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Official "All Things Sean Taylor" Thread - (MERGED 34X)

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Originally posted by GIBBS LIVES

Sean Taylor isn't as good as Ed Reed. Ed Reed is the best safety in the game bar none! Please don't say that Taylor is as good as Reed. Reed's a leader on his team on and off the field.

No I didnt say that Taylor is better than Reed, but I am saying that he has the POTENTIAL to be just as good as he is, maybe better.

Geez GL why are you so pissed off??? I know you got fire in the belly and all, but relax man the FO will get it right.:cheers:

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Originally posted by GIBBS LIVES

Screw talent! What good is talent locked up in a jail cell? There have been a whole lot of players with supposed "talent". It's about what you do on and off the field. And Taylor has done way more negative stuff off the field then he's done on the field.

Remember, this is the same guy who's been ducking Gibbs up to this point!!!! Even if this incident never happened, Taylor is still a waste. He's ducking Joe Gibbs telephone calls!!!!!

He's holding out for a new contract after he was given state of the art money for where he was drafted!!!

Screw "potential"!!!!!!!!! Do it on and off the field!!!! FOR A 5TH OVERALL PICK, YOU HAVE TO DO IT ON AND OFF THE FIELD!!

OK its obvious you are psychic since you KNEW Taylor would get into trouble. My question is this, who would you have taken with the #5 pick? Please don't ignore my question like you did the first one.

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Originally posted by GIBBS LIVES

The bad decisions the FO makes has a ripple effect thru the years. The bad decisions to draft a safty 5th overall in 2004 is being felt in the 2005-06 season.

Totally irrelevant!! How does his draft position have anything to do with it??? He could have been Mr. Irrelevant and still gone down to Florida and shot a gun! You need to reevaluate your position man.......and stop using hindsight as your main argument, because its ridiculous. Of course your hindsight is 100% correct! :doh:

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Originally posted by jimster

for one, we don't have a GM, much like many other teams are set up, two of which were in the Superbowl last year.

Now, when Bethard and Gibbs were both here, they worked TOGETHER, just like the current structure of the current FO.

However when Bethard and Gibbs were together, they had many, many blood and knuckles diagreements, to the point there were reports prior to Bethard leaving, that Cooke was going to have to fire one or the other.

Bethard found a job in San Diego where he had complete control, but being the sole decision maker made alot of bad decisons himself (Ryan Leaf). He hired old MD head coach Bobby Ross and got to a Superbowl, but when Bobby Ross wanted more control guess what happened? Bobby Ross got sent packing, then he hired Kevin Gilbride, then June Jones, then Mike Riley and had a decade in the cellar.

So what does that mean? Bethard was a part of the success, not the reason.

Bethard was replaced by Casserly and we still went to another Superbowl.

BTW, when you complain about Snyder's height you totally discredit yourself in an intelligent debate.

You are the type of poster who is looking for an out because you can't handle the conversation. There has been only one team to ever win a SB without a GM and that is the Denver Broncos! Shanahan is now even under scrutiny because he hasn't won a playoff game since Elway was there!

The Patriots have a GM. I can't think of his name off the top of my head but I believe it starts with an O. I can just visualize his face.

And I called Snyder "baby Nepoleon" for the way he pushes his will on people when in fact he knows nothing about football. If Snyder were the real redskins fan he claims to be, then he would look at history and see how many teams have won a SB without a GM and then go out and hire a real GM. Snyder isn't a GM. Joe Gibbs (bless his heart) isn't a GM. And in the back of your mind and heart, you know I'm telling the truth.

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*Three Time Convicted Violent Felons

*Drug Traffickers

*Aggravated Assaults/Batteries on Law Enforcement Officers or an Elderly Person

*Repeat Sexual Batterers

*Pull a Gun - Mandatory 10 Years

*Pull the Trigger - Mandatory 20 Years

*Shoot Someone - 25 Years to Life (whether they live or die)

Does the judge have any lee-way? I mean, can Taylor plead to a lesser offense and avoid the above laws or does Florida law not allow a defendant to plead to a lesser offense and avoid the above punishment? If the law doesn't allow the defendant to plea down to a lesser offense, Taylor could be gone.

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Originally posted by GIBBS LIVES

Sean Taylor isn't as good as Ed Reed. Ed Reed is the best safety in the game bar none! Please don't say that Taylor is as good as Reed. Reed's a leader on his team on and off the field.

