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Everything posted by Gamebreaker

  1. So what I can gather from that trailer, Deadpool founds X-Force? Or is that just a joke? Maybe I can see why Reynolds and the first director butt heads.
  2. I finished the second season of Jessica jones. I kinda sorta liked the first season, but I really hated this second one. I didn’t like the change in personality they did for Patsy. I couldn’t care less about Jessica’s one-dimensional assistant. And the mom...ugh. I was just annoyed with all of it. I was really hoping the second season would actually borrow another Jessica Jones storyline from the comic. Something from the Pulse or Alias series would’ve been nice. At this point, they need to just go ahead and have Luke in the third season. There are very good, mature stories they can do with her and they would work a lot better than what they just came up with. In regards to Marvel tv shows overall, I like Agents of Shield. I’m a fan of Whedon, so unlike Steve I was a huge Buffy fan back in the day. The dialogue is very much like that show, which I enjoy. The Netflix shows have been hit or miss though, and I’ve yet to see a good second season IMO. I hope Luke Cage and Punisher’s second seasons break the streak. As far as Spider-Man deferring to the Avengers and being an Avenger. All of that is very much how he’s been written in the comics all of this century. Even as a grown man, married to Mary Jane, he deferred to Stark and kinda paid a price for it. I’m sure if Marvel Studios had control of all of their properties we would be just hearing about the Avengers and many people wouldn’t even know who Iron Man. They would’ve pushed their more popular brands at the time, which was Spider-Man and the X-Men.
  3. They just followed the comic a bit there. During the Civil War storyline, Peter kind of became Stark’s protege and he did make him a spider suit that was similar to the one in the movie, just uglier.
  4. It seems more like it becomes news when they get caught not putting their life on the line. No one would know anything about these cowards in Parkland if there wasn't video evidence supporting it. And yes, I know the SC has ruled they not are required to rescue me or risk their life for me, which is why I wish the pro-corrupt cop crowd would stop trying to shame those who want police reform by pretending they do.
  5. Kinda debunks the whole “they put their lives on the line for you” BS excuse you hear the pro-corrupt cop crowd spew.
  6. GRRM is more interested in writing stories that he can sell HBO the rights to after GoT ends. He just wants to make as much money as possible before he dies. He doesn't care about finishing the ASOIAF, he doesn't care about his fans either. I also don't care. He's not as good as he, or his fans think he is, I've moved onto much better writers(like Brandon Sanderson) who can keep their word and not lie about what books their writing.
  7. Why not? We already remove their right to vote, get a job, and receive federal benefits.
  8. When I was a Network Admin I used to maintain a SonicWall NSA 2600. Nearly everyone else in my dept hated it, but I liked the features and flexibility. We didn't use the certificates though, primarily ISAKMP and IPSEC VPNs.
  9. A year ago I had a tooth pulled and was prescribed 50 Percoset pills, when the dentist told my pain wouldn't last beyond 24 hours.
  10. People need to stop believing these 90%+ number of cops are good stuff. You don’t have 90%+ bring good and let this crap go on for years. This is a completely corrupt system. Listen to the testimonies, those guys didn’t fear Internal Affairs at all. Some of them had protection from high up the chain. When people are willing to believe it’s a “few bad apples” it let's everyone off the hook. Those who were aware of crimes being committed by their coworkers and looked the other way, and those who engaged in the corruption as well.
  11. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/he-helped-halle-berry-and-taraji-henson-to-stardom-now-9-minority-women-are-accusing-him-of-sexual-harassment/2018/02/02/259e8196-f590-11e7-b34a-b85626af34ef_story.html?utm_term=.4c9c02134f6c The long-time manager of Halle Berry and Taraji Henson has been accused of furthering the careers of nine minority women in exchange for sexual favors. Berry and Henson, his most successful clients, claim he was never inappropriate with them. I’m not going to say they lying but....yeah.
  12. On twitter it seems like everyone who went to the world premiere of Black Panther loved it. Apparently, Michael B. Jordan stole the show.
  13. So Black Lightning on the CW has been pretty good. Only two episodes in. If you've missed it you can get caught up on the CW app.
  14. So I recall a while ago, maybe it was in this thread or another thread. I was arguing with someone who was using the "if you aren't guilty, than why are you running" argument in regards to a case where a Chicago Police officer did that to a group of black males and shoot one of them in the back. I don't understand how people can't tell what the motivation was in doing that. It doesn't matter where you live, what race you are, or how you were raised, if a car rushes at you at high speeds, slams on their brakes, and men who aren't wearing police uniforms jump out, YOU ARE GOING TO RUN. Now when they get in court in front of a jury, and justify beating the dog **** out of some kid, or shooting them dead, they can manipulate the facts to make it seem like the victim did something suspicion, and therefore justify their disgusting behavior. I do love the "to-go bag" of ready to go evidence to plant on victims of a bad shoot. Kinda makes Freddie Gray's "pocket knife" look real suspect.
  15. So basically, a state can't dig and lay their own fiber or copper and create their own internet backbone. Giving fledging ISPs a chance to compete against the big ISP giants, while also setting their own rules within their state to prevent private sector abuse and corruption against their citizens. Right? #statesrights
  16. This is literally what Carolyn Bryant, the woman who falsely accused Emmitt Till, did. She held her tongue for 62 years. Then as times changed, and old age softened her heart, she comes out with the truth. As if even whistling at her, which he didn't do, would've justified the brutal murder that occured. I don't think determining whether these quotes can be believed, based on what you or I would say years after the incidents, and not being the kinds of people who take took those kind of actions, makes much sense.
  17. From what I can find, the first private prison was established in 1983, a year after Reagan's war on drugs began. But it really didn't take off until the mid-90s, right around the time Clinton signed the Crime bill.
  18. It makes perfect sense when you're not interjecting useless talking points. Nowhere in the quote about Nixon and his administration, or the quote and sources from The New Jim Crow mention winning elections. That has little to do with an agenda to undermine black people. An agenda that has been in play since slavery ended. If the influx of drugs was affecting white communities, those contras would've simply needed to find a different avenue to fund their war because it would've been shut down. Yet since it was affecting black communities, and since those communities had already been targeted regardless of the current administration in charge, it was welcomed. But if you're casting doubt on the Nixon quote without any evidence to counter it, I'm sure you're more than willing to ignore obvious parallels.
  19. I'm sorry, I thought the association was obvious. I mentioned it because Reagan's drug policy was really no different. This was something that started with Nixon, and continued on with the "War on Drugs". You said you were doubtful of that quote, and I can understand that if you are viewing it in a vacuum. But with everything we know about how drugs got into the urban city communities, and the policing that followed, it falls in line with a lot of evidence that supports it.
  20. I'm not doubtful. In fact, a lot of sources lead me to believe that is exactly what happened and then some. "The CIA admit­ted in 1998 that guerilla armies it actively supported in Nicaragua were smuggling illegal drugs into the United States-drugs that were making their way onto the streets of inner-city black neighborhoods in the form of crack cocaine. The CIA also admitted that, in the midst of the \;\far on Drugs, it blocked law enforcement efforts to investigate illegal drug networks that were helping to fund its covert war in Nicaragua." That quote is from The New Jim Crow, and the author's sources on that tidbit about the CIA come from at least three separate sources.
  21. A few bad apples....more like there are only a few good apples.
  22. If any of them are female, let them know what "hang out and watch a movie" really means.
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