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Everything posted by GoCommiesGo

  1. What county? My wife teaches at a private school but has a lot of friends in Anne Arundel, Frederick and Montgomery. I haven't heard about not paying.
  2. My guess is they are out of luck. I love the presumption that the individual should have 3-6 months of emergency savings, yet a multi-billion dollar company can't make it a month. I know it's not apples to apple, but the hypocrisy is palpable.
  3. Nothing yet, I think we're going to have to wait for someone to "leak" the text. Didn't realize AGI was in the first bill.
  4. "Under the plan as it was being negotiated, individuals who earn $75,000 in adjusted gross income or less would get direct payments of $1,200 each, with married couples earning up to $150,000 receiving $2,400 -- and an additional $500 per each child. The payment would scale down by income, phasing out entirely at $99,000 for singles and $198,000 for couples without children." CNN Source I don't remember seeing them say AGI in the first bill. That could be a fairly big qualifier for a lot of people.
  5. If it maintains the original structure of a married couple 150k with a phase out to 198k I think you'll see more people qualifying. I'd like to see the bill to see what the rates are and I'm interested in the oversight provisions for the business loans.
  6. I've been looking this morning and can't find anything concrete, just the generic break downs from the news orgs. I'd be very thankful if anyone that found it threw a link up here. -Edit- Just got an email, someone on my floor / section tested positive for COVID. What a time to be alive.
  7. I know I shouldn't be but I'm shocked with how stupid this all is. How are people supposed to return to work if the school system in a state is shutdown. How are two income families supposed to support themselves if someone has to stay home or suddenly send their kids to daycare. If that's even possible. I know in Annapolis you'd have to kill someone to get your kids into a daycare this late in the school year, let alone be able to afford the added expense of daycare. So stupid...just so stupid.
  8. That’s the thing, if you don’t have the option and mortgage payments and other debt payments aren’t made you could reasonably have another 2008 housing meltdown. No matter what is going to happen spending power is going to be reduced all over. Unemployment is going to rise and in a lot of events older people will likely die.
  9. If states close schools for the year, how are people supposed to go to work? Majority of families are two working parents, the economy is not going to magically bounce back. I live in MD I know that the all my friends are dual working. They can’t survive a scenario where they have to stay at home and not have some type of government support.
  10. Can you imagine him saying that and then schools still being closed for another month or more? The lack of consistent messaging could get people killed.
  11. If he eases guidance but state governors don’t. What will take place?
  12. It’s about 25 million for six months plus fees. I saw the contract FEMA did for Puerto Rico.
  13. Kids are carriers and some new studies are showing it can effect them. The fact it's targeting the elderly is what can possibly drive up the mortality rate. The number I used was from the New England Journal of Medicine. I know this is a semantics debate because you used the word "flu", I wanted to point out that if we had the same rate of infection as the seasonal flu the death rate would be substantially greater. The nonchalance by people is aggravating to me, I have a 70 year old father with Parkinson's and a 98 year old grandmother that lives with my parents. Both of them are in the high risk group, and I would rather we as a society overreact then underreact.
  14. Initially starting to setup testing procedures in January when the first case was seen in the us. Communicating to the public about the infection and ways to minimize the transmit disease earlier in the process, think early mid February. Generally better communication to the public much earlier in the process regarding the virus. ideally not trying to minimize the virus in late February.
  15. Off the top of my head, generally taking it seriously and not calling it a hoax?
  16. Your saying a fast coordinated response by the government would have been beneficial? Color me shocked. Thank goodness the US really got on the ball and didn’t delay for a few weeks...
  17. I would assume with a post like this you don’t know the mortality rate of the flu is .1% and COVID is right around 1.4%. I’m using the lower end of the mortality rate I’ve seen. if you applied the COVID mortality rate to the infection of the 2018-2019 flu season of 36 million - 55 million per the CDC the flu had a mortality of 36,400 - 61,200. With the COVID rate applies we would have 504,000 - 770,000. I sincerely hope the infection is not like the flu.
  18. I edited my comment. It was 44% of people couldn't access $400 to cover an emergency. This could get really ugly for a lot of people and businesses. I don't know if people in the country really understand how many people live near a tipping point on a regular basis. A two week closure could be the tipping point for almost half of the US population.
  19. I got news for you, $2,000 is way to high a number. FEMA has been pushing financial resiliency the last few years. The last thing I saw was something like 40% of Americans don't have access to $400. I'm looking for the document with the exact percentage. -Edit- "Forty-four percent of Americans do not have $400 on hand to cover an emergency expense. These Americans will be ill-prepared to care for themselves and their families in the wake of a disaster." https://www.fema.gov/blog/2018-10-16/financial-preparedness-pays
  20. I don't know much but I'll take a stab at it. The US shale industry is profitable somewhere around 40-50 a barrel. With the current economic situation if the price of oil continues to drop and hits the $30 a barrel for a long periods the entire industry could be come untenable. Layoffs and cost cutting will come into play. Stacking that together would likely have downstream ripple effects through the entire economy. I could be really wrong also.
  21. Stafford act funds have a very stringent set of standards. Technically the fed helps manage the initial disaster but the state / local should be managing the disaster with federal support after the response phase. The money could be used to supply tests and material but FEMA is not setup with individual assistance to provide support for medical caress far as I know.
  22. I wonder how much money these companies are going to get out of the disaster relief fund. I'm sure google is not doing the website for free.
  23. I work for the federal govt. just got an email that one of our agency buildings is being closed and everyone is working from home for the next 14 days. This is in DC.
  24. Finished it yesterday, it’s good. The guy who plays Poe may be my favorite actor in the show.
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