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Darrell Green Fan

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Everything posted by Darrell Green Fan

  1. Oh I totally agree. Not to repeat other posts but that record with the QB, OL and OC issues and a last place schedule next year has to mean the same record would be very disappointing.
  2. My feelings exactly. This is a very good hire, certainly better than we should have expected given the situation. EB designing plays for a team with good skill players is exciting, it just has to help our new QB provided as you said they upgrade the OL. This team really has only 2 glaring holes, OL and LB. Maybe TE but we have some young guys to check out, TEs rarely are productive as rookies. Not sure how they go about fixing the OL. It would have been nice had fliers like Charles worked out at either guard or tackle but that didn't seem to happen. The missing in the draft and in FA on the OL has hurt, Cosmi is still a question mark and so are the others.
  3. I was so tempted to get a retriever this time. Shepherds, Goldens and Labs are my favorite breeds, Border Collie is in the mix but they are too full of energy. I opted for another long coat Shepherd because unlike retrievers they slow down a lot at age 2-3 and as seniors we could not handle the energy of a lab for 3 years. But boy your baby is cute. One thing we are noticing is a 6 month puppy is so much easier than a 3 month, When Nikki was young she was getting into everything. Now she realizes coasters on the table and electrical chords and speaker wires are off limits.
  4. I thought I agreed. Then I saw the crowd at Maryland basketball games at the start of the season. Not as despised as Snyder obviously but the fans had turned on Mark Turgeon. He was gone, they got what they wanted, but the empty seats remained. It wasn't until recently when they started winning league games that they returned, but they are not all onboard yet.
  5. I heard Josh Harris may have toured the facility. Someone should make a post about it.
  6. Good luck with your treatment @SkinsFTW, we are all pulling for you. Love the stories of your puppy. Mine is the first one I've had that seems triggered by the TV. We watch nature shows a lot and when she hears a dog bark or a wolf howl she gives a reaction.
  7. Meet Nikki, she is almost 6 months. She is a long coat German Shepherd so she will keep that long soft coat, but not the goofy ears.
  8. Thought you were going with "Dave's not here". So now that everyone has seen the video how do any of these 5 leave their house? What is the reaction when people see them in a store? I sure hope we get to the bottom of why they would yank this young man out of a car and beat him to death. Sure sounded targeted to me.
  9. I'm finding it hard to justify giving them any benefit of the doubt.
  10. OK now that we have that settled I can't stop thinking about how these cops KNEW they were being recorded and still continued. What does that tell us? That they have no doubt done this sort of thing before and got away with no repercussions. I picture them the days after the attack, as they waited to hear if he lived or died. I picture them of course only thinking of themselves. If he lives, well cool we'll be OK just like always. But once he died, well then we've got a REAL problem. No concern what so ever about the man they killed of course, only for themselves.
  11. As your first part was directed at me as I said I didn't want to go down this road in the first place, this is not the time or place to be sticking up for the police so you have a deal. But I'm confused on the 2nd part. Were you addressing me? If so how on Earth did you know my name is Dave? No no I didn't mean to imply anyone called me a racist. I'm just pointing out I am debating people on the far right and people on the far left at the same time about the same event. It's a weird place to be.
  12. This is too funny, On another board I am currently battling with a racist A-hole who is taking the "he didn't comply" argument. I am also debating with my best friend who claims BLM is a terrorist organization who promotes violence. On this board I feel as if I'm being portrayed as a guy like them and that couldn't be more far from the truth.
