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Darrell Green Fan

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Everything posted by Darrell Green Fan

  1. When I was working I always worked today, preferring to use the vacation day during summer. Being in sales it was almost like a holiday. I'd come in, do some paperwork, clean out my desk and then go on "appointments" which was actually a round of golf. But as the years went on I hated coming home after the big event knowing I had to get up and put on a tie the next day. So I started taking it off.
  2. And that's fine. I just see him as another Lavar, the performance just doesn't match the hype. 9 sacks in 24 games, and diisappearing in the playoff game, was not what any of us was expecting. Now we aren't sure that he can even get back to that level.
  3. Ironic that one of his most public gaffes was saying "Happy Thanksgiving everybody".
  4. Correction, he had half of a very good rookie year. His 2nd year before he was hurt he was simply not very good.
  5. I remember so many fans promoting the signing of Mariotta or Trubisky. I never understood that, their play this year was predictable. Now I was not in favor of Wentz, and the cost was higher, but at least I could understand that move better as he did actually play pretty well for Indy for most of the season. The other 2 never were any good, ever.
  6. RR's history here has shown they play better in the 2nd half so this wasn't a total surprise. I wouldn't worry about Paterson, how many kicks have been returned for TDs against Washington in recent years?
  7. Maybe. He could not get the edge when he was healthy, now who knows?
  8. There is like a .0000001% percent chance his kids aren't the same way. I mean how could they not be? The Snyders bully wait staff and other low level employees when they go to dinner or a hotel. There are countless accounts of such behavior. The kids see this and think this is perfectly normal behavior. What was his position before?
  9. Seems like every day more bad stuff about Snyder comes out. I love how this season ticket deposit stealing is now so public. They don't see it because they have no conscious, or soul for that matter, but can't family and friends see just what disgusting POSs they are? And by they I mean Dan and Tayna, who is just as bad.
  10. I was thinking the same thing. But that's assuming the tickets get sold.
  11. So the initial theory that he may only be selling a minority stake had legs after all. What a gut punch that would have been. Even with a deal to let the new owner take control eventually most of us were not willing to wait for that. This situation put people like me who have abandoned the team as long as Snyder owns it in a precarious position. He's out but not yet, he still owns the team and when they win he wins. As I watched the Eagles game I found myself rooting for the team again. I guess the best way I can describe it is I'm back, but I'm sleeping in another bedroom. I won't be fully invested until this stain on humanity is officially gone.
  12. I'm not saying draw designed runs like he's Lamar Jackson. But they could have him use his biggest asset more often, and he could take it upon himself to escape the pocket and run for 8 on 3rd and 5 more often. Other teams with a QB with this skill get more out of that skill than this team does.
  13. I don't understand why Taylor does not run more, either on designed run plays or on broken plays. Other teams with this type of QB get yards and first downs by having their QB run, this is his biggest asset yet they have him stand in the pocket like Peyton Manning.
  14. I have no idea why that late hit on Heinke is causing such controversy. That was clearly a penalty. But the missed face mask perhaps changed the game. Regardless I sure didn't think they would run the ball this well, which set up everything. They haven't created turnovers all year but forced 3 last night and that was the difference Such a strange place for me. I had committed to being out on this team until Snyder is gone. Well he's not gone so was I rooting again? Of course halfway through the game I had my answer. I sure didn't want to see the Eagles go undefeated and this ends that talk.
  15. I'm going to sit back and enjoy the Civil War within the Republican Party. The poll posted a page back did not surprise me. I have heard story after story of posters who talked with hard core Trump folks and so many have move on and are supporting DeSantis. I firmly believe this will happen, and it would not surprise me at all if Trump loses the primary then goes rogue 3rd party to stick it to MM and all the other GOP members who were not totally loyal to this child. Splits the ticket and the good guys walk into the White House. Again. Another thought is even if Trump is not running 3rd party I'm pretty convinced Trump mobilized a lot of voters, mostly rural, who didn't vote before but voted for Trump. I don't see that group turning out to vote for DeSantis, especially after Trump gets through with him. Regardless all of this has totally turned around my outlook. Before Tuesday I was preparing myself for another Trump term. Now I don't see it happening.
