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Darrell Green Fan

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Everything posted by Darrell Green Fan

  1. Yeah I went back and deleted the football knowledge part but you had already seen it, I don't mean to attack you and I apologize for that. I understood your position just fine. I just pointed out, with actual figures and facts, why that opinion is wrong. How the team goes moving forward won't change that. You can't put over $50 million in cap space into 4 defensive lineman who have shown collectively that they just aren't worth that sort of investment. Are you prepared to argue that they are? Just how were they to "sell high" on Chase? The market always has the last word, the time to trade him was now or never and the other teams knew this. There is also a pretty strong opinion among league GMs (not Collin Coward types) that Chase Young ain't all that good.
  2. If you had told me they would get a high 2nd and an end of the round 3rd for Payne and Young I think most of us would have been happy with that. They were in a bad spot, they simply could not sign both and they didn't want to wait until 2024 to get the comp picks.
  3. Again they have over $28 million cap hits for 2024 on 2 DL. Are you suggesting they tie up another $20M+ and now have close to $50M in cap space on 4 player who collectively have shown they just are not even close to great? Are you suggesting these pundits on TV know more than the market? The market showed what they were worth, it's just that simple. And they are not even close to premium players, I still can't believe you posted that. .
  4. I don't care about your football resume, all I have to judge you on are your posts here. You weren't just rooting for Haskins, you were so convinced that he would be a top 10 QB that you made a bet with me. You also argued that SF and :Philly load up on DL therefore so should Washington without understand that their cap situation is far different than Washington's. Allen's cap hit for 2024 is $21.4 M (WFT? His cap hit for 2023 is over $20 M) and Payne's at $8.6M. By comparison Philly's highest cap hit for a DL in 2023 is Graham at $10, the next highest is Josh Sweat at $5.8M, in 2024 their highest paid DL has a cap hit of $9M. Now we get to SF, their highest cap hit on a DL for 2024 is Armstead at $12M and Bosa at $11. I would argue that those 2 collectively are far better than any 2 of the 4 defensive linemen that were in Washington. Now you are suggesting Washington pays out 2 more big contracts for defensive lineman. That would put them far above the cap hits those other 2 teams are paying out for their defensive line. So its a poor comparison and it would be a really stupid thing to do.
  5. Weren't you the poster who claimed Dwayne Haskins would be a top 10 QB? We even had a bet. Now you are claiming that players who averaged 7 sacks a season are premium players. SF and Philly do not have huge contracts for 4 defensive lineman, that is what Washington would have been forced to doAll. Sorry your opinion doesn't carry a lot of weight with me. .
  6. I can't turn on the game and openly root for them to lose, although that is what I want to happen. So I do Red Zone and then go back and watch the game mostly to see Sam Howell but to see how the others played as well.
  7. These 2 were not "premium pieces", they were pretty good and nothing more. The only time to trade them was now, if they waited until after the season they were not under contract. Montez never had more than 9 sacks in a season and averaged 7.25. Chase has 14 sacks in 34 games. These are not premium players, they are actually very replaceable with far cheaper players, but they will be paid like they are premium players. We should be thankful that our team will not be the one to overpay and have too much invested in a DL that has never been great.
  8. The love for Rak is amusing to me I always thought he was better than the fans gave him credit for, I too saw all the uncalled holding penalties when so many fans saw it as an excuse Most fans have always downplayed how well he played here, I guess because they were expecting more as we all were.
  9. I am hearing the pick from SF is one of their compensatory picks, so end of round 3. A bit disappointed, that Sweat was worth a high 2nd and Chase was only the end of the 3rd.
  10. I've been making that comparison for years. I also liked the comparison of the 2 to Orakpo. Good players, 6-8 sacks a year, but seldom game wreckers. I'm just glad my team won't be paying huge contracts to players who just are not elite.
  11. That was my question too. The TV coverage didn't show a replay until the Eagles snapped the ball, if they only saw what we saw they had not way to tell.
  12. I'm not sure how you can be a fan of the dad after that phone call. I get it, he is sticking up for his son. But he made outlandish and downright stupid claims such as he is double/triple teams more than others, that he is one of the top 4 DEs in the league. But his take that if you never played you have no voice is just so off putting. Grant brought up other occupations including the police. The perfect opportunity to tell him if he wasn't a police officer then does that mean that he had no right to express his opinion about Derek Chauvin? But Grant didn't take the opportunity. I too am scared that if he goes elsewhere he could very well blow up. But next year "here" is no longer here. Totally different owners, coaches, front office people. Washington will literally be elsewhere from a football perspective.
  13. How many homes are first time homebuyers? I honestly have no idea but that 20% figure I would assume comes from people purchasing their 2nd or 3rd home. With the sale of their previous home they can come up with more than 20% which offsets all the first time home buyer's numbers into the figures to bring the overall figure to 20%..
  14. Oh man, I watched him as a kid at DC Stadium when I was young. You hear the clock ticking at a time like this but to be honest I'm surprised he was still alive until now.
  15. My comment was amusing to me because we actually eat most of our meals off of paper plates for just this reason.
  16. Been saying for a few years that this DL is overrated by so many fans. As posted none are difference makers, none make the big play at the big time. I also agree that they pad their pedestrian stats against poor teams and not late in the game when it really matters. Against good teams they get no pressure what so ever.
  17. Dude Jon Allen has been invisible all year. He got exactly one assist for the entire game? If you are a Pro Bowl DT you don't put up those kinds of numbers regardless of the OL he is facing.
  18. 30 years of this crap. They make a good offensive play and it's called back by a penalty or in this case a late overrule. The ball DID touch the ground, this always happens. For 30 years. And I'm sick of it.
  19. I've always felt the lack of turnovers by this defense made them rate Forbes higher. A few of us commented that on several of is picks he was beaten but the ball was tipped and found him. Just sayin'.
  20. Who exactly here is promoting not building up a strong OL, that just OK is good enough? Because I don't ever remember seeing that position, building a strong OL and how our OL is not nearly good enough is constantly discussed here. I'm glad to see the comments on Terry. I've felt for a while that both Terry and Jon Allen are so overrated by our fans. They are very good players but they are not as good as so many here believe. And we saw yesterday the difference between McLauren and AJ Brown who is actually a top tier WR.
  21. I'm not sure but I think there is a rule that something on a paper plate can not be called a masterpiece.
  22. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B3MWSYQV?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details It was fantastic by the way. If you guys have not tried sous vide you have to try it. Steak was so much more tender than a grilled steak.
  23. This is literally the best explanation I have heard for a local guy who didn't go to school there has for rooting for Dook. As for this latest news this is great to read. We have been so far behind the other teams in so many areas, scouting and analytics being the most costly.
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