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Everything posted by GoCommiesGo

  1. As the spouse of a teacher, I don't think teachers made it harder. Administrators made it harder as did school boards. Teachers had to reimagine education on the fly and implement it with little to no guidance in the beginning. Then like all good managers, administrators decided to make changes that made everyone's life harder. I'm not sure the long term ramifications but I don't think you'll see a huge shift to private schools. The cost is just to much for most families.
  2. We sold our 2014 Wrangler Unlimited to a dealership for 3k less than we bought it for back in 2017. My step father turned in his leased Jeep Gladiator six months early. Dealer waived his remaining payments and gave him 4K to sweeten the deal. Car market is wild right now.
  3. I find it interesting how people don't connect their circumstances to surrounding areas. This is an older study but I always found this be amazing. My wife and I struggled for awhile when we first got married. People that have never had to juggle which bills to pay late and what food they can buy don't understand the stress that causes. The answer to just cut down on excess is beyond condescending and insulting. Being poor in the US is expensive. It took years for us to be able to get to where we are now and I'll never forget the times we struggled. FEMA - Saving
  4. I see the bootstraps have come out early this morning. I'm assuming you've never been poor and had to juggle groceries vs. electricity.
  5. My son watches Mark Rober, that guy does some really cool stuff.
  6. He can change his opinion. I just think it's odd for someone to say to remove them when they were a primary beneficiary. Nothing more nothing less. This conversation is circular and we are not going to agree on this.
  7. Again, this is not what I'm saying. I could google it and read about it, but that is not the original point and it won't tell me what they considered in the selection process or how it compared to other proposals. While that may have been a major factor it wasn't the only factor in the selection process. You're turning the conversation away from the original point and focusing on a single aspect that you have brought into the conversation regarding a government awards. It was about subsidies and that his companies received major ones and he is now sayin EVs no longer need them after he was a major beneficiary. -Edit- For the sake of this also, this will be my last response regarding spaceX and government awards. COMMERCIAL CREW BASICS (NASA) NASA's Commercial Crew Program has worked with several American aerospace industry companies to facilitate the development of U.S. human spaceflight systems since 2010. The goal is to have safe, reliable and cost-effective access to and from the International Space Station and foster commercial access to other potential low-Earth orbit destinations. NASA selected Boeing and SpaceX in September 2014 to transport crew to the International Space Station from the United States. These integrated spacecraft, rockets and associated systems will carry up to four astronauts on NASA missions, maintaining a space station crew of seven to maximize time dedicated to scientific research on the orbiting laboratory.
  8. I didn't follow the award process, nor do I work for NASA and have access to their evaluation criteria. Without that information, this statement is again, incomplete at best. The bottom line here is that spaceX was awarded the contract vehicle, but at the end of the day that does not mean they are the only company capable of providing the service. Again, I didn't say that. I said they are not the only company capable of providing the service, this was a competitive procurement and not a sole source. You're making the argument that they are the least expensive. I'm not making that argument and I don't have access to that information neither do you. At the end of the day this started with saying that Musk greatly benefited from subsidies. That doesn't change with any of this.
  9. I'm going to preface this as someone who works for the government and is a contracting officer reviewing and awarding contracts. This does not mean he is the only company that can do this. SpaceX was determined to be the best based on the criteria established by selection committee. Without reviewing the award documentation that is likely OFUO this statement is incomplete. Affordable price is a relative term, I'm not going to get into that here. He did, no argument from me on this. Disagree, subsidies help drive people that would not typically be involved in that type of purchase. See the Ford Lightning. I didn't say that. Things change but I disagree that subsidies are not required to buy an EV. Subsidies can be the deciding factor in someone moving to the EV from ICE, to shorten the adoption window we should do whatever we can. I say this a person who recently purchased a 2022 VW Atlas for my wife. A subsidy would be a driving factor when I replace are next car, when that time comes.
  10. I think this is a pretty funny statement to make. Considering how much money Musk has captures from the government among his separate ventures. I don't have any issue with the government providing subsidies to emerging industries or to help steer industry to beneficial outcomes that need short term support to provide stability. I do have an issue with someone stating that subsidies are bad because they don't need them, when they have been a major beneficiary of them over time. Elon Musk’s growing empire is fueled by $4.9 billion in government subsidies
  11. Who would have thought Children of Men and idiocracy were going to be documentaries.
  12. It doesn't stop being a public health issue just because a subset of people don't want to participate, it just highlights the necessity. Also, of course it would be punitive to not follow a mandate. That's the idea of a mandate.
  13. Did anyone see the IG post from Arenas about the whole Lebron and Stewart thing? It was gold.
  14. From what I understand the majority of people not getting the vaccine are retirement age / eligible. I believe the have until the end of the year to file the paperwork, though it's probably dependent on the agency and how fast they are processing the exemptions. IMO they need to ride out to the mandate till the end. Several people in my age group (35-45) are waiting for some of the older folks that refuse the mandate to be counseled out of the workforce and open up the higher grades.
  15. He did pay his taxes, instead of foregoing income. I've seen to many people not understand the entirety of the process and weirdly celebrating him for paying taxes. It just blows my mind.
  16. Him diverting the issue on selling the stock may be the best gas light of all time. He sold that stock to pay for taxes for meeting his contracted incentives. He had the bill coming since he exercised his options and since he doesn't take a salary he had to pay a regular share of taxes. Posting that twitter poll and convincing people he sold to help pay taxes is incredible and shows how little people understand the tax code, and it shows how convoluted the tax code is for super high net worth individuals. Tesla's Musk sells $930 mln in shares to cover stock option tax - filings Nov 15 (Reuters) - Tesla (TSLA.O) CEO Elon Musk has sold $930 million in shares to meet tax withholding obligations related to the exercise of stock options, U.S. securities filings showed on Monday. CNBC - Musk Stock Musk sold about $6.9 billion worth of stock in the company over the course of the week. Some of the shares were sold in part to satisfy tax obligations related to an exercise of stock options. Also, I think it's amazing how little people understand how someone like Musk and Bezos actually operate from a day to day standpoint of money. They don't have to pay taxes on income as they pledge shares of equity to borrow money. Per the below. "In the company's latest financial report, Tesla revealed Musk had already used 92.3 million shares as collateral to fund personal debt. If Musk didn't want to go further into debt, he could consider a cashless exercise, where he'd sell enough of his shares to cover the cost of exercising and related taxes..." Source
  17. This is done by private insurance already for individuals who participate in high risk activities, such as smoking. I would bet insurance companies will start upping premiums next year without proof of vaccination. Especially if the government stops covering most care for COVID hospitalizations.
  18. None of these guys want to get into action with the Jokers eastern European brothers. I fully believe these two have committed war crimes.
  19. It appears that Travis is in the CYA mode. It's like watching a guy I know that got a DUI going to a rehab place before trial, so he his lawyer can point to it as him doing self correction. He then promptly got another DUI a year later, all a show.
  20. That's my thought from the employer side, CYA. If an employee lies does that person become liable for damages. I'm leaning towards, probably, they knowingly falsified information and took a highly contagious disease into an environment violating policy.
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