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Number 44

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  1. https://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/shutdown-corner/fan-leaves-hilarious-request-obituary-cleveland-browns-players-171814322.html
  2. 2a. A false start shall be deemed to have occurred on any play that has resulted in either a first down or a touchdown by the Washington franchise, unless a more severe penalty has already been invented.
  3. I disagree. First, I think it can be argued that Taylor should have caught the snap. It appears to be at about his eye level. Looks higher at first blush because Taylor knocked it way up in the air. Second, he had time and got himself set for that throw, and clearly saw Dotson. But, third, he failed to lead Dotson, who had a step or two on the defender. Dotson had to come to a stop because of Taylor's inaccurate throw, allowing the defender to catch up and step in front. Should have been a TD with an NFL QB passing, and should have been a pick, once the poor pass occurred.
  4. Helmet if down in a stance, foot if standing. Really, refs aren't anal about it as far as the WR is concerned. I'm telling you that penalty was total BS. Notice above, gruden said the same thing. It's just not done. That ref cheated. No way around it.
  5. Actually, the tackle's hips. The guard has to be at least up to the center's hips, the tackle to the guard's hips, and the end (whether wide or tight) to the tackles hips. That's why sometimes the line will almost look like a "V".
  6. Yes, it is. Terry checked with him. That was clear to see, unless you think Terry asked him where he's going after the game. It isn't all that easy sometimes to line up properly when split wide. The ref will definitely answer you when asked, and do it honestly. The guy lied to Terry and then couldn't wait to throw the flag. Blatant. Despicable. The guy needs to be fired for such an act. I'm a ref, and I'm telling you the wide-out checking with the linesman is the norm in football. I've never seen such a thing. Ever. As far as I'm concerned, these refs weren't mistaken. They made these bogus calls/non-calls on purpose. Hate to say it, but it is impossible for me to believe these were mere misses. They simply weren't the type of plays/calls where such a miss could happen. They were clear and obvious, with no distraction. Someone brought up the Sweat facemask in the PHI game. No one saw the facemask when it happened. The reason is the runner fumbled the ball just before the facemask occurred. Everyone, including the refs, were focused on the ball. We only noticed the facemask when looking at the replay. Heck, even the runner wasn't screaming for a facemask call when it happened. Things like that happen. Any ref is going to miss a call here and there. Screened out, imperfect angle, or some type of distraction (like the PHI fumble) cause that to happen sometimes. But these flagrant BS calls - all in favor of the same team? Sorry. No. Complaining about the refs tends to sound like sour grapes, but, man, when the refs clearly and deliberately change the outcome of several key plays all in favor of one team over the other, staying silent is the wrong course of action. Something must be said - or it will keep happening.
  7. Glad it's a nationally televised game. Refs will likely have to hold themselves to only 2 or 3 bogus calls with everyone watching.
  8. I don't think this is right. 8-5 would be a half-game lead over 7-5.
  9. 4 points stolen. Other refs reminded the guy that initially made the obvious call that it was the Giants on defense, not Washington, so flag was picked up. Roller derby refs.
  10. Happy to see that after chasing for a long time the Commanders finally caught their Wildgoose. (Sorry, somebody had to do it. 🙂)
  11. Seems like the Commanders should receive a Commissioners Exemption for Robinson.
  12. That sure TD from Howell that he dropped was unacceptable. He turned his head several times to look at the safety rather than concentrate on the football. He's too afraid of getting hit, imo.
  13. This sounds well and good on the surface, but I'm not so sure that tax revenue is typically the primary source of funds for a municipal stadium construction project. Seems to me funding sources such as bond sales and a special scratch off lottery are more likely for such a project than tax dollars. It seems worthwhile to me to at least commission a study to look into various funding sources and potential revenue streams from a municipal stadium such as the Commanders' lease, concerts, and other sporting events, including parking and concession income from all these potential events. I would think such a study would make more sense than to simply reject the idea willy-nilly based on a reluctance to spend tax dollars. Now, perhaps the various jurisdictions have all completed such studies, I don't know.
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