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Rogue Jedi

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Everything posted by Rogue Jedi

  1. Fuller at least amassed 10 TDs in 3 years. Doctson will hit that mark in another 3
  2. It's only been one game and I see a lot of people are already giving up on Docston. Nevermind he had arguably the best CB in football on him all game. Say what you will, but if opposing defensive coordinators put Patrick Peterson on Docston, that means they at least respect his physical ability. Let's see how he performs against a garbage secondary like Indianapolis. If he struggles then, I'm all with you in throwing him to the curb for trash pickup.
  3. That was a pretty heinous crime, weird how that never gets much media coverage
  4. D.C. is a whole lot bigger than Charlottesville. I'm sure they'll be met with a much higher number of counter-protestors. If anyone's going, be smart, be safe.
  5. Is this Portugal vs Morocco match worth watching or is Ronaldo gonna make minced meat of them?
  6. My concern with the doomsday scenario is what side will the police/military be fighting for? The answer to that is what will ultimately determine the outcome
  7. Now now, this is supposed to be a fun thread, let’s all play nice
  8. I am getting super pumped about Infinity War. IMO my favorite Marvel movies have been (in no specific order): Thor: Ragnorok Spider-Man: Homecoming Captain America: The Winter Soldier Black Panther Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol. 1 Captain America: Civil War Infinity War doesn't have to be better than all those, but as long as it's in the same league as those movies... we're in for a real treat.
  9. I mean this is all wishful thinking though, right? No way in hell our uniform is gonna change under Snyder or Allen. Even if Bruce Allen gets canned, Snyder will just revert to his boyhood "memories" uniform combo. Innovation and change isn't exactly these guys' mantra.
  10. This may shock some of you, but I watched Rocky (the original) for the first time last night. I don't know why I put it off for so long. Maybe because I assumed it was your typical over-hyped boxing movie, or that Philly fans have such a hard on for it that it turned me off, but after seeing it I realized what I was missing. This movie is about more than just boxing. Actually, I believe that 90% of it isn't about boxing. It had to be complete fate that I watched this movie for the first time at this point in my life. I am 29 years old, and in sort of a down-in-my-luck point in life. The fact that Rocky is 29 years old in this film and in similar predicaments really screamed out right at me through my television, and almost brought me to near tears towards the end. Again, I could not believe the odds of seeing this for the first time at this stage in my life. "If I can go the distance, and that bell rings, and I'm still standing, I'm gonna know for the first time in my life that I weren't just another bum from the neighborhood." - That line hit me like a freight train. This movie deserves all the accolades and acclaim. It's a masterpiece, and it changed my life. Probably will end up on my top 5 all-time list. OK, end of my personal sob story. And one more thing, "ADRIAAAAAAN!!!"
  11. I feel the spear on the helmet is a much more intimidating look, especially in such a violent sport such as american football. Go with the spear logo, a more modern scheme of burgundy and gold and less busy sleeves as stated above. Forgive me for the cliché, but it would definitely be more "cooler". Yeah, call me a millennial all you want, but Snyder/Allen ain't doing any favors generating new fans and creating excitement with their "tradition".
  12. Our uniforms need a complete overhaul. It's time to bring this team into the 2020's, not stuck in the 1970's.
  13. I agree. Tony Stark fits RDJ like a well-tailored suit. I'll go further and mention all the other excellent casting choices for the MCU. Chris Evans as Captain America Chris Hemsworth as Thor Tom Hiddleston as Loki Tom Holland as Peter Parker Scarlett Johansson as Natasha Romanov/Black Widow Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner/Hulk Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye Chadwick Boseman as T'Challa Benedict Cumberbatch as Dr. Strange IMO these actors really stood out and made the characters their own to the point where it's impossible to not see their faces when thinking about their hero counter-parts. I understand not all MCU movies were created equal. Some where duds, but you can't deny that MCU pretty much hit on every casting choice. On the other hand, the one casting choice that sticks out out being pretty "meh" is Elizabeth Olson as Scarlett Witch. Pretty uninspiring performance, IMO.