I dont think that anyone is trying to say that Sean Taylor is a better safety than Ed Reed. But I think that everyone would agree and hopefully you will also that Sean Taylor is a better athlete and has potential to be the best safety ever.
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Originally posted by Doozinbrah

See my problem with your statement is you are assuming he fired the gun. Second you assume he was intending on killing someone. Lets wait for the FACTS before assuming anything. Give me a link that says he did both, not just speculation and I will take back what I have said.

You'll notice that in my post I used the word "allegedly" in regard to Taylor actually firing the gun.

But nonetheless, it certainly appears that he did fire the gun, even though the incident is still labeled alleged. First, enough evidence was found for the police to arrest Taylor; that says enough right there. If Taylor did not fire a gun, then the police would be relying solely on the testimony from the alleged victim or witnesses (though I highly doubt there were any, but with Taylor, you never know; He's liable to open fire on a guy with a crowd of ten police officers). I'm no police man and I know just about nothing about law, but I think I know enough to assume that the police don't arrest people based on a single testimony, certainly not with aggrevated assault, a felony crime.

Second, a nearby car was damaged by bullet holes. This might, just might, imply that a gun was fired?


I'm not saying Taylor did or did not fire a gun. All indications are that he did, however, and you can't deny that.

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Originally posted by Fred Jones

Does the judge have any lee-way? I mean, can Taylor plead to a lesser offense and avoid the above laws or does Florida law not allow a defendant to plead to a lesser offense and avoid the above punishment? If the law doesn't allow the defendant to plea down to a lesser offense, Taylor could be gone.

It certainly appears as if there is no lee-way... but I don't know, I'm not a lawyer and certainly not one in Florida.

Let's hope it isn't as mandatory as it looks like.

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Originally posted by jrockster77

Totally irrelevant!! How does his draft position have anything to do with it??? He could have been Mr. Irrelevant and still gone down to Florida and shot a gun! You need to reevaluate your position man.......and stop using hindsight as your main argument, because its ridiculous. Of course your hindsight is 100% correct! :doh:

It's not irrelevant. I'ts about doing what your suppose to do.

If the skins had traded down and addressed the D-line like they were suppose to, they wouldn't be in this mess! The kid was holding out and ducking Joe Gibbs calls BEFORE this gun thing happened!

When you were little jrockster, did you ever do something that you weren't suppose to do and something bad happened? When your parents found out about it jrockster, didn't your parents say, " See..if you had done what I told you to do, this wouldn't have happened?" This is the same thing.

If the skins FO had done what they were suppose to do and pass on Taylor and KW2 and address their areas of need on the D-line and at CB they wouldn't be dealing with this Taylor fiasco now.

We could have addressed the safty positon in the 2nd or 3rd round with picks we could have in fact picked up from the Browns.

That's my point.

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Originally posted by GIBBS LIVES

People who call stuff after the fact are not noteworthy.

If you say it beforhand then there is validity to your statements.

My statements about Taylor were made before the 2004 draft ( I didn't want KW2 or Taylor) and I stand by them now.

Well then, why did you say this??

Sorry. I called this right after the draft.

You don't take a safety 5th overall in any draft.

Ummmm....can you say bullsh!t?? :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by flexxskins

I dont think that anyone is trying to say that Sean Taylor is a better safety than Ed Reed. But I think that everyone would agree and hopefully you will also that Sean Taylor is a better athlete and has potential to be the best safety ever.

I don't need " the best safety ever" to win a SB. That's my point also.

Was John Lynch the best safety ever? Was Woodson (Ravens SB safety) the best safety ever?

You don't need a superstud at safety to win a SB. So taking a safety 5th overall was a waste.


And I doubt if Arrington will either. These two guys are premodonna players that only upset and keep the team off balance. These are selfish players that only think of themselves.

Taylor will price himself right out of DC soon enough. Write it down.

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Originally posted by GIBBS LIVES

The Patriots have a GM. I can't think of his name off the top of my head but I believe it starts with an O. I can just visualize his face.

Scott Pioli. I think what jimster was trying to say is that in NE, the setup is similar to the way it is in DC. True, they have a GM, but the draft picks and personnell moves are by committee. Belichek, Pioli and the owner get together and make decisions, if I remember correctly.

