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Everything posted by nonniey

  1. Yeah I think you may be correct - I thought a full repeal would include non budgetary matters (which I thought would allow a potential filibuster).
  2. Huh maybe because there was no filibuster. I see you still don't understand the concept of De Jure and De facto. Oh it is dead all right can you point out one instance of a filibuster being used to stop the majority party since 2013? Of course and it is.
  3. Damn how many times do I have point out that filibuster is dead and has been dead since 2013. Whenever the filibuster interferes with a controlling parties policies it will be gone. If the Repubs had done a clean ACA repeal it would have required the filibuster to be killed and they would have killed it.
  4. Well it certainly looks better than Next Generation, Voyager and Enterprise.
  5. On my list. My Grandfather was captured at Dunkirk (a bit to the East). His battalion, 1st BN Cameron Highlanders, was one of the rear guard/defending units (This was also the last time Kilts were worn into battle). The Battalion successfully held back the Germans at La Basse for two days but was destroyed by 27 May (Only 79 made it back to the UK).
  6. Its crummy coverage now. When you have $5000 plus deductibles you only have catastrophic coverage.
  7. What I meant was that I was a No and never have so I didn't answer the 2d question but then it won't take the answer to the 1st if I don't answer the 2d. Bottomline my response in not registering the other no's probably decided to answer the 2d with the no - to get around this (I didn't).
  8. Your poll is defective - if you voted no you shouldn't be answering the 2d question, But won't register unless you answer the 2d question.
  9. That is a good point. Has a felon challenged this? That said not being a lawyer - maybe restrictions that are specifically imposed upon conviction by the courts are legal and the Social Media restrictions weren't imposed at the time of conviction (I know internet criminals have also been restricted/banned from accessing the internet as part of a sentence).
  10. The CBO report has already been proven to be off with the latest Obamacare enrollment figures. Their projection was for a far larger number of people to be enrolled and increasing enrollments in the future - which didn't and isn't happening and is actually declining. Right now there is no telling the actual total numbers the new ACHA would effect but most is now 12 million but that number has a declining trajectory. The effect of this is a smaller political price to be paid by the Republicans if they pass their plan.
  11. True but not to the extent it will be if Ossoff wins.
  12. No but you may get exit polls later in the day. Hope Handel pulls this off so we can avoid the over reactions in the media.
  13. It wouldn't be the first time since the armistice.
  14. The Mummy - it was a meh movie - average - recommend waiting and not paying to see at the theater.
  15. You missed his point but I agree that he should have been convicted of manslaughter at least, due to his negligence.
  16. Seize properties of the rich? - Like I said earlier Corbyn is the British version of Maduro.
  17. Well looks like the Scots of all people pulled Mays bacon out of the fire (partially at least she/the Conservatives screwed up three ways to Sunday with this gamble which was supposed to be a sure thing). The Conservatives lost 12 seats overall and lost their majority but if they hadn't gained 12 seats in Scotland they'd have been down 24 and Corbyn would probably have been able to form a government. As it stands May is allying with the Irish Unionists to form a Government. As for the Scots electing 12 Tories - to equate this with American politics it would almost be the equivalent of Washington DC giving their 3 electoral votes and the victory to a Republican Presidential candidate. Make no bones about it - having a combination of Trump leading the US and Corbyn leading Britain would have been a catastrophe for the West - likely would have led to the end of NATO and the collapse of first the British economy followed by the rest of Europe and then the US. And for all you ant-GOPers the British Conservative party isn't the equivalent of our Republican Party it is probably left of the Democrats in the United States so you Dems should probably be happy that Corbyn won't be able to assume the Prime Minister-ship (Corbyn is closer to Venezuelan President Maduro than he is to the Dems).
  18. It would be incredibly bad for the US if Corbyn somehow gets in and much worse for Britain. That would be a weirder victory than even Trumps. Voting for an an amateur blowhard is one thing but voting for someone who actually hates the country he wants to lead is a bit incomprehensible to me.
  19. Bit disappointing but not horrible I guess the 72 Rotten Tomato rating is about right. That seems to be the consensus here too.
  20. Here is an idea I haven't really seen tried to the extent I'm thinking. If a team evaluates a daft as weak for what they are looking for and projects the next draft to be exceptionally strong why not just trade the 1st round pick for nothing but future picks in the following draft - has that ever occurred? Imagine if the Skins did that last year. We got very little from the 2016 draft now imagine if we had traded our first for a 1st, 2d and 4th in 2017. We'd probably have ended up with Foster, Cook and a WR from a very deep 2017 class in addition to who we drafted (We'd probably also retained either Jackson or Garcon).
  21. Girl with all the Gifts - Had never heard of it but got good reviews on Rotten. Set in Britain Glen Close is a Dr experimenting on children in a an attempt to find a vaccine for a fungal disease that is wiping out humanity. It was OK started off well really didn't like the ending.
  22. Gave too much away with that last trailer. So the engineer extermination was very recent and engineered (pun intended) by a creation man (David).
  23. Well there are two ways to approach this - one getting a high score with what is essentially a wasted draft, (Draft about 20 players which obviously the team would have to cut about half of) or taking a look at a realistic haul which yours is closer too.
  24. His an old hard-line Marxist and anti-British. Even the Greens aren't anti-British so he would oppose alliances with them and others due to ideological grounds.
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