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Everything posted by GoCommiesGo

  1. If nothing else happens from this I hope average consumers get a base understanding of how the market can be manipulated. I really want to stop hearing about how the economy is doing great because the DOW is up.
  2. The way this gets handled by the SEC and other agencies is going be telling.
  3. Also, some of the stories on Reddit about people holding to just burn funds is interesting. For some holding is not about making money, it’s about hurting the people who they deem as market manipulators. The whole thing is fascinating to watch in real time.
  4. The next move is likely removing retail investors ability to buy calls and options. This will be done under the guise of protecting the average consumer. It will ignore the institutional investors shorting 140%+ of the stock to start with and releasing reports to drive the stock farther down.
  5. Institutions have been doing a ton of early morning trades all week to try to drive the price down. They have buying and selling between themselves to depress early morning value to try to drive a sell off. As they say have diamond hands.
  6. Melvin Capital is getting crushed right now. They are closing other positions and had to get a 2.75 billion dollar investment from another hedge fund. This is absolutely epic, they’ve pushed the price past the point of no return for institutional investors. I’m happy watching this from the sidelines.
  7. Beyond the ridiculous beauty of the entire sub trying to shaft market, they have a deep belief that Cohen can turn it around like he did at Chewy. If you read some of their actual analysis (it’s hard to find but it’s there) it makes sense in a twisted way. The plan as described by Cohen could work but if nothing else, it’s a great spectacle.
  8. How many of those people had the national security apparatus actively pursuing them? I understand your point, but trying to equate a local / state investigation to a federal is not realistic. It’s very likely some people get off with a lower sentence but the federal system is not comparable to state and local.
  9. I think your underselling the level of resources that are pointed at them right now. The amount of information that feds have access to, mainly because these people are incapable of keeping their thoughts to themselves. A major party is not going to foot legal bills for hundreds of people where video, audio and written evidence is available. People are mad and as a federal employee, I’m going to make a broad statement. The majority of civil servants have a large dislike for the leadership of the last four years not only at the presidential level but all the way down to high level political appointees. This is a chance for them to hold people accountable.
  10. It’s genius to have it directly debited from their paychecks. Love it, let them get the real high school feel.
  11. Friend of mine had the Anarchist Cookbook when we’re middle school age. We definitely tried some of that stuff to see if it worked. Spoiler, it definitely worked.
  12. What does that even mean? it’s a party of chaos and opposition. I struggle to find any thread of common policy and long term goal. Whenever I speak to my trump friend he can’t explain what he likes. It all boils down to immigrants and some weird nonsense about the economy. Once we start talking about the economy he struggles to express any understanding of it beyond STONKS! It’s all so weird to me.
  13. I love how people seem to ignore the fact a private business can refuse service. It’s not a public institution, it’s a private business and they sure as hell can tell anyone to leave if they don’t follow their policy. God people are stupid.
  14. I understand the used market and lack of supply. I’m surprised by the addition of a 20% market rate adjustment and lack of incentives. I’m in a perpetual state of car buying. Between my dad and I we’ve purchased or leased over 50 cars in the last twenty years. I’ve never seen a price increase like that on anything except limited edition performance models or hard to find imports (E63 Wagon or Civic Type R). edit Rereading if it comes off aggressive I didn’t mean too.
  15. That was my thoughts also. I’ve been watching the used car market and thought their must be some incentives to buy new. Man was I wrong. I only looked at the Toyota stuff yesterday but I’m going to go check out the Dodge and Ford dealership next weekend just to compare.
  16. I don’t know if this is the right place for this. I was killing some time yesterday with my son and we drove to the Toyota dealership to look at some pickups. The Tundra and Tacoma both had market adjustments of $10k and $5k over sticker respectively. The Tundra stickers at 51k and with the adjustment was 61k. I’ve owned 26 cars and this completely blew my mind, I’ve never seen a non special edition sports car have a market adjustment near 20%. I’m not sure if this is just specific to my area and lack of inventory or what. Either way it was just really surprising.
  17. I went golfing with some friends yesterday and my friend who I’ve know for 20+ years told me he believes the dominion software conspiracy. He’s a trump guy but has always been open to conversation and debate. This completely caught me off guard and I had no words. This **** is insidious and going to do real long term damage to the country.
  18. I’ve met Gary a few times for work activities. I know nothing of him personally but he was instrumental in getting in touch with tribal leadership in several states. Sad and kind of surreal to see someone you’ve worked with in the news like that.
  19. You should be able to. The load is carried in the legs and shouldn’t be carried in the studs if installed correctly. The wall side is more stability. My brother has that exact rack and loves it.
  20. It’s kind of crazy, she works at a private school so they implement their own stuff. The full virtual is a last resort for them as they opened hybrid well before anyone else and it’s kind of a sign of defeat. They were just talking about bringing more grades back on campus.
  21. My wife has once again been moved to off campus teaching as is her student pod. This is the third time in three months they have separated her pod waiting for a COVID test. Feeling at her school is they are going to full virtual very soon due to the new numbers.
  22. IMO it was bad but that wasn’t shouting out loud. I’ve heard what I consider to be both and his was more subdued I guess...
  23. Like I said, I’ve heard similar stuff from my rural family. Based on my experience what he said leans more into closet racism to me. No way to know for sure but it looks like a two birds one stone thing to me. Just my opinion.
  24. That and maybe get rid of a long term liability that says some racist stuff in his off time.
  25. As a white guy with family in rural WV, that clip sounded familiar. Really easy to say with a slight smirk. Dude’s a tool.
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