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Number 44

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Everything posted by Number 44

  1. Yeah, by watching what espn and nfl network show on Wentz, you'd think he had 27 interceptions and 7 TDs, rather than the other way around. They show all 7 of his interceptions over and over. The guy threw seven interceptions. Seven.
  2. As I've been saying for the last 20 years, I'm going to give up red meat and ice cream tomorrow.
  3. So naturally, he was drafted 6th. They were all wrong. 🙂
  4. Also, a lot of experienced NFL QBs changed teams, so teams that might have been in the market for a QB in the draft filled their QB spot without needing to draft one. I don't ever remember so many experienced QBs going to a new team in any one year before. I think that played a big roll in what happened in the draft as far as QBs are concerned.
  5. Seems to me that we have to include Wentz when evaluating this year's draft... A.
  6. Trade with Carolina makes more sense now. If Howell was the pick and we felt no other team would pick him in the 4th, we basically traded a 6th rounder for a 5th rounder.
  7. I think we already knew that Ron liked the Ohio State receivers. What I picked up from this interview wasn't that, but rather his "hint" was that he saw one or more DBs that were able to "stick with this guy." I think he's saying that that there is another team's CB or S that he saw in the Ohio State receiver tapes that impressed him. Maybe I misheard what he was saying, but that's what it sounded like to me.
  8. I think that you may be reading too much into his visit to Cincinnati. IIRC, he was already in Columbus, Ohio for the Ohio State pro day the day before - and there are several Cincinnati players worth taking a look at. Besides, the odds of Sauce being there at 11 aren't very high. Yeah, I'd love for Sauce to be our guy, but I just don't see it happening..
  9. Agree Metchie gets open. I just wish he didn't drop passes. Seems like he dropped a big one just about every Alabama game I saw.
  10. Come on, not like WR. We are 0-fer at picking a WR in round 1 since 1980. 42 years. Of course misses happen at all positions, but WR has burned us longer than my grown children have been alive. It would be different if there was a guy that seems like a sure-fire #1, but there isn't. A lot of WRs that look like they could be good, but none great. As I said, the USC guy is worth a look, if he somehow lasts until #11, but I'd prefer all of the guys I listed over him, and at least one from my list is almost sure to be there at #11. To each his own, but I wouldn't be overjoyed if we took a WR at 11. Get one that is pretty much just as good in round 2 if you must. Heck, I'm not even sold on Dyami Brown not working out. I think with Wentz throwing the ball, Dyami may just break out. If we do take a WR at #11, I'll initially think it was a mistake, but I'll be rooting for him to succeed as if it was my idea all along. I'm just a guy with an opinion and a keyboard, but still a Redsk... uh Commander fan all the way.
  11. Of course, but I can't help feeling nervous about it, given the experiences of the past.
  12. Memories of Desmond Howard, Michael Westbrook, and Josh Doctson make me very nervous about taking a WR with #11. Art Monk is the only guy that comes to mind as being a successful WR that we've gotten in round 1 (and IIRC he was actually a RB at Syracuse.) Man, if Lloyd, Sauce, Hamilton, Cross, or Stingley is there at #11, I'd feel better with any of those over a WR, except maybe London - and I'm not even sure about him over the guys I listed. It seems likely to me that a WR that is pretty much as good as the guys available at #11 there at $47. Pickens? Watson? Maybe even Williams if teams are worried about his injury.
  13. Is Detroit just one or two players away? It takes two to tango, as they say, and a trade scenario has to make logical sense for both teams to come to fruition. I'm not very familiar with the Lions, but I know they were bad last year. I'm guessing that they may prefer to keep the 3 picks you're talking about than go after #11. I don't think the Commanders would regret not making a trade that wasn't really there to begin with. Hey, if the Lions feel that the guy they would get at #11 is the missing piece they need to win the division, great! I just have my doubts, though.
  14. I hear what you're saying, but it seems to me that Green Bay probably sees us as a team that may be competition for drafting one of those guys. I think it would be more likely for them to try to work a trade with a team drafting in front of us to get one of those guys if that is their aim. That just seems more realistic to me than for the Packers to hope they can work a deal with us.
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