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Everything posted by drowland

  1. I'm guessing some of these guys have a parent, uncle, cousin, etc. who they trust in, that watched a video or read something on FB or heard something in the community saying don't get vaccinated. So they're deciding to listen to people they trust. I live in an urban area and I hear all kinds of stuff when I walk into the corner stores, mainly from people in the black community saying "I'm waiting" or "I heard don't get it yet." There's a lot of misleading information out there.
  2. Alright I now push Loki to the top of the Disney+ shows lol. That was a well done season finale.
  3. I have to say I'm fully in on Loki after the last two episodes and will probably go back and rewatch the first few episodes before the finale. It's gotten very interesting. If it sticks the landing i might put Loki at the top of the three.
  4. I mean sort of. With Chris Pratt and the group of people he's drafted with they do address why they're chosen and it plays into what you're talking about. But I can't remember if they addressed it for the overall population of people sent to the future to fight the war. By the time he goes, future humans are pretty desperate. When it comes to time travel movies though I've found you kind of have to just go with it. Even with Endgame which tried to set up the rules, it still had holes. Tomorrow War has plot holes for sure and it's a silly movie. But it does have some good action sequences and the aliens are well designed and look cool. I laughed at the final act because it basically made the whole mission he needed to complete in the 2nd act pointless lol. I think it would of been better if they had made it straight satire. Which is funny because the guy who directed it (Chris McKay) is known for satire.
  5. The first FF movie was a straight up Point Break rip-off. Almost same exact plot just substitute surfing with street racing. If you had told me then it would turn into a nine film franchise making billions overseas I would have laughed.
  6. I watched The Tomorrow War on Prime. The aliens were very cool and it's got entertaining moments. Overall it had potential but for the most part it's a mashup of stuff already done in other alien invasion movies. As far as Chris Pratt goes not sure if he was miscast or just phoned it in. I've liked him in most every movie I've seen of his but thought he was flat in this one.
  7. On the the night Tony and Jackie robbed Feech La Manna's poker game I hope we find out if Ralphie really caught the clapp from some hippie chick or just chickened out. I think I know the answer.
  8. I'm guessing they're saying his top end speed is faster, he just doesn't accelerate as fast. Which could be true. When Jones gets going he looks fast. Thing is having that short area burst and suddenness to change direction like Lamar has is what makes him dangerous as a runner. He doesn't need a runway like Jones does to get up to top speed.
  9. The deadline to exercise that 5th year option is early May after their 3rd year. If you can get a deal done before that, cool, but most of those big extensions happen over the summer right up to the start of TC when teams aren't focused on free agency and the draft.
  10. You absolutely pick up their 5th year option. Buys you time and leverage to get an extension done.
  11. Ha! It is crazy though that he's owned the team 22 years and is still one of the youngest owners in the NFL. I believe him, Clark Hunt and Michael Bidwell are all 55.
  12. For a guy with just 2 career NFL starts and something like 120 pass attempts I'd say yes, it's alarming. Taylor earned a chance to show what he can do but wake me when he strings together some good games and doesn't look like he just stepped out of the ring with Tyson afterwards. With Houston didn't he get in a game for 1 play and get knocked out of the game with a concussion?
  13. Decastro been in the decline the last two years. Appears his body is starting to break down and rumor is he might retire. It's just strange the Steelers waited this long to release him.
  14. I wonder if Duke will look at Quin Snyder. He started real well at Missouri before getting hit with NCAA violations and ultimately resigning and taking shots at the AD. He's carved out a nice place for himself in the NBA though. Mike Brey's been the most successful former assistant/player K's had but he's likely too old at this point. Duke will probably look for someone younger. Wouldn't be surprised if it's Jon Scheyer.
  15. I told myself I was done when the Infinity Saga ended and Cap and IM were done, but I'm willing to give Feige the benefit of the doubt and see what they do. Also when I told myself I'd be done with the MCU it was before they acquired X-Men and FF from FOX so the door's wide open with what they can do.
  16. Cruella was one I had little interest in since the Disney live action stuff of animated classics and characters has been mediocre to bad IMO, but I've heard it's surprisingly dark for a Disney film. Also heard Emma Thompson steals the show. Might have to check it out.
  17. I think you have to look at it as the team being fluid throughout the off-season based on what was out there at what point in time and who might be available in the draft. Flowers was acquired by trade right before the draft. They draft Cosmi in round two and then Leno gets released right after the draft which gives them another OT option at a reduced price. Schreff signed his franchise tender back in March so they're stuck with that $18M right now unless he's traded which will be hard to do unless Schreff and a team could get a contract extension agreed to before the July deadline. That leaves Moses as the only option to move out to free up space. If they'd known back in March they could get Flowers, Cosmi and Leno at the price they did, maybe they don't franchise Schreff, let him walk and save that $18M. Or maybe they would have moved on from both. But at that time they had to keep what they had in hand.
  18. The point of the Falcons trading Jones would be to clear cap space which they have little of, not replace it with two other contracts that would still leave them in the same situation.
  19. Probably close to the same value we gave up to get Flowers.
  20. The Blade movie is interesting. From what I read Marvel wasn't looking to cast Blade and it didn't sound like it was something they had in the pipeline. Ali reached out to Feige and pitched him on the concept and how he would portray the character and Marvel went with it. Not sure they have a director yet.
  21. Overall my Brown's draft wasn't bad. My best one yet. I got JOK to the Browns right, just at #52 instead of #26. Reports were if Newsome was off the board they would have taken JOK at #26 so I was close on a direct hit. Ronnie Perkins I had at #59 and he dropped to the late 3rd to the Patriots. Jay Tufele at #89 went top of the 4th so not bad. Brown's traded this pick to move up for JOK. Trill Williams at #91 going undrafted pissed me off. Was for sure he'd be drafted due to his size and versatility. And he timed well also at his pro day so not sure what was up with that. Rounds 4-7 I killed it for the most part. D'Wayne Eskridge in the 4th ended going in the 2nd to Seattle. Keith Taylor also in the 4th dropped to the 5th to I forget which team. Robert Hainsey I had in 5th went 3rd Rd to the Bucs. Tre Brown I had in the 6th went in the 4th Rd to Seattle. Joshua Kaindoh I had in the 7th went 4th Rd to the Chiefs. I've improved every year doing this so far. Looking forward to next year.
  22. I'm being sarcastic, it's just funny some of those guys who just got drafted in the NFL are there. I guess everyone Canadian born is eligible for the CFL draft.
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