunday mornings? Ehh, maybe I just hate people named Bill.

Reagan shouldn't be #1, but he does deserve a hell of a lot of credit. He was largely responsible for destroying the USSR and everybody hates commies. Clinton and Bush being on this list is just a joke.

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Well, now that Reagan won this contest, maybe he will properly memorialized on some type of building or airport or something. We might even hear talk about putting him on our money!

That answers my question of why Reagan is number one on this list. :obvious:

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