  14. Both Doctson and Richardson can challenge deep. People are sleeping on Docston’s deep speed. 4.50 flat isn’t slow, esp. for a taller receiver. Add his 41” vertical to the table. The guy had an up and down year in essentially his rookie season and led the team in recieving TDs. Richardson is a burner in the traditional sense that he can get major separation with just his speed. He also has a 38” vertical and makes some spectacular grabs every now and then. Having two guys that can threaten deep is a great advantage for an offense, and we still have Crowder/Reed/Davis to work short/intermediate routes that can provide a security blanket. Alex Smith has plenty to work with in this offense.
  15. It's still unfathomable to me how groups like the KKK and other Neo-Nazi white supremacy groups are allowed to have some political influence and allowed to assemble. You would think that after politically motivated murders in the 20's and 60's would rightfully name them a terrorist organization and be outlawed, but here they are in 2018 and pushing for mainstream exposure. Imagine if someone had the balls start a pro-ISIS party in the US, would that even be able to be formed, even under the notion of "free speech"? Dare I say the phrase, "white privilege"?
  16. Wow. And what exactly does he plan on doing with that many rounds?
  17. Also, anybody who is buying ammunition by the thousands needs to be monitored by the FBI/Police.
  18. This solution may be a little more out there, but I think they should just start making guns with computer chips in them. Schools, malls, theaters, etc would have a detection system that alerts if there is a a gun within 50 yards or whatever they deem necessary, so that way they can at least be ready with enough time to prepare or launch counter-measures. Any attempt to remove the chip from the gun makes it so that the gun cannot fire.
  19. Here's the thing to all the right-leaning ES posters. We've been doing it your way on the "gun issue" for quite some time now. ****'s not working out. Somethings got to give.
  20. Good point on similar style rifles. They can go too. They key is the modular style that is manipulated to do what it legally shouldn't. As for the Left not wanting to fix it as to keep it a hot issue, I think that mostly describes politicians. The general population, Left or Right, is tired of seeing kids getting slaughtered, and that I believe is a genuine sentiment.
  21. Going to see Black Panther tomorrow. Normally I'm hesitant to believe the hype and the great reviews, but it seems this one is a hit with nearly everyone. Super excited now that I hear from ES'ers enjoying it.
  22. As a "lefty", I am completely aware that banning ALL guns is an impossibility at this point. However, changes can be made to prevent mass shootings. First and foremost, ban the AR-15. Pink elephant in the room. Why does this weapon always show up in mass shootings? Spare me the argument of "its not an assault rife" or "its semi-auto, it only fires as fast as you pull the trigger". I sure as hell know it wasn't designed with "hunting" in mind. It was designed to kill other humans. I have done enough research on guns to know what it's limitations and capabilities are. The problem with this gun is that it is VERY easily modified. Bump stocks can increase the fire rate to almost full auto. High capacity magazines can be added, and now this gun is capable of taking out a lot of people in a very little time, which leads me to my next point. Ban High capacity magazines. You have absolutely no reason to need this. As my Uncle once said, "If you need more than 10 bullets to defend yourself, you're ****ed anyway." "But then all the criminals will have guns". I think you are forgetting how organized crime works. Their whole operation is solely focused on the drug trade and making money. When is the last time you heard of the Bloods and Crips shooting up a mall, a movie theater, or an elementary school? Doesn't happen. They like to run more of a covert operation, and save most of their violence for other gangs/competition. "But they will just get it from the black market" Again, I think you are forgetting how the black market works. If a legal AR-15 goes for $2000 now, how much do you think it's gonna cost in the black market? Roughly around $15,000, maybe more. Is a 19 year old kid like Cruz gonna have $15,000 lying around? And even if the slim chance he does, what are the odds of a professional criminal on the black market selling to some mental kid he doesn't even know? Mass shootings aren't done by organized crime. They are done by mental-case civilians who easily get their hands on weapons that are capable of putting down many people very fast.
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