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Everything posted by nonniey

  1. Your score is: 25402 (GRADE: A+) Your Picks:Round 1 Pick 16 (BALT): Nelson, Quenton, OG, Notre Dame (A+)Round 2 Pick 25 (TENN): Jones II, Ronald, RB, Southern California (A)Round 3 Pick 14 (K.C.): Hurst, Hayden, TE, South Carolina (A+)Round 3 Pick 22 (K.C.): Nnadi, Derrick, DT, Florida State (A+)Round 3 Pick 25 (TENN): Brown, Orlando, OT, Oklahoma (A+)Round 3 Pick 26 (ATL): Bates III, Jessie, FS, Wake Forest (A)Round 3 Pick 29 (JAX): Quessenberry, Scott, C, UCLA (A+)Round 3 Pick 33 (ARI): Settle, Tim, DT, Virginia Tech (A)Round 4 Pick 9: Holmes, Jalyn, DE, Ohio State (A+)Round 4 Pick 24 (K.C.): Smith, TreQuan, WR, Central Florida (A+)Round 4 Pick 26 (ATL): Dickson, Michael, P, Texas (A+)Round 5 Pick 10 (N.O.): Burnett, Deontay, WR, Southern California (A)Round 5 Pick 26: Benkert, Kurt, QB, Virginia (A+)Round 6 Pick 27 (N.O.): Reed, DJ, CB, Kansas State (A+)Round 6 Pick 38 (OAK): Watts, Armani, FS, Texas AM (A+)Round 6 Pick 42 (OAK): ODaniel, Dorian, OLB, Clemson (A+)Round 6 Pick 43 (OAK): Bawden, Nick, FB, San Diego State (A+)Round 7 Pick 20 (BALT): Iyiegbuniwe, Joel, ILB, Western Kentucky (A+)Round 7 Pick 22 (S.F.): Thomas, Roc, RB, Jacksonville State (A+)Round 7 Pick 23: Webb, Damon, SS, Ohio State (A+)
  2. Well a big tarantula crawled out of our backdoor fire-pit walked across my granddaughters hand and went on it's way. She discovered it when it was on her hand and it didn't phase her a bit.
  3. Yep atheists are as far from agnosticism as any religion, more so probably as I'd wager most agnostics hope that a religion is correct than those who hope that the atheists are.
  4. On a side note atheists generally don't get that agnostics are very different from them.
  5. This is actually a good fix. Dodd-Frank or at least this portion of Dodd-Frank damaged smaller banks and accelerated the consolidation of banking into the too big to fail banks. Dodd-Frank has been a boon to big banks to the detriment of smaller banks and this addresses one of it's key problems. (which is why this is getting that rare bi-partisan support).
  6. I actually think the first Cap movie was the best of the three and rank in it in the top 5 of Marvel movies.
  7. Should he? Or any of them for that matter?
  8. What it solves is it incentivizes the sale of smart guns. And the proliferation of smart weapons would increase protective options available for public places. It also almost certainly would result in the decrease of gun related deaths. Think cars with seat belt and air bags (there was a time when cars had neither). Smart guns aren't available in this country due to opposition from the NRA in response to a stupid gun control law (resulting in unintended consequences) that New Jersey passed (Law stipulates all gun sales be smart weapons after 2 years once Smart weapons are available anywhere in the US). Which brings up another proposal - Liberal New Jersey needs to revoke this law to eliminate the opposition the NRA has to smart weapons.
  9. OK how about this idea? How about all sales of smart guns are exempt from sales taxes? (This would obviously be state proposals). Thoughts?
  10. Really? I thought almost everyone had Guardians at the top? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder I guess.
  11. Agree somewhat. I thought it was good but expected more - especially when a reviewer who loved Wonder Woman said this was even better - it wasn't (not even in the same ballpark for that matter). I'd put it in the top half of the Marvel Movies but no where near as good as Guardians or the first Avengers movie. Careful I think that maybe what hurt the movie with me. You go in expecting greatness but get good (even very good) which results in a let down.
