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Everything posted by GoCommiesGo

  1. We got back a bit ago. Had a great time camp was well maintained and incredibly clean. Everyone was respectful and kept a decent distance. Kids went swimming in the lake did a few trails and got to be somewhere other than home.
  2. We're going to Rocky Gap in MD. It's the first trip of the year for us, keeping it simple. I have family in Buchanan WV. I love that area, where I learned to hunt and ride four wheelers. I'll look into Greenbrier County, thanks for the tip.
  3. That's awesome, it's a great way to get kids used to sleeping outside. We started doing that with our daughter at the same age, she's 9 now and really enjoys it.
  4. A lot depends on what you're looking for and where in MD you're willing to travel too. There are some nice hikes down in Prince Frederick, the Acorn Land Trust is pretty. You can go to the eastern shore Wye Island or Tuckahoe. If you travel to Western MD Rocky Gap is pretty, Alleghany National Forest has some good hikes. If you're doing camping a lot comes down to if you want to do back country style or a more modern with facilities.
  5. I seriously considered applying to the forestry service up in Alaska. Wife and I talked it over and it just didn't seem to like the right time and the cost of living vs. pay didn't line up for us. If we make out west I'll definitely hit you up. Post some pictures of your trip, I'd love to see those if your comfortable with it.
  6. If we didn't have kids I would love to get the Ursa Minor camping mod for the jeep. But, kids man they take all the monies. I'd love to make it up to Alaska. I really want to do the south west, that area looks beautiful.
  7. Thanks, we've been looking at some PA parks. I'll take a look at those. We're trying to hit the lower areas earlier and then start heading more north / west.
  8. That's awesome! We've got a wrangler that we are slowly outfitting to do some cross country treks, my long term goal is do Moab. In between I'd like to be able to do some expedition camping before we make any big treks.
  9. We're setting out for Rocky Gap today to get some fresh air and escape the house. We've got additional camping trips lined up for the next two weeks as we try to get out of the house and away from screens and general technology. We mainly do car camping but my wife and I have done some back country camping. Anyone have any good tips and trips or places to visit? We're going to Point Lookout next weekend and Martinak on the eastern shore the following weekend. Definitely doing Janes Island, Tuckahoe and Greenbriar later this summer.
  10. We started watching that a week ago. I remember watching it for a little back when it was on but didn't finish it. It's a good show. Also watched Chuck for the first time. Seasons 1-4 were good but 5 is just...not good. With all the streaming stuff available I've been watching older network shows I heard about, but never watched or finished.
  11. People are the most contagious before they are "sick"? That's crazy and as someone who has no medical knowledge seems completely foreign and not right.
  12. I don't know if anyone is a Community fan, but this seems appropriate for the moment.
  13. I think they are trying to go slowly in case they can open it and allow parents to return to work as needed. That's the only reason I can see going this route.
  14. Not an electrician, have done the same installation in an older home. Are the LED lights you installed dimmable? Most are nowadays but some still are not dimmable and the flickering can happen when the bulb is not made to dim.
  15. Did that increase sales / revenue for you? A lot of the reports I've seen are very vague on the success of the plan.
  16. The bill gives a lot of leeway to fed to back loans and take on additional debt. It's not "direct" monies more of providing an additional backstop for corporations. At least that's how I understand it.
  17. They really enjoy incomplete sentences and the inability to maintain a thought for more than a second?
  18. I'm going to quote myself because I want to hammer this home. Modern CEO actual cash pay is a very small percent of what they actually pay. Looking at the Boeing CEO. "Boeing said Mr. Calhoun, who starts as chief executive on Monday, would receive a base salary of $1.4 million and be eligible for an annual target bonus of $2.5 million, long-term incentive awards worth $7.5 million and restricted stock units worth $10 million." Source So of his reported 21 million pay, only 1.4 is actual cash. As corporations incentivize stock gains at all cost for CEO pay, they will do everything to reach the goals. The actual nature of raising pay and providing for the employee is minimal, that hurts the bottom line. Reducing expenses and increasing the net is all that matters and they will reach those. As a country, we award stock growth more than anything. If you need an example other than how the administration is handling this as an economic problem and pointing to the DOW rather than a health issue I can't help you.
  19. CEO compensation has been capped at a dollar value. The issue has now become that CEOs are given stock options, the goal is to now drive the stock as high as possible to hit the trigger point. It's not about paying top dollar, it's incentivizing stock growth above all else. While total compensated dollar value is not as high, they have more incentive to drive stock prices. NPR's Planet Money had an excellent podcast about CEO pay. Planet Money - When CEO Pay Exploded
  20. It phases out at a 5% rate, the example they showed in the tweet is if you make 85k and the cutoff is 75k you would get $700.00 (10,000 * 5% = $500), 1,200 - 500 = $700.00
  21. The majority of people are terrible at tax planning. I agree that this would the easiest and most straightforward option. But, in 2021 you would see a massive amount of people complaining that: 1) They aren't getting as a big a refund as normal 2) They have to pay taxes and can't As a family we qualify for the max amount since they are using AGI. We come in below the cutoff for 2018 because we took a massive loss on our rental and would barely come in under for 2019 because we took a minor loss on our rental unit. We'll take the money and save it and I'll adjust our withholdings throughout the year as well as our tax advantaged accounts. Would the average person do this, probably not. They'll take the money and complain about taxes next year.
  22. My wife has been doing the distance / e-learning teaching since last Wednesday. They have to push content out like a regular school day. I'm not going to lie, its been rough on her. It's a whole new style of teaching without any real direct involvement, completely different than how she would normally teach. We also have a 5 year old and 9 year old at the school. They both have activities to finish on a daily / weekly basis to maintain their school progress. With both of us working from home, trying to get them to focus on their work (mainly the 9 year old) is challenging. I'm not sure how sustainable this is going to be if they cancel schools in most states and suddenly expect people to go back to work. Something is going to give.
  23. Wow, I hadn't heard that. I hope everything works out for your family.
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