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Everything posted by nonniey

  1. If he wins it will be Republicans that elected him (sad to say for me) and if he loses it will be Republicans that defeated him. The Dems are in a win-win situation in this race thanks to Bannon and his cronies. Frankly I think the Dems win bigger if Moore wins as that empowers the Bannon/populist wing of the Republican party (Which is good for the Dems politically) a loss weakens Bannon while strengthening the conservatives in the party. Additionally a Moore win gives Dems great optics to use against the Republicans in future elections. (Believe some out of state Democrats got involved because they share the same calculation that losing here would be better).
  2. With Biden, Obama and many out of state progressives joining in I'm beginning to suspect they think it is more valuable to lose this seat than win it. Either way the Democrats are in a win-win situation you can thank Bannon and the Alt-Right for that.
  3. Hope their methodology is more accurate than their competitors. Moore winning or losing sends a message about Republicans. Obviously I want him to lose.
  4. You are talking about the Coverdell IRA's they are not 529s.
  5. Sen. Susan Collins‏Verified account @SenatorCollins Dec 1 More The Senate tax bill will include my SALT amendment to allow taxpayers to deduct up to $10,000 for state and local property taxes. - Looks like I misinterpreted this since she called it a SALT amendment - looks like just Property taxes.
  6. Doesn't look like the Calculator was updated for Collins amendment.
  7. Mortgage interest only has minor effects. You can claim the interest on the first 1 million dollars owed (Down from 1.1 million), Property Taxes and SALT is now largely unaffected for the vast majority of people as you can claim up to $10,000 of it (Over 85% of Itemizers don't reach that). So the losers for deductions are those that have Mortgages between $1 million and $1.1 million and those who pay more than $10K in taxes for property, state and sales. Itemizing in New Jersey which is one of the worst states (if not worst) for taxes the average itemizer would lose about $1000-1500 in deductions (probably raise his tax bill about by $150-$200 - but then he gains with the reduction in rates so yeah his taxes would be lower (significantly lower). (Average Property Tax in NJ is about $8500, Income $1600, Sales $1000-1500)
  8. . Was surprised that the Jack Ass didn't manage to screw this up looks like he tried though. Well some good news for a change This should be good for the economy and the US will be more competitive in the international arena.
  9. Pence? Pence is going down? Where pray tell did you get that fantasy from?
  10. Answers: Yes, Yes, Kinda, don't know, Tomorrow Seems so - yes (this wasn't really phrased as a question), and yes.
  11. Democrats? Everyone needs to do that. The sheer hypocrisy I'm seeing due to which side a predator politically falls on is sickening (But certainly not surprising). The Republicans have been attacking the Clintons for almost 30 years over this issue and now Moore comes around (or Trump last year) and many of them twist themselves into pretzels to justify supporting them - and of course many on the left continue to say they were right to defend the Clintons. Moore and Trump supporters are are so blinded by self-interest that they cannot see they are making common cause with the Ds on this one.
  12. You are replying to the wrong discussion. TSHILE was discussing the deduction on the Federal income tax. As for your example the corporations for the most part are only paying the 5% tax as it is not in their interest to pay the additional 32% to the US. They just leave it overseas. There are posters and politicians that would rather get the nothing they are getting now than to cut corporate taxes (The old if I can't have the whole loaf of bread I don't want any of it syndrome)
  13. But as he explained in one of the other two para's I posted those deductions are only for some industries/companies.
  14. Yeah See that now. Sorry about that.
  15. NBC:Sen. David PerdueThe simple truth about America's awful tax code I learned as a Fortune 500 CEO: https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/america-s-awful-tax-code-forces-ceos-invest-overseas-i-ncna822596 ..... ..... In business, it all comes down to your return on investment (ROI). Decisions are made based on what is best for the company’s bottom line. Unfortunately, America’s current tax code is telling companies they will get a better ROI by investing their resources in another country. First, within the United States, we don’t have a level playing field across all industries. I led two Fortune 500 companies. One of them, Dollar General, today pays an effective tax rate of 37 percent. The other, Reebok, pays an effective rate of 19 percent. This is not because of loopholes exploited by these businesses. It is an amalgamation of 100 years of Washington toying with the tax code to incentivize certain industries without ever revisiting whether these incentives actually accomplished their intended goal, or were still relevant....... ......At the same time, our international tax structure is jeopardizing domestic growth and crushing corporations’ ability to be globally competitive. We have one of the highest corporate tax rates in the developed world and we still have a tax on repatriated earnings. Essentially, that is a double tax that has locked more than $2.6 trillion in U.S. profits overseas. Personally, this tax on repatriated earnings prevented me from investing where I wanted to — here in America. Again, these profits trapped overseas could be put towards meaningful investments in plants, equipment, training and helping people change from one job to another..... .......In 1986, the United States changed the tax code to lower the corporate rate and make us more competitive. Since then, America has done nothing, while other countries such as Ireland, Germany, the UK and Japan all dramatically lowered their rates and did away with their repatriation tax. There are now plans to lower the corporate rate in both France and the Netherlands. This raises the stakes even higher for the United States........ (note weird highlighting is not mine).
  16. You claim the interest on $500K of it.
  17. So now that we have 14 pages of what is bad about the Bill. What is in it that you think is good?
  18. https://nypost.com/2017/11/17/metoo-has-lumped-trivial-in-with-legitimate-sexual-assault/ ..............The battle by hashtag conflates genuine sex crimes with mere childish behavior — blending the Harvey Weinsteins and Kevin Spaceys with the Al Frankens and George H.W. Bushes........... ...........My fear is that the pendulum will swing so wildly out of control, the fight against genuine sexually based offenses will be delegitimized as much ado about nothing. .........
  19. Think of it like an Airline. The Broadband companies want to offer 1st Class business, and coach tickets. The Tech Companies want only coach available (It is cheaper for them if they don't have to compete with each other for the better bandwidth). Effects on the average customer is that price of from bandwidth providers will go down while price of online services would go up (Ie your cable internet access goes down while paid services -ie netflix, hulu, gaming etc. goes up).
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