  13. I have been saying long before George Floyd that I don't know what life is like in your skin. And believe me I am no defender of the police. Just because I lived in the cushy suburbs (yeah that wasn't offensive) that does not mean I don't care about what is happening in our streets to young AAs. I care a great deal even thought I personally have never experienced it. . For me it was the OJ verdict that opened my eyes. For the first time I saw injustice that I took personally, something you have felt your entire life, and I recognized it immediately. Even though I was very angry I realized this was good for me to have a better understanding. That was nearly 30 years ago.. This is all more personal for you, I get that, but that does not mean the white folks in the burbs don't care or are ignorant as to what has been going on even though we may not have experienced it. The problem as I see it is the culture that protects thugs like those 5. Other officers keep silent or they will be ostracized, people in authority regularly allow abuse to go unpunished. This is the big problem in my opinion. However you are implying, no check that claiming, that recruits in the academy are trained to yank a black man out of his car and beat the crap out of him for the crime of DWB. I'm not going to let you get away with that. We saw how the departments in Wisconsin and Memphis handled those bad cops. Things are changing, but obviously we still have a long way to go. I am also a bit frustrated that you can't admit there are good officers out there who actually care about the community. Sorry claiming every cop is a pig is not much of a different mentality than the racist believing every young AA male is a criminal. Both are untrue and unfair generalizations.
  14. Since the former officer is no longer engaged I see no reason to continue as well. And by the way I am not someone who sticks up for the police, I agree with most everything posted about them here. I'll just say he made it perfectly clear how he felt about this incident and those pigs. That poster was simply trying to explain that not every cop is like this, some actually do care and are good people. He certainly was not making excuses for the behavior of those 5 animals or any other cop who behaves this way, he was very critical of them. And that job IS dangerous (and essential to our society) regardless of how we feel about the behavior of too many of them.
  15. I haven't seen anyone do that, certainly not here.
  16. I totally agree with this sentiment. They've been doing this for years with no repercussions
  17. I thought this about Chauvin, do these 5 actually feel as if they did anything wrong? Wondering just what is going on in their heads today. I totally agree that cops behave this way because they have always been protected, but do they recognize how horrible this was? People that would do something like this me thinks are incapable of such a thought. Wonder how their families feel.
  18. I'm not sure why you are being attacked, must be raw nerves over this latest disgusting example of abuse by the police. In all honesty that was the worst video of this kind I have ever seen and I remain absolutely disgusted. But not all of us hate the police, many of us recognize there are a lot of good officers out there and appreciate what they do. And these thugs in Memphis makes it so much harder for the good cops who do care. And just because other jobs such as construction have higher death rates that hardly means this job is not dangerous. A worker does not fear for his life when he breaks out his tools, but an officer most certanly thinks this way with every interaction with the public. When someone is holding a knife to their wife's throats who are those posters who are attacking you going to call for help?
  19. I know I won't be able to avoid it, and of course I am a bit curious. But I don't really want to see the video that's coming out of Memphis.
  20. I don't see Daniel Jones as a top 10-15 QB, surely nowhere near #10. When they got behind the Eagles did anyone think Jones could bring them back? He is good when he plays us but against the rest of the league he is just not that good. As for Howell one thing that stood out to me was how well he got down, like Russell Wilson he has perfected the slide and hopefully like Wilson he can avoid injury.
  21. I don't see Daniel Jones signing for $25 million, it will be closer to $40 million. They would be foolish IMO to give Barkley a massive deal at this point in his career but if they don't they lose their best player. No I don't see any way they improve, and we were right there with them with terrible QB play.
  22. I don't want to hear about bad calls. Yes TM thought he got the OK from the ref, it's still his responsibility to line up correctly. Even if they got that PI call they still needed to score, then convert a 2 pt conversion just to get to overtime.
  23. I certainly don't want them to trade up. But if they find a QB they like in the 1st or 2nd round I'd be fine with that. Draft QBs until you find the guy I say. But the kicker of course is the people making the decision may very well not be here in a year and just because they liked a guy doesn't mean the new folks will like him.
  24. I don't think TH will be back, his value was he knew Turner's system and he would create a distraction. But they are not going into a season with only Sam Howell and another late draft pick. They will have to sign a vet as a fall back and just as importantly a mentor to Howell.
  25. Neither is Trubiski for me. So who are we talking about and what do you think the cost will be?
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