  16. As a Red Sox fan I visit several teams messageboards and Facebook pages. The current reaction to John Henry is from fans still bitter that they traded Mookie Betts and appear to be letting Boegarts go over money. They were in love with him before that because of the success the team had once he took ownership. As the article earlier explained they simply had to reset the luxury tax, and as I had posted before those long term maga-deals strangle the team in the later years of those deals. I can't speak for the Marlins but that's the story out of Boston.
  17. I would be cool with Bezos. But I still go back to John Henry. Not sure where the post came from that said a lot of the comments are negative. Listening to the fans of his teams, and again I am a Red Sox fan, it's clear that he knows how to build winning sports teams. That's something Bezos or any other potential owner can claim. As for Neil in Rockville I'm getting a bit tired of him. Snyder is out the door. They may or may not have the votes but I'm pretty sure this latest news didn't win him any. You don't go to BOA if you are not walking out the door, their statement made it pretty clear as they did not deny the reports that they are selling as they have in the past.
  18. I am a Sox fan and addressed this earlier. Since he purchased the team 20 years ago the Red Sox have 4 rings, the Yankees have 1. I think any Washington fan would take that. His recent decision to let go of star players is a reaction to the market today with huge long term deals the norm. Even a team with the budget of Boston realizes the back end of those mega contracts puts a strangle hold on the team. He is not getting cheap, they are being smart for the long term. Something this team never has done under Snyder.
  19. Back to the AG and this latest news you guys seem to think this is more significant than I do. Put me in the camp that sees this as grandstanding too. I just don't see how this is all that significant, and I sure don't see how even more bad news about Dan is a bad thing as far as getting him to leave. As for Neil in Rockville he has always said Snyder stays, so there's that.
  20. I am a lifelong Red Sox fan as well. I am well aware that since John Henry purchased the team the scoreboard on rings is Red Sox 4 Yankees 1. So I'm OK with that. But a lot of what you say is true, they are getting "cheap" by Red Sox standards. But that's more a function of the insane long term contracts being signed today. Even a team as wealthy as the Red Sox would struggle to field a team if you are paying on the back end of those contracts $50 million a year to a broken down player. So I'm not sure it's a matter of John Henry suddenly becoming cheap, they are reacting to the market so this may not translate to the football team I never did understand the Theo thing. As this is not a Red Sox board would you mind sharing that with me via PM?
  21. As we celebrate this news as it probably means our football team will win more games it's time we give credit to the people who made this happen. First off it all started with the victims who bravely told their story and refused to let this die. The woman who reportedly turned down over a million dollars in hush money is a damned hero. This wave of public pressure caused Congress to act and they too should be commended. I firmly believe forcing Goodell to testify as Snyder hid out on his yacht like a coward was a turning point. Then we have the media, including but certainly not limited to the Washington Post. They all kept the story alive and public pressure on. And that pressure eliminated any chance at a new stadium, the barrage of articles kept the story in the news. This public pressure alone forced this sale and these are the people who made it all happen.. This wave of public pressure caused Congress to act and they too should be commended. I firmly believe forcing Goodell to testify as Snyder hid out on his yacht like a coward was a turning point. Then we have the media, including but certainly not limited to the Washington Post. They all kept the story alive and public pressure on. And that pressure eliminated any chance at a new stadium, the barrage of articles kept the story in the news. This public pressure alone forced this sale and these are the people who made it all happen..
  22. I have not been overly impressed with the defense, I thought fans were given them way too much credit for shutting down bad offenses. But I can't say that anymore because that was a good offense that they held off yesterday. I'm really happy to see the improvement by Davis and I will happily admit that I was wrong if that turns out to be the case. I have no idea what fans are seeing in Brian Robinson, he looks like the definition of just a guy. Look around the league at the other runningbacks and tell me this guy is as good or better than them. I sure don't see it
  23. Yeah me too. I look forward to this thread and reading the pages and pages of posts I have missed even though we all keep saying the same things. It's just such a nice read.
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