  12. No they can't - the Supreme Court overturned those laws.
  13. Chicago, DC and some other localities have tried that (and been shot down) but no States right do not trump the Constitution (nor should they).
  14. Think a different tact needs to be taken since restricting access/ownership beyond current restrictions really isn't an option that will be implemented in this country. How about approaching this the way we approached accidental vehicle deaths (we didn't ban cars we made them safer)? We could start adding safety requirements to new gun manufacturing. One method could be requiring smart gun technology there are lots of different methods and tech in this area and we could expend resources to bring this tech to maturity. Example from (Wiki) - "TriggerSmart has developed a personalized childproof smart gun using radio frequency identification (RFID) technology. Basically, only the authorized user can fire the weapon and the gun is safe in the hands of a child or an intruder in the home. Triggersmart is an Irish company that patented and achieved a working prototype of a smart gun, or "personalized gun", that uses radio-frequency identification (RFID) technology.[10] TriggerSmart has also patented and developed Wide Area Control ( WAC) where weapons can be remotely enabled and disabled using various wireless protocols. Safe zones can be created around schools and airports so that only authorised guns can operate in the designated area. Alternatively, when authorized guns leave the authorized area they can be tracked and disabled outside the safe zone. GPS and GSM capability can be added so data regarding, where and when, fired can be recorded and electronic notifications be sent to authorized partners. WAC can also be employed to help prevent Green on Blue fire or so called 'Friendly fire'. " One thing that definitely isn't working is shouting at each other every time a crime like this occurs.
  15. So you think the Republicans are going to raise taxes - or in this case retro-actively raise taxes after the 2018 elections? Is that what you think?
  16. I think the only states that are considering this are the three west coast states.
  17. Why are you still holding on to the idea that taxes haven't gone down for the vast majority of people? That was a stupid tactic that has in fact backfired on the Dems they should have limited the attack to potential deficits due to the cut or some other aspects. But by convincing many (most even) that they were getting hit with higher taxes it undermined their entire position in relation to the Tax Bill. ( Withholding reflects the projected taxes. The IRS didn't artificially decrease the amount they collect to then suddenly ramp it back up at next years filing).
  18. You'll have to take LSF's posts on this subject with a grain of SALT she fell hook line and sinker for everything negative anyone said (anyone at all) about the Tax Bill. Fact is the vast majority of people did get a substantial tax cut. It was a mistake for the Dems to convince so many to believe their taxes were not going to go down or even worse were going to go up when it would so easily be disproved once the bill took effect - really bad tactic imo.
  19. Valid points but it's a movie and I still liked it. (Wife got onto me about something similar while I was re-watching 28 days later on saying they should just hold up in the Super market for another month or two to let the infected die off- she said would I want to watch a movie of people sitting in a store hiding?).
  20. I'm just pointing out the what the non negotiable positions are for both parties (as I see them). A proposal that doesn't include these positions isn't going to pass and any attempt to do so is just wasting time.
  21. Way I see this the immigration deal must include DACA and the "border wall" plus something. Figure DACA is the line for Democrats and border wall plus something is the line from Trump and company. What is up for negotiation is the DACA type of residency (who are DACA, is there citizenship pathway, time) and the plus something (chain migration - limit it, eliminate it etc. something else?). ie Dems could propose DACA with immediate citizenship for a broad swath of illegals with full border wall funding and very limited limitations on chain Migration Reps could propose DACA with permanent legal residency (no citizenship) narrow swath (Those sighed up) - with full border wall funding and no chain migration at all. That would be a starting point at least. But if your starting point is no DACA or no Border wall plus, then don't bother. Any proposal that doesn't at least start with DACA and Border plus is a waste of time. (McCain's latest is an example - and that is coming from someone who likes McCain.)
  22. Yep, i actually have Rogue 1 ranked in the top three. They really screwed the pooch in the latest sequel. Really think that they should just redo episode 8 and pretend this last iteration never occurred.
  23. How could we know that? I don't seem to recall ever doing that.
  24. Question do you still think your taxes are going up under this bill? Just curious.
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