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Rogue Jedi

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Everything posted by Rogue Jedi

  1. Dang DJax at 32 yo still just a hair faster than McLaurin. Makes me think 22 yo DJax was probably hittin 23-24 mph.
  2. I have one of the first Master Replicas FX that I bought way back in 2002. Specifically the Luke ESB one. The problem with these are that they don't have removable blades, and are very fragile. Also, the "off-brand" ones have much brighter LED's, are "duel-worthy", and have superior sound quality/motion detection. I've been doing research since about 2002....
  3. I'm going for a darth maul build, but not quite as complex as this: There's empty hilts available online, and I'm reading tutorials on circuit soldering and wiring. If I can pull something like this off, I'd be ecstatic. I'm not a virgin, i swear!
  4. The glaring issue I see with the whole Dark Rey being a vision/dream is the lightsaber. They wouldn't construct a lightsaber with such a major feature like being attached on hinge just for a dream sequence. To me, it basically narrows it down to three possibilities in order of most likely: 1. A clone 2. Rey is possessed (Palp?) 3. She turns to the Dark Side. On a side note; Anyone here into saber building? Been long time major geek fantasy of mine, and I've been researching for years whether to outright buy one from the major sellers, or building my own. I'm leaning towards the latter, but it requires soldering and electrical knowledge. Wondering if anyone here can be of assistance?
  5. The issue is that by waiting 2 years for the final season, the fans had all time to form the most crackpot theories I’ve ever seen on the internet. Inevitably they’ll be disappointed as the show wraps up. According to the Reddit theories, every major character is Arya after she takes their faces. Dany is Arya, Sansa is Arya, Bronn is Arya, Jon is Arya, Hot Pie is Arya... etc
  6. Anyone disappointed with Bronn’s arc? He started out as one of my favorite side characters, and I envisioned him having a similar trajectory as Han Solo - in it for the money before he makes new friends and finds a new purpose. He had great chemistry with the Lannister bros, and maybe even formed a friendship, but that scene last night... really threw me off. I envisioned him joining the fight against the AotD, after seeing the realm is more important than family squabble, but he didn’t end up making it until last nights episode. I understand he is frustrated with getting shafted on promises, but if what he’s owed is all that’s important, that’s just.... lame.
  7. Yeah I read that article, and the fact that white nationalists have infiltrated right wing media should come as a shock to no one. But that McHugh chick can get bent. She seemed to change her tune only because of her employment opportunities dwindled, not because she suddenly disavowed white nationalism and racist rhetoric. Too bad, so sad.
  8. Thats what worries me. A single match can burn the house down. And it’s quite evident this administration doesn’t seem to take the threat seriously
  9. Honestly, this has been all what’s been on my mind since the NZ massacre, and I’ve been losing a lot of sleep with all the anxiety it gives me. Some of you on the older side (and I mean with the least offense as possible) don’t quite understand how the internet and social media has changed the game. This white nationalism idea is spreading wider and faster than before. I snooped sites like reddit and 4chan to only be completely shocked at the response. People on their were cheering and calling the psycho a hero for their cause. For those not familiar, 4chan is a image board site that had humble beginnings with people into anime and video games, but over time basically became a white nationalist alt-right site. The unique aspect of this site is that it is usually unmoderated and posts are anonymous. This site probably had the most uploads of the live stream of the massacre since everything is basically allowed, and the posts of people gleefully mocking the victims being murdered was sickening. Those people basically view this as a signal, and are preparing for war. 4chan is public. I can’t imagine what’s going on the dark web that we don’t have access to. What scares me most about this possible civil war is that nihilists all around will use this as an opportunity to “cleanse” as many minorities as possible. My family is of muslim descent (I’m pretty agnostic), and they don’t believe in owning firearms or weapons of any kind, so we have really no way of defending ourselves. It’s not my safety that I’m concerned about as much as it is my parents. They’ve given back so much to the community through charities and blood donations, whether it be for disaster relief like Katrina and 9/11, and worked really hard to give me and my sister an upper middle class life in Nothern Va after coming here and starting from the bottom. Quite frankly, they are just really kind and good people and they don’t deserve to go out like that, but they are old and defenseless. Who will they turn to? There’s rumors the police and army are infiltrated with people like this, and if **** hits the fan, who will protect them? Sorry for the long post, this **** is eating my brain and it feels like I’m losing my sanity. I had to just get some of it out. To end on a lighter note, I hope both sides have enough decency to holster their weapons till the final Game of Thrones episode.
  10. Same, except the kids part. I've been a retail guy for a while and had odd shifts were it used to be easier to smoke whenever, but as of a month a ago, I started a professional job. I commute from Centreville, VA to D.C., so I have to get up early for the commute. Just too exhausted by 8 pm to use. But TGIF.
  11. And the conservatives on this board think arming every citizen is somehow a logical, fool-proof solution... "If everyone had a gun this wouldn't happen." "They were in a liberal gun-free zone."
  12. It's worded exactly how I intended. Those that get it, get it, and I think you do too.
  13. What the most troubling thing to me is that the guy fired at police officers and was still taken alive.
  14. This country is insane. My parents immigrated from Pakistan to here in the 70's. If they had the gift of foresight they probably would've chose somewhere else like Canada or Sweden. Now I'm stuck here, because moving to a different country is not easy, and I'm going to have to raise my children in this bloodbath of a country. Too much hate (from one particular side) has people scared. Being Jewish or Muslim here is living with a bullseye on your back.
  15. Dont know why your singleing out 2001, but this franchise has sucked since 1993. Every uniform combo is loser combo at this point.
  16. Supposedly between ep 3 and 4 Vader and the emperor hunt down and kill all the remaining Jedi. That would be a good place to start for a Vader solo film
  17. I like the gold jerseys a lot, but I understand the notion that Gold on Gold would be too much in-your-face. However, I think Gold tops with our current white bottoms would look like a sweet alternate. Show some balls for a change, Snyder/Allen I will admit I have 0 photoshop skills, so Madden is the only way I can show you what I mean,
  18. Honestly, no point in changing anything right now. This offense can move the ball with or without production from the WRs. Between Reed/Davis/Crowder/AP/CT we have plenty of weapons. Just wait till the offseason/draft for some upgrades
  19. Unfortunately, our design/color scheme doesn’t leave all that much for creativity as the Jags/Browns. Been fighting for us to get a more modern update for quite some time, but it’s not gonna happen under Snyder/Allen, who preach “tradition”
  20. The gold pants will forever remind me of Bruce Allen. When he got here he made the switch to honor his daddy’s team. The sooner he gets canned the better
  21. Same. Can't believe so many people on here claimed he was just a one trick pony and one-dimensional. His production could easily be replaced. Yeah right. The dude has arguably been the best deep threat in football since Randy Moss retired. His ability to track deep passes and adjust was second-to-none. That's a skill not many fast guys have. Not to mention he runs excellent sharp routes that break CB's ankles. Big mistake letting him go.
  22. Nice. Let's make are worthless receiving corp better by adding another worthless receiver.
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