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Rogue Jedi

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Everything posted by Rogue Jedi

  1. Not sure about the rules of the media world, but there’s gotta be some sort of gag order in place or something like it
  2. Article posted today that has a collection of the cryptic tweets. https://primetimesportstalk.com/2020/07/15/drama-is-brewing-in-washington-and-its-more-than-a-name-change/ Its gotta be bad. These guys have been in the business a while and haven’t seen them act like this before. It can’t be the usual drama. Edit: Even profootballtalk just released an article on the eerie buzz around dc media. This might be big. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2020/07/15/buzz-grows-of-a-looming-report-about-the-washington-franchise/
  3. I think some people are misconstruing what I'm saying, but we just need something fresh, away from the 1-9 timeline. Star Wars is such a gigantic universe and has so much potential, I can't see why they would want to keep telling stories in the same 67 or so year time-span.
  4. Nah, you can make a Star Wars movie without any relations to the Ep 1- 9 timeline. Knights of the Old Republic proved that.
  5. No knock on Mandalorian, it's a great show. And Ahsoka is arguably one of the best characters in the Star Wars universe, however my point being it's still tied in some ways to the familiar. It takes place during the remnants of the Galactic Empire - stormtroopers are still around - familiar planets, etc. And I bet there will be some cameos, as it takes place right after ROTJ. I just want completely new characters in a completely different timeline, where there is no connection to the Legacy story. I would love to see the Sith Temples of Korriban - some great potential there for a real dark storyline.
  6. Honestly, I'm about ready to move on from the Skywalker era and get in some fresh, interesting new characters that don't revolve around the clones, the empire, or the first order (whatever the hell that was). I know fans have been clamoring for a movie set in the Old Republic - thousands of years before the events of Episode 1. Not a time period explored at all in the film series. I'm just tired of having all the new shows/movies having the events of the main story involved with backdrop somehow, whether it be the Mandolorian, Rogue One, Solo, etc. We need new characters, new worlds, new story entirely. I think we could see a true renaissance in Star Wars, since they would be able to get creative without the constraints of the main timeline.
  7. Decided to put studying for Security+ on hold for a bit.... Bought several giant bags of Haribo gummy bears and a bota box of red wine. Gonna fire up some Modern Warfare and pwn some noobz
  8. Studying for my Security+ Fun, fun. fun....
  9. Man this is a dark day for not just sports, but for the world. Kobe was a man who transcended sports, and was truly a citizen of the world. Pouring one out for one of humanity's GOATs tonight....
  10. Saw It last night with some old high school buds that I went to see Ep III at midnight with way back when. Pretty disappointed with this trilogy as a whole. Called it back then when Force Awakens came out while everyone was giving it nothing but praise. I saw the writing on the wall that this will come out to a nothing-burger, story wise.
  11. Regardless of anyone’s opinions, it’s clear that the films are extremely volatile and Disney took notice. Pretty sure Bob Iger said they are taking a hiatus from films and focusing on streaming for now. I think Kevin Feige (MCU) is in play for the future, and they should strongly consider Dave Filoni (Clone Wars, Rebels, The Mandolorian) to be involved in the future as well. Those guys know what they are doing, and some time off to reload will be good for everyone.
  12. I have my reasons to dislike the new trilogy, and it mostly comes from a narrative and world-building perspective... But by far the dumbest critique I’ve ever seen comes from the anti-sjw crowd that deems the franchise ruined because of “forced diversity.” And when confronted, they really have no answer and just back into a corner. Like, ask them how to do diversity “right” in a movie. They just stumble over some vague nonsense and backtrack, but it’s evident what they really want. Where only one minority plays some supporting character a la Lando and it’s ok because it’s not “forced”. In their minds, the Star Wars universe that spans millions of planets has a variety of alien species but only white humans and one black guy for some reason. Completely logical. Checkmate Libtards.
  13. Which furthers my point that the trilogy as a whole fails. It tries to please everyone, and pisses off everyone. It has no clear direction, arc, or purpose. The prequels at least had an overall arc and continuity, even while having its cringe moments. But it still feels like Star Wars, that it belongs in the universe.
  14. Wow, early RT score not looking good. Currently sitting at 53%. Could go up a bit by the coming days, but ultimately this trilogy will end up being even a bigger failure than the prequels. Anyone want to debate that, please @me bro.
