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Rogue Jedi

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Everything posted by Rogue Jedi

  1. Honestly, this has been all what’s been on my mind since the NZ massacre, and I’ve been losing a lot of sleep with all the anxiety it gives me. Some of you on the older side (and I mean with the least offense as possible) don’t quite understand how the internet and social media has changed the game. This white nationalism idea is spreading wider and faster than before. I snooped sites like reddit and 4chan to only be completely shocked at the response. People on their were cheering and calling the psycho a hero for their cause. For those not familiar, 4chan is a image board site that had humble beginnings with people into anime and video games, but over time basically became a white nationalist alt-right site. The unique aspect of this site is that it is usually unmoderated and posts are anonymous. This site probably had the most uploads of the live stream of the massacre since everything is basically allowed, and the posts of people gleefully mocking the victims being murdered was sickening. Those people basically view this as a signal, and are preparing for war. 4chan is public. I can’t imagine what’s going on the dark web that we don’t have access to. What scares me most about this possible civil war is that nihilists all around will use this as an opportunity to “cleanse” as many minorities as possible. My family is of muslim descent (I’m pretty agnostic), and they don’t believe in owning firearms or weapons of any kind, so we have really no way of defending ourselves. It’s not my safety that I’m concerned about as much as it is my parents. They’ve given back so much to the community through charities and blood donations, whether it be for disaster relief like Katrina and 9/11, and worked really hard to give me and my sister an upper middle class life in Nothern Va after coming here and starting from the bottom. Quite frankly, they are just really kind and good people and they don’t deserve to go out like that, but they are old and defenseless. Who will they turn to? There’s rumors the police and army are infiltrated with people like this, and if **** hits the fan, who will protect them? Sorry for the long post, this **** is eating my brain and it feels like I’m losing my sanity. I had to just get some of it out. To end on a lighter note, I hope both sides have enough decency to holster their weapons till the final Game of Thrones episode.
  2. Same, except the kids part. I've been a retail guy for a while and had odd shifts were it used to be easier to smoke whenever, but as of a month a ago, I started a professional job. I commute from Centreville, VA to D.C., so I have to get up early for the commute. Just too exhausted by 8 pm to use. But TGIF.
  3. And the conservatives on this board think arming every citizen is somehow a logical, fool-proof solution... "If everyone had a gun this wouldn't happen." "They were in a liberal gun-free zone."
  4. It's worded exactly how I intended. Those that get it, get it, and I think you do too.
  5. What the most troubling thing to me is that the guy fired at police officers and was still taken alive.
  6. This country is insane. My parents immigrated from Pakistan to here in the 70's. If they had the gift of foresight they probably would've chose somewhere else like Canada or Sweden. Now I'm stuck here, because moving to a different country is not easy, and I'm going to have to raise my children in this bloodbath of a country. Too much hate (from one particular side) has people scared. Being Jewish or Muslim here is living with a bullseye on your back.
  7. Dont know why your singleing out 2001, but this franchise has sucked since 1993. Every uniform combo is loser combo at this point.
  8. Supposedly between ep 3 and 4 Vader and the emperor hunt down and kill all the remaining Jedi. That would be a good place to start for a Vader solo film
  9. I like the gold jerseys a lot, but I understand the notion that Gold on Gold would be too much in-your-face. However, I think Gold tops with our current white bottoms would look like a sweet alternate. Show some balls for a change, Snyder/Allen I will admit I have 0 photoshop skills, so Madden is the only way I can show you what I mean,
  10. Unfortunately, our design/color scheme doesn’t leave all that much for creativity as the Jags/Browns. Been fighting for us to get a more modern update for quite some time, but it’s not gonna happen under Snyder/Allen, who preach “tradition”
  11. The gold pants will forever remind me of Bruce Allen. When he got here he made the switch to honor his daddy’s team. The sooner he gets canned the better
  12. That was a pretty heinous crime, weird how that never gets much media coverage
  13. D.C. is a whole lot bigger than Charlottesville. I'm sure they'll be met with a much higher number of counter-protestors. If anyone's going, be smart, be safe.
  14. Is this Portugal vs Morocco match worth watching or is Ronaldo gonna make minced meat of them?
  15. My concern with the doomsday scenario is what side will the police/military be fighting for? The answer to that is what will ultimately determine the outcome
  16. Now now, this is supposed to be a fun thread, let’s all play nice
  17. I am getting super pumped about Infinity War. IMO my favorite Marvel movies have been (in no specific order): Thor: Ragnorok Spider-Man: Homecoming Captain America: The Winter Soldier Black Panther Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol. 1 Captain America: Civil War Infinity War doesn't have to be better than all those, but as long as it's in the same league as those movies... we're in for a real treat.
  18. I mean this is all wishful thinking though, right? No way in hell our uniform is gonna change under Snyder or Allen. Even if Bruce Allen gets canned, Snyder will just revert to his boyhood "memories" uniform combo. Innovation and change isn't exactly these guys' mantra.
  19. This may shock some of you, but I watched Rocky (the original) for the first time last night. I don't know why I put it off for so long. Maybe because I assumed it was your typical over-hyped boxing movie, or that Philly fans have such a hard on for it that it turned me off, but after seeing it I realized what I was missing. This movie is about more than just boxing. Actually, I believe that 90% of it isn't about boxing. It had to be complete fate that I watched this movie for the first time at this point in my life. I am 29 years old, and in sort of a down-in-my-luck point in life. The fact that Rocky is 29 years old in this film and in similar predicaments really screamed out right at me through my television, and almost brought me to near tears towards the end. Again, I could not believe the odds of seeing this for the first time at this stage in my life. "If I can go the distance, and that bell rings, and I'm still standing, I'm gonna know for the first time in my life that I weren't just another bum from the neighborhood." - That line hit me like a freight train. This movie deserves all the accolades and acclaim. It's a masterpiece, and it changed my life. Probably will end up on my top 5 all-time list. OK, end of my personal sob story. And one more thing, "ADRIAAAAAAN!!!"
  20. I feel the spear on the helmet is a much more intimidating look, especially in such a violent sport such as american football. Go with the spear logo, a more modern scheme of burgundy and gold and less busy sleeves as stated above. Forgive me for the cliché, but it would definitely be more "cooler". Yeah, call me a millennial all you want, but Snyder/Allen ain't doing any favors generating new fans and creating excitement with their "tradition".
  21. Our uniforms need a complete overhaul. It's time to bring this team into the 2020's, not stuck in the 1970's.
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