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Number 44

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Everything posted by Number 44

  1. Bergeron? If we get one of the CB or TE at 16, Bergeron may be the best T available at 47, IMO.
  2. I don't think the compensation would be a first round pick. I read somewhere that it would be a third.
  3. Don't see why the Rams would do that. They need to reduce salary, and are undoubtedly looking for draft picks for Ramsey.
  4. Well, I'm pretty sure that he won't be hiring LeSean McCoy. 😄
  5. I went to a Federals game one time. They played the Oklahoma Outlaws, who were quarterbacked by Doug Williams They were giving t-shirts to the first 10,000 fans. At halftime they announced that next week they'd be giving t-shirts to the first 8,000 fans.
  6. Agreed. When those rules were put in place, the $1.1 billion borrowing limit was half or more of the sales price. Really odd to me that they put a dollar limit on borrowing, rather than a percentage of sales price limit. And they have a percentage of sales price limit on the lead investor's equity stake, which also seems odd, rather than a dollar limit. They seem to have reversed the two methods of arriving at the limit figures from what would make the most sense, as team values increase. It is counter-intuitive, and goes against the owners' own interests, IMO.
  7. There was a time that pushing your ball carrier from behind was against the rules. I wonder why they changed it.
  8. I don't disagree with you, but this phrase made me chuckle. 😄
  9. Thanks, but it sure doesn't clear it up. Why are the Chiefs "done with him?" That isn't a ringing endorsement, is it? It just seems weird.
  10. The whole Bienemy thing has me confused, anyway. I mean, he's the Chiefs' OC, right? Why would he be interviewing for OC jobs elsewhere? The Chiefs are in the Super Bowl and figure to contend for the Super Bowl for the foreseeable future, for crying out loud. What OC job would be better? And why would the Chiefs gladly allow other teams to interview him for a lateral move? Makes no sense, unless both Bienemy and the Chiefs aren't super-happy with the way things are. What's the story? Is this something that we want to get involved with? What am I missing?
  11. Thinking about placing a wager on this game. Is there any way to find out which team this ref crew has their money on?
  12. Why? Can Roman block? I'm kidding, of course, but it seems to me that if we don't make real improvements to the OL, it won't matter who the OC is.
  13. That Saints trade doesn't look right. They moved up 13 spots PLUS got a future 1st rounder for pick #147? If so, that's about the best trade I've ever seen for the Saints and about the worst I've ever seen for whoever the other team was. Seems like it would make more sense for the Saints to be the team giving up the future first. Speaking of the Saints, our trade with them last year (#11 for #16, #98, and #120) is somewhat comparable.to a potential trade-down deal for us this year.
  14. Seems to me I did see that movie, but I don't remember much about it, other than it was about magicians. So, what happened?
  15. Yeah, I always wonder what happens health-wise to the drunk guys you see on tv in bitter cold weather in places like Buffalo wearing nothing on their upper bodies other than paint. I don't care how accustomed to cold weather you are, you just can't be outside for hours with nothing on in weather like that.
  16. That's fine. I'm not making any judgments here, just saying the various motivations are real, and they each carry different weight for different people. I was once offered a position in Pakistan. The offer included life-changing money for me. I opted against accepting the offer, as it seemed to me that the changes in my life that the move to Pakistan would represent wasn't worth the changes the money might bring. Not everyone would agree, and that's OK.
  17. Three reasons for a kid to play the bowl game: 1. The school has met it's part of the bargain and given the kid the opportunity for an education, as well as coaching and exposure to an NFL opportunity. Seems like the right thing to do. 2. Teammates. 3. Forty years from now, what memories will matter the most? One reason to not play: 1. Risk of injury that might cost the player big bucks and/or a career. Tough call.
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