And I called Snyder "baby Nepoleon" for the way he pushes his will on people when in fact he knows nothing about football. If Snyder were the real redskins fan he claims to be, then he would look at history and see how many teams have won a SB without a GM and then go out and hire a real GM. Snyder isn't a GM. Joe Gibbs (bless his heart) isn't a GM. And in the back of your mind and heart, you know I'm telling the truth.

A Napoleon complex is when you are short and push your will on people that are bigger than you because you feel inadequate, and thus you would be making fun of his height. Probably not what you intended to do, but that's what it means. Napoleon actually knew a whole lot about warfare, contrary to what you suggest.

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As someone just mentioned, YOU DO NOT NEED A GM to be a successful NFL team.

GIBBS_LIVES, you are trying to speak in absolutes: That we need a GM to be a winning team, and you don't take safeties in the first round. Well, guess what, you CAN win without a GM and you CAN take a good safety in the first round. So both of your premises are incorrect. Woah, just like Gibbs, you are not infalliable as well!

I think you're a little bit too gleeful about the situation (in a HAHAHA, I TOLD YOU manner). Yes, that is trollish. There is a point when you get your idea out, and there it is. Everyone is not going to be on your side and your POV.

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Originally posted by GIBBS LIVES

I don't need " the best safety ever" to win a SB. That's my point also.

Was John Lynch the best safety ever? Was Woodson (Ravens SB safety) the best safety ever?

You don't need a superstud at safety to win a SB. So taking a safety 5th overall was a waste.


And I doubt if Arrington will either. These two guys are premodonna players that only upset and keep the team off balance. These are selfish players that only think of themselves.

Taylor will price himself right out of DC soon enough. Write it down.

Rod Woodson is one of the best safeties to ever play the game, yes. And if you read my previous post, he was selected #10 overall. Kind of shoots a hole in your theory, huh?

And its not about needing the best safety ever to win a SB; its simply about having the best safety ever on your team. Do you think that Ronnie Lott was an integral part of the 49ers dominance over the years?

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Originally posted by GIBBS LIVES

But at the same time, he isn't a GM. He stinks at it. You are forgetting that we were great when we had Bobby Beathard! A GM.

Now we have Gibbs and in the shadows, baby Nepoleon Snyder as our GM.

And we wonder why we haven't been doing so well the last five years?

Yeah and of course the Redskins organization was doing a real bang up good job prior to 1999.:rolleyes:

It's all Dan Snyder's fault. Yeah right.

Besides falling in love with Brunell, name one mistake Gibbs the GM has made? Every single player he brought in last year played either good or great. The moves made this offseason cannot be critiqued until we get into the season.

Sean Taylor was/is a proteges talent. THERE HAS NEVER BEEN A PLAYER WITH HIS TALENT/SIZE COMBO EVER. He was not only a fantastic pick at #5, we stole him. What has happened since then , off the field has been all Sean Taylor's doing, there was nothing in his history to scare off the Skins. Because trust me, if there were something, we'd know about. Remember what happened to Fred Smoot over one marijuana cigarette? Or how about Warren Sapp?

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How the heck do YOU know that???? You don't.

Also, you are acting is if we had picked Udze, all would have been well. For all we know, he would have tripped during training camp and torn his MCL. We have no idea what would have happened.

Unless you can show me your crystal ball, you don't know either.

And, judging by your lack of reply, no, you don't know as much about football then Gibbs and Williams. You're just a layman like the rest of us.

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Originally posted by Doozinbrah

OK its obvious you are psychic since you KNEW Taylor would get into trouble. My question is this, who would you have taken with the #5 pick? Please don't ignore my question like you did the first one.

Okay I'll answer your question but you've got to calm down. Just because I don't spout the company line isn't a reason to get mad.

Here is what happened at the draft according to Gibbs and the Cleavland Browns:

The Browns offered the redskins the 6th overall pick as well as their high 2nd round pick for the skins 5th overall pick. This is not rumor. This is fact!!

The skins should have taken the deal. Then the skins would have been in position to either take Udeze or Wilfolk or trade down and take either one of them while acquiring an additional draft picks. That's all. But Gibbs and Williams were exfixated on Taylor so much, they ignored what was clearly the better deal for the team.

The second round pick that the Browns had, turned out to be Sean Jones who was the second highest rated safty in the draft!

The skins could have still had a great safety, as well as help on the D-line too. Minus the drama!!!!!!!!

Thanks for asking.

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