  15. Saw JoJo Rabbit last night. The type of witty comedy you would expect from Taika Watiti, but also unexpectedly deep with great emotional drama. I'd give it an 8.9/10
  16. Call me insane, but I still prefer Five Guys over everything mentioned in this thread. I've tried them all, except the small independent joints. In terms of the major chains, I just like that fat, greasy, juicy patties that Five Guys has. Makes me feel like i'm actually eating a burger the way it's designed to taste.
  17. The problem I have with the new trilogy is it seems to really have no concrete story-arc or theme 1. The Original Trilogy Arc - The classic "Hero's journey", the rebellion against the Empire, the redemption of Darth Vader, and then ultimately the fall of the empire 2. The Prequel Trilogy Arc - The fall of Anakin Skywalker to the dark side, the collapse of the Old Republic, the fall of the Jedi, the rise of the Galactic Empire. 3. The Sequel Trilogy Arc - ???? There's some bad guys who we don't really understand or where they came from...and there's some good guys who don't understand themselves or where they came from...and there's battles sometimes and...space???? I know the prequels get a lot of flak, but objectively speaking it's mostly due to poor/acting dialogue. The good actors (Ewan McGregor, Liam Neeson, Ian McDiarmid, Samuel L. etc) did a great job with what they had and worked with it. And at least the prequel trilogy has a proper arc and storyline that remains consistent with the universe as a whole. And Lucas tries to be more creative with showing different world's and planets. I feel like the new trilogy tries too hard, plays it "safe", relies on baiting you with nostalgia, luring you in with the original cast just to kill them, and replace them with characters that aren't as cool or interesting. Then, they pretty much copy the original trilogy as if it's a magic formula, but they forget that it being unique and original in its time is what made it great in the first place. Gonna be hard to somehow redeem this trilogy in my eyes with one last movie. I think in time, people will see it for the fraud it is after the Disney-tinted glasses come off.
  18. As some of you might have seen my previous posts on this thread, I'm trying to build a legit lightsaber. Bought the Korbanth DM1 kit and going to install all the electronics myself. So far, I painted the windows on the emitter black and added the O-Rings to make it screen accurate. The buttons are cemented on, as these will be static. The open holes are going to be for functional switches, 1 for the activation button and 1 for auxiliary button (blaster effects). This is essentially a dual-install, since it's a double-bladed lightsaber, with a separate soundboard/LED for each side. You can detach and have two separate functional sabers as well as staff-mode as shown. Still have a lot of work cut out ahead... waiting for the soundboards to arrive early November. Plus, a lot of soldering/wiring to do! Will give updates on the progress, if anyone is interested. Darth Maul is my homeboy.
  19. I was born in '88. I have no real recollection of the Super Bowl in '91. When I first really starting paying attention and becoming I fan I started with a heavy dose of Schuler and Gus Frerotte. And we know the rest of the story from that point on. I love Terry. He is one of the few - if not only, bright spots on this team right now. I will definitely enjoy watching him and rooting for him while he's on the team. I will always be a Redskins fan. I would much rather be a fan of no team then root for a different team. But if the next 4 years are anything like the last 20, I can certainly say that he will not be able to thrive here nor get the career he deserves.
  20. I'm just saying in hypothetical theory, he'd be a beast on the Patriots. Not literally right now with their current roster.
  21. Pretty much. He's gonna waste all his good years here. If he was on a team like the Patriots, with his work ethic, attitude and ability he'd put up hall of fame numbers. He probably can't wait till his rookie deal is over...
  22. I know I'm late to the game, but I finally watched Endgame. Short story; don't like large crowd reactions, totally ruins the experience for me. I can imagine all the "wooooing" and clapping at every character entrance to the point where you can't hear the dialogue. (I assume when Rogers wielded Mjolnir, everyone clapped so hard they missed Thor saying "I knew it" right after. Just pisses me of, quite frankly But wow, what a movie. That was peak MCU right there. I'm worried they will never get to that point of anticipation/hype/interest ever again.
  23. Just keep saying it. It will stick whether people approve or not. T-Mac T-Mac T-Mac
  24. He's been the greatest deep threat in the NFL since Moss retired. Probably will be remembered as the 2nd best deep threat in NFL history (again, after Moss)
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