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Darrell Green Fan

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Everything posted by Darrell Green Fan

  1. Can we PLEASE stop using the injury as the reason he was ineffective last season. The year he blew out his knee he played in 9 game and had 1.5 sacks. He was playing like a below average DE before the injury guys. I'll say it until I am blue in the face because nobody responds when I point this out. After he was drafted I went back and looked at his college tape. He made so many plays by being the first off the ball, I froze several videos and he was already off when everyone else on both lines were still in their down position. For whatever reason he was not able to transition this quick first step into the NFL. Most every great edge rusher has that and this is why he can't get the edge and is constantly run behind the QB by the LT.
  2. It also eliminates 1/2 of the field and limits the QB's options. The rollout is a wrinkle, it's not a mainstay of any offense. The bottom line to me is they have a weak OL and a young QB, that is not a recipe for success in a 7 step drop.
  3. Waller is going to kill us this year. I was pissed that the Giants got him so cheaply and was frustrated when I look at our TE group that we let that happen. You said I was bonkers to believe they won't take a TON (your word) of 3rd level shots. I respectfully disagree. Would you with Lucas and Wylie protecting the edges and a young QB whose confidence could be shaken? I sure wouldn't.
  4. They have a weak OL, a young QB and an OC who loves the quick throws. We'll see who is bonkers in September, I predict this offense will be loaded with quick throws, even more so than the rest of the league who has gone this boring ass route.
  5. It's a personal preference and personally I hate how the game of football is played today. I'm a fan of the offenses like the Greatest Show on Turf, the Saints with Brees. Teams that took shots and constantly threw it downfield. The 18 yard square in to Isaac Bruce was a beautiful thing, as it was with Gus Frerotte to Henry Ellard. That play has pretty much vanished from the football landscape. While it's true of Jerry Rice he obviously also made a lot of plays downfield. These 5 yard passes all game long that we see today bores the crap out of me.
  6. I fully expect a season of quick 1 and 3 step drops and short throws to protect the OL and the young QB. I am prepared for a really boring offense but I guess it's necessary.
  7. What makes what Howie did even more impressive is, like this group, he was facing pressure for his poor drafts (picking Reagor over Jefferson etc). His teams were poor and he was under fire but he was still agressing in obtaining future draft capital.
  8. Not sure how old you are but for me and everyone I know the passion starts to diminish when you get in your 40's. I was not aware of this, I blamed Norv Turner and all the losing because before that from 1972-1992 this team was mostly always good and I was "break the remote" passionate. Then I started speaking with friends, some who still had winning teams, and they felt the same way.
  9. As one of the fans who unapologetically bailed last season I am in a strange place with regard to my rooting interest. Maybe it's the name and uniforms but I still feel a distance to this team. Instead of excitement I feel relief, relief that I once again have a team to root for. Relief that finally this team has a chance down the road. Relief that we will no longer be a laughing stock who constantly does stupid things. I can tell you the Red Zone is fun but it's not the same as when your team is facing 3rd and 5. I look forward to that excitement but I totally understand if they lose their first few games and Howell throws 3 picks that excitement will leave the building pretty quickly. It will take winning to bring many of us totally back.
  10. What makes you guys think the Pubs will drop Trump if he is convicted? This would be political suicide, just ask Liz Cheney.
  11. The first thing I think of is the family, that poor wife and daughter. All I can say is boy they better be right and it appears at least at this time that they are. I too am fascinated with the missing kid in Houston who was not missing. Seems we still don't know much about the mothers. She diverted resources that could have been used on actual missing children, she should be facing charges for at least making false reports to the police.
  12. It's actually called Wagners by the locals, apparently according to Google it goes by both names. I finally had one of them there Sunshine Burgers. It was HUGE, as I had heard it was. My only gripe was I figured there would be ketchup squeeze bottles at the table so I didn't order ketchup on it. Do you know how many little packets of ketchup is required for a burger that large?
  13. This is pretty horrible right here. How can they steal and not be prosecuted? As for the hourly rate and no tip policy at first I was not onboard. I think a tip is a great way to give feedback. A crappy server should not be getting paid like a great server. Then I realized that I can't really remember a server on either extreme. They all tend to be attentive, nice, etc. But if I did experience poor service, and of course I have, no way I'm tipping my typical 20% to the server who was sitting at the bar on their phone.
  14. There is a famous meat market in Mt Airy, my best friend's parents in Bethesda used to drive all the way there. I got some of their hamburger for a cookout. I have no idea why but it tasted so much better than grocery store burger.
  15. Just smiling at the 15 an hour guy giving a third of his paycheck to a billionaire.
  16. I'm thinking this is a generic checkout system also used in restaurants. That's the only explanation I have for a tip prompt at a self serve checkout. As for the Door Dash driver I did this a bit in retirement. $5 for a pizza delivery is certainly an OK tip. This driver was totally out of line, it should not matter how nice the house was, and he will be fired by Door Dash. They absolutely can't be doing that stuff. On a side note DD's policy used to be you can get 3 moving violations in 3 years, after that you are kicked off. Now their policy is 1 ticket and you are gone. I have to believe this change was motivated by their insurance carrier who no doubt gives them a lower premium. Keep that in mind when trying to decide on a tip for the driver.
  17. I won't go so far as to call Lamar mediocre but that poster is not alone. I think you are limited in what you can win with Lamar Jackson. It sure has played out that way in the playoffs. While I agree in today's game if you don't have a QB who can extend plays or run for 9 on 3rd and 8 you are at a big disadvantage. But a QB still has to hit what he is throwing at at a high level to be considered a top tier QB IMO.
  18. Yes big props to Disney. I had not followed this story and as I was reading just now I had assumed he lost his place and that would have been devastating, How about the former Bills punter? That accusation was also BS but she has launched civil suit once the prosecutors dropped the case. He has countered sued and I will be following that closely.
  19. I totally get the concern, the league is full of wash outs who were drafted on athletic ability and upside. The odds strong suggest he will never be a very good to great player. But after watching them take the safe pick, with a lower floor but topping out at role players, I like the big swing approach.
  20. This is the last thing we want. They have been teetering on the line of maybe making the play in for 2 generations. What did that get them? A pick too late to get a real difference maker. I hope Poole plays well and can be dealt at the deadline for more picks,
  21. I'm fine with both trades, as mentioned they made the best of a horrible situation. Interested to see what happens with Chris Paul. Why any fan would not want a complete rebuild is puzzing to say the least. We've already seen what 30 wins nets you, the lottery but not high enough to land a real franchise changing player in the vast majority of cases. The only way to win consistently is to draft a true star and they are not usually around at pick 8.
  22. Do you have a link of this admission? I will never believe demand dropped to the level that would cause the prices to be 1/3 what they were 2 months ago and I'm pretty convinced they could not raise egg producing hens in 2 months to replace those who were lost to the virus.
  23. How many players "turn into stars"? Seems pretty clear in their rookie or at most after their 2nd year that stars show to be stars.
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