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Everything posted by nonniey

  1. Question do you still think your taxes are going up under this bill? Just curious.
  2. Yeah, that was a stupid tweet. As for the teacher being pleasantly surprised she is probably one of those that were convinced their taxes were going up (heck how many in this forum thought the same??).
  3. The GOP’s big tax-cut gamble appears to be paying dividends https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2018/02/01/the-gops-big-tax-cut-gamble-appears-to-be-paying-dividends/?utm_term=.6b0985d12eb4 A month ago Republicans passed what was, according to some measures, the most unpopular bill in decades: their tax plan. Today, it’s looking more and more as if that was a risk well worth taking........Unlike other polls, for instance, Monmouth’s question about the tax plan doesn’t tie it to Republicans or to Trump. That suggests partisanship and Trump fatigue may have depressed support while it was the subject of intense debate, and that people might warm to it as they judge it more on its merits. And speaking of those merits, there’s something important about all these polls that we need to keep in mind: People still don’t seem to recognize how the tax cuts will benefit them personally. Polls have routinely shown more people expect to see their taxes increase rather than decrease, but that’s simply not what will happen......Republicans seem to be counting on Americans seeing that extra money in order for the law to become even more popular. Which isn’t a bad bet. If people are expecting their taxes to go up (36 percent) or even stay the same (32 percent) and taxes go down, that should be a pleasant surprise and could fuel more support for the bill......
  4. I'm referring to Dodd-Frank. It severely reduced small banks - which ironically indirectly rewarded the big bank culprits of the financial melt-down. Small banks didn't have the resources to manage/work through the regulations which drove about 20% of them out of business and reduced the services of the others - while the big banks did have the resources manage the new regulations and of course profited from the reduced competition (particularly is services that small banks could no longer provide) and as a result grew even bigger.
  5. I assume you must be really angry with Obama and the Dems on this particular issue.
  6. I had a slightly higher score last night but only got an A overall. So I assume the score is not necessarily score based?
  7. Actually AIDs, outside of some specialist doctors who suspected a disease existed and were hunting for it, wasn't even known at all when he ran.
  8. OK let put this quote even more in context. The guy publishing a book criticizing the war drugs uses an Erlichman quote as the lead pitch to drive sales of his new book. A quote that only he heard. A quote during an interview for a book he was writing 22 years earlier but didn't use then. A quote he that he forgot about until he reportedly found notes on it just in time to help the sales of his new book;. A quote from recently found notes that the author Baum refuses to provide for examination. A quote that can't be refuted by the man he is quoting because that man died 15 years ago. A quote that surviving members of the Nixon administration called rubbish. A quote that Erlichman's children called rubbish. You might wanna pick a better hill to die as well.
  9. In at least one way the Phantom Menace was better - Story Arc/Development.
  10. Seems to be a recurring theme in this forum lately that not only do some want their political opponents defeated, they want them dead (Up to and including posts stating happiness over the deaths of a group of people because they most likely were Trump supporters). LD (and surprisingly Larry) just decided to expand the list to all Republicans. So I'll post the Solzhenitsyn quote yet again (yeah I kind of like this quote) “Gradually it was disclosed to me that the line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either -- but right through every human heart -- and through all human hearts."
  11. Guess you can get with LD to come up with a plan. I heard that Wannsee is a good location for this type of planning.
  12. Here we go again. Now lets hunt down and kill those who support the Republican agenda even if they don't like the Jack-ass. (Guess TWA, me and a couple of other posters here would go on your death list). Have you thought of the best methods for exterminating the population that liked the Tax Cuts, Gorsuchs nomination etc?
  13. Darkest Hour was good - not great but good. Everyone is saying Oldman nailed the part but I just didn't get that from him close but there is just something is missing and don't know what - something though.
  14. Just saw Justice League yesterday this has probably already been discussed but that movie lacks a good villain. Not having one really wrecks the overall movie.
  15. Well I think they may not be able to limit which charity the money goes to from their citizens (if they do it would be easy to prove in court it is really a tax).
  16. I agree with you on this. In almost every aspect rates/deductions etc get double or more when filed as joint vice single filers. Joint returns should be at least 20K imo or single returns 5K. One or the other.
  17. Well, you do know that individuals do get deductions, right?
  18. Well most of the discussion for fixing the deduction was centered around Research and Development not sure what other deductions were retained. Other countries have their deductions too (So yeah generally it is accurate). Even Dems never disputed that Corporations had a significantly higher tax burden in the US than outside the country -its just Dems avoided focusing on that (Lets face it optics favored them saying it was a cut for the rich).
  19. My understanding is the Senate initially did (accidentally) eliminate the deductions(loopholes) but this ended up being a wash (ie the effective tax rates would not change for Corporations because of this error). This would have left corporations still being taxed at an average of 10-15% higher in the U.S. than outside the US. This was fixed during reconciliation.
  20. It won't be rolled back. The Tax Bill was easy to attack because of the primary purpose (and effect) was reducing the corporate tax rate. But attacking that is just politics (Dems can easily say it is a tax reduction for the rich and use that line to attack Republicans). You go back a couple of years and you'll find both sides discussing the need to reduce the corporate rate as the current tax structure hurt US competitiveness and encouraged businesses to keep earnings overseas (or worse move their HQ entirely overseas). Bottom-line reducing the corporate tax rate which is the most substantial result of this bill greatly benefits the US and Schumer and company know this. So although they may use this as an issue to win seats they won't repeal that aspect of it if they are successful in regaining the three branches of Government.
  21. Well some good news then. The Senate actually passed the Tax Bill. Had my doubts for a while given the effective propaganda against it. (To see how effective just look at the this forum).
  22. Tax Bill changed to include Rubio's criteria for higher Child deduction for the poor so assume Rubio will now vote for the the bill. Estate Tax preserved for individuals with 5.5 million or couples of with 11 million or higher.
  23. Well some good news from the reconciliation of the Tax Bill. The 10K SALT deduction now includes state income and sales taxes (improved from just property taxes). It fixes the Corporate alternate minimum problem that the Senate botched (it has been rescinded). Agreed to keep the Senate's approach to provide deductions on pass through companies (which primarily helps small businesses and yes I know this one bugs the hell out of most of you but it really does primarily help small businesses).
  24. You missed the point the only way Dems can win in Alabama is if Republicans let them (They don't even need to cross over they can decide just not to show up).
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