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Everything posted by GoCommiesGo

  1. He was great, went right at Curry and put some big fouls on him to force Doc to take him out. Do the sixers try to move Simmons? 170 million for someone that you can’t play at the end of a game seven. Hell, can they move him without adding draft capital?
  2. Joel is going to get a ton of heat for missing the free throws, but if he’s not on that team they don’t make the playoffs. The Simmons stat line is incredible. 2-4 for 8 points, 9 assists and 4 rebounds in 38 minutes.
  3. Simmons 4-14 from the line. Never have I seen a max player be so bad at offense.
  4. I didn’t know until yesterday that James Jones is the Suns GM. He’s done a great job putting the team together.
  5. Everyone is pretty positive this is Brooks last game right? I can’t take another year of watching the offense be Brad and Russell dribble 18 seconds and everyone standing watching.
  6. Brooks has to be cut loose after this right? After the first game it could be consecutive 20+ point losses with starters sitting large portions.
  7. What reason could Brooks have in not getting Matthews some run?
  8. Do they need to be sent the documentary on the Branch Davidians? I'm really pretty positive I've seen how this movie ends.
  9. I'm reading about the F-150 Lightning and I'm impressed. Frunk is huge, the ability to have an onboard "generator" and the towing features are great. I had an early deposit on a Cyber Truck but I'm going to change it to the F-150. Looks like Ford has a real honest to god chance to move truck buyers electric. It's eligible for the $7,500 tax credit and starts under 40k is huge for initial adoption.
  10. Finished it last night, it’s good but not as good as S1. The animation was incredible, but I felt like the stories weren’t as complete. Still enjoyed it though.
  11. I don't think the locations are going to extend the same credit to them. Wonder how they are going to handle having to pay in advance for services.
  12. You’re going to love the Smoky Mountain. I’ve had mine for four years and it’s fantastic. Congratulations!
  13. I watched a few minutes of McCarthy speak and he keeps using the word socialism to strike fear into the hearts of people. I'm 100% positive based on his use of the word that he does not know what that word means, or in reality he knows that the majority of republicans don't know what it means. The only way they are trying to spin the bill that has major bipartisan support is to just hammer it as socialist.
  14. I just heard it on the New York Times Daily podcast. I know it was being discussed but didn't realize it made it into the bill. The expect to cut child poverty in half, that's amazing.
  15. Caretakers of 93% of children will get monthly benefits under Biden's stimulus plan I didn't see this posted in the thread. This is an amazing addition that I didn't realize was in the plan, setting a base floor for children is massive.
  16. She’s a private school teacher who has been teaching hybrid classes since September. We were able to get my 98 year old grandmother her vaccine yesterday as well as my 71 year old dad who has Parkinson and diabetes. They had been trying to get an appointment but no one had called them back or given them any direction. I work for FEMA and watching the management of this pandemic since the beginning is very disheartening. They are trying to correct issues left by the previous admin but it’s like being Sisyphus pushing the boulder. An impossible task.
  17. My wife is a teacher and registered for the vaccine in Anne Arundel County. Appointment was today, when she arrived she was told that she wasn’t eligible to receive it. They were only giving it to people in 1-A or people over 75. The county website shows 1-B and educators are listed. She was very disappointed and upset. The rollout for this is absolutely abysmal and I’m not sure how you fix it.
  18. I agree completely, trying to create checks and balances at this point is a loser both politically and for the people who truly need it. They need to continue using the same criteria and just push it through. People won't remember why they didn't get the next round, they will just remember that Trump gave them money and Biden didn't.
  19. I don't think you could get the money out in a reasonable schedule, and the fact that they use AGI and not gross is one of the issues. That being said, I think the only way that could be remotely reasonable would be to create a base income level and then apply the COLA difference OPM uses for federal employee salaries. Create the base and then apply the specific region COLA to the base rate. Federal agencies are already setup to operate this way. For example if they use the 100k family income level apply the DC metro allowance of 30.48% to create the regional level. But this completely ignores the fact that a 2019 tax filer may have lost their job during the year and now they are screwed because as far as the IRS is concerned they earned above the allowable amount in 2019 .
  20. I was under the impression the requirements were simply income / cash based. Knowledge wasn't a requirement it was a more pay to play thing.
  21. I think the issue of a pump dump would be hard to really litigate. Institutional investors have been betting against short sellers since short selling became a thing. The big issue is that people are doing it out loud and not in a board room. Institutional investors have been shorting stocks and providing reports and other methods to deflate stock prices down to the point of profitability. Participation in the market is an at will and endeavor, in the end you can't protect people from this. At some point people need to have the base line understanding of personal finance and how the market works (irrationally). As said above, picking individual stocks is playing roulette and unless you can get the mass of people to understand that you can't do anything. This is just my opinion, a more robust education in finance is required in school. I doubt that even becomes a thing on the table but it should be. Most people barely understand what an APR is or how compound interest works let along going long or short on a stock. You need to invest into the understanding, not try to remove the ability of people to participate. Buys are not allowed to retail investors, the buys are being used to hedge the shorts already put in place. Don't think of it as a two way street for everyone, institutions have a bypass that runs both ways.
  22. There was an interesting post on Reddit that the theory behind the pause is a liquidity issue more than just a stop point for halting buying. The stop point is trying to counter massive liquidity issues in the entire market. I’m not sure I buy it, but the theory is not completely without merit. At some point liquidity will come into play for the short sellers, think Duke and Duke from Trading Places.
  23. If nothing else happens from this I hope average consumers get a base understanding of how the market can be manipulated. I really want to stop hearing about how the economy is doing great because the DOW is up.
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