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Everything posted by GoCommiesGo

  1. I've been mulling something over, I got diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis a few weeks ago. It's an autoimmune disease but does not really weaken the immune system until you have to take biological injections. I don't need the injections and I can go about my daily routine. But, if I did have to take the injections it would weaken my immune system enough to cause concern. I'm wondering what the liability would be, if any, if someone lied about being vaccinated at the workplace and got someone sick. Would that person then be liable for medical or possibly civil damages? With the continuing pushback from a fairly large swath of people this is something I've been thinking about. In my workplace, I highly doubt it would be an issue, but I'm interested in what other people think.
  2. Why? They just reverted back to it being a non work related death as the vaccines are approved and available.
  3. That article title is a little misleading. They changed the policy before vaccines that if an individual died of COVID it would be treated as a work related death, i.e. getting run over by a train. With the vaccines being approved they determined it is no longer a work related death but is a personal choice to to. Nothing wrong with the policy and actions have consequences no matter what you believe. Capitalism baby!
  4. I haven't really noticed a difference in our area. We do a weekly shop and split it between a grocery store and Sams Club. We are a family of four and our grocery budget hasn't really varied over the last 2.5 years.
  5. I don’t think it will be a lot in DC metro area but more localized to regional areas. For us I’m interested to see the turnover in our Texas and Missouri offices. Personally, I need a couple of 13s to dip out in my organization and it’ll be okay.
  6. As a federal employee I’m super excited that there may be some new higher paying job openings. I also would hypotheses that the reply all emails will be cut down based on a certain subset leaving.
  7. This is the truly the only thing that the NFL or any of the major sports care about. Scandals and terrible people doing terrible things will fade away over time. It's very unlikely that it would happen, but if the NFL gets a sniff of that a real push may take place you to remove the antitrust exemption, some interesting things may happen.
  8. I’m a contracting officer for the federal government, last week we received our guidance on inclusion of new FAR clauses for the vaccine mandate. They are to be included in all new and any existing contracts within their performance period. People that are refusing are starting to get that monetary feedback, that will be interesting to see going forward.
  9. PR team when announcing this absolute cluster.
  10. These people lived in our neighborhood, their kids went to our kids school. Crazy story and absolutely shocking.
  11. Is there a chance, in the future, that unvaccinated individuals can be held legally liable for cost of treatments if they are shown to be the primary spreader? Or, if they cause individuals to miss work due to quarantine?
  12. She's been thinking about it for awhile and was going back and forth with a company. This just moved the needle enough for her to get serious. She got a substantial raise of 40% with a more defined role. She doesn't have summers off anymore but she feels that she is being fairly compensated for her time and skills. Good luck to you and your wife, I hope she stays safe.
  13. My wife resigned yesterday from teaching after fourteen years. The last two years burnt her completely out. She's the fourth or fifth person in her school to leave this year, I'm not sure how that matches up anywhere else but that is a large exodus compared to prior years at her school. The fact they might have to pivot to hyrbid teaching again was a major factor in her leaving.
  14. Nah, his agent got his client a 80 million dollar dealer. From this his agent deserves a raise, got his client a well above market deal. Schroeder is the one who didn’t listen and walked from it.
  15. I just looked this up it looks like the farthest out is seven years.
  16. I'm not sure how I'm supposed to feel about that. On one hand that is a crapload of first round picks and I'm somewhat pleased that the team has bought into the idea of blowing it up and starting fresh. On the other hand, this is going back to the pre Arenas days of rough to watch basketball. Wonder if we can get Popeye Jones and Jahidi White to comeback.
  17. My wife is a teacher and has been in a semi serious conversation to join a psychological practice to help provide educational support to kids with learning challenges. We had a conversation last night that basically boiled down to if they go back to hybrid learning she’s leaving teaching. The last 1.5 years coupled with low earnings and high stress have pretty much broken her. Her school has had five teachers leave this summer for other careers. She loves teaching and working with the kids but from a job perspective I don’t see how it’s worth it for the stress and low pay compared to other jobs with the same degrees.
  18. I worked in the marine industry in Annapolis for about two decades. I say this as white 38 year old male that works for the Federal Government. The worst group of people I have ever dealt with are old white men. Not all old white men, but enough to make me able say this with pure conviction.
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