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Everything posted by nonniey

  1. I'm sure however they are revised will lead to supporters or opponents screaming about pressure on the Center depending on what the new result is.
  2. Actually to me the one poster that comes across to me as the most close minded in this forum seems to be well......you.
  3. Caught a segment of I believe Amy Goodman's show while driving today and the guy on the show was reflecting the position of some in this forum in regard to the Corporate tax rate. In referencing the 1 year 5% rate proposal for returning money to the US from overseas - he said it would be better to get nothing (Currently happening) than allow the Corporations "to avoid" the 1.2 Trillion tax at the current rate. Absolutely mind boggling to me.
  4. This is the first I've heard that they plan to change the charitable deduction. Is that accurate (I may have missed it)?
  5. And Churchill had a heart attack. I said examples of highly effective leaders I know many on the left like to throw that out there but weak sauce as he was in fact highly effective.
  6. I don't know about that - Two examples of highly effective leaders over 65 - Churchill and Reagan were older than 65 when they assumed the top office for their respective countries.
  7. Unlike the last time there probably really isn't any marching orders. What owner in the right mind would ever hire Kap now?
  8. The teams have more than the talent (or lack of) card to play their stronger card is that they could say that Kaepenick would be detrimental to their bottom-line. I'm pretty sure that should be easy to show.
  9. See reply to Llevron. You also may want to invest in a dictionary.
  10. They stand for the country "Genius" may want to invest in a dictionary so you can look up words such as symbol.
  11. Absolutely in agreement with about the country being bigger than the government, the military or any individual. National anthems and flags are symbols that represent a country (not the military, government or any individual). But You may take some flack from normal allies for undercutting a couple of positions on this page. I'll take this as a concession from from you (in your way of doing such things) that you were off base on why people stand for an anthem and why they sit.
  12. The Anthems and Flags are symbols for a country. Pretty sure that is self evident.
  13. The issue is people on this board twisting themselves into pretzels to explain why sitting for the anthem is not withholding respect for the country (Except Ladyskinsfan she understands that is what it is). Despite Mr Sinister's explanation there is only one reason and that is to show respect , when you stand for another countries anthem you are showing respect (He seemed to think people only stand for their own countries anthems and the fact that people stand for other nations anthems sinks his entire explanation), likewise when your standing for your own countries anthem you are showing respect. The players are withholding their respect as their means of protest - simple as that the denial of that and deflections and what not this board is attempting just don't hold water. What is ironic is the likes of Ladyskinsfan post which essentially confirmed what I was saying (Guess they didn't think that one through).
  14. Ladyskins fan at least you understand the reason people stand for anthems unlike several other posters on this page. Again I ask all of you (Except Ladyskins fan). Why do people stand for an anthem (any anthem)? I expect I'll get the same deflections.
  15. Really? So when we stand for a foreign anthem during a function (Visiting Head of State, Sports Team etc) it is to show we are real Americans? Seriously?
  16. Then tell me in your view what is the purpose for standing for an Anthem?
  17. Actually, yeah it is that simple. The deep dive is on why one withholds that respect.
  18. DS 9 is better, a lot better than TNG (attempted to repair a lot of the really stupid notions TNG tried to propagate).
  19. I'm not telling people they can't be disrespectful of the country as a means of protest. That is their right. The point being is that Kap and the others are kneeling because they believe the country doesn't deserve their respect (Jeez guys - it is not hard to understand that. Saying otherwise is twisting yourselves into pretzels to explain the action). Bottomline - Why do people stand for the Anthem? It is to show respect. Not standing for the anthem is withholding that respect. Simple as that.
  20. No that isn't how racism works, but is an example of how many on the left (not all by any means) try to paint any disagreement as racism. Kneeling for the flag is disrespectful to the country. Point being is that the protesters position is they can't respect a country that (in their eyes) allows police brutality.
  21. Just sound logic if Corporations can make more money in the US they will move it to the US.
  22. The point is that the US capital gains tax is non competitive with just about every other country. It encourages corporations to spend and keep their money overseas. The 5% one time rule is a fantastic idea it would suck all that money into the United States and as long as the permanent tax rate is then lowered to a competitive level it should keep it here.
  23. Read this. http://www.econlib.org/library/Enc/CapitalGainsTaxes.html
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