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Everything posted by Gamebreaker

  1. I mirror those thoughts and actually after reading her full account, I believe her vague non-verbal cues made mostly after he'd performed oral sex on her, gave him the impression she was uncomfortable with intercourse but fine with everything else.
  2. They feel like they can't ever make mistakes. It's what happens when someone or a group avoids any accountability for their actions for generations. Over time, they begin to actually believe their disgusting behavior and actions are justified.
  3. Our country didn’t start taking it seriously until it started affecting “real Americans”, or as our media likes to call them, “the working class” in droves.
  4. Leading cause of death. Congress collectively shrugs their shoulders because this country is basically ran by big business.
  5. “Get that bad guy!” He says to the dog. Justice would be the dog turning on him after hearing that order. Meanwhile, the PoS gets to continue terrorizing citizens by letting a K-9 attack them for no reason.
  6. That was Cruz's way of thanking them for the $322k contribution to his "campaign".
  7. I love how he calls him Obama's FCC Chairman, when he was the one who appointed him. Obama just put him on the committee.
  8. If it's the same interview I saw, where the female attorney was also being interviewed and she ripped him a new one, he definitely seemed anti-net neutrality to me.
  9. Is it me or is Russell Simmons the only person potentially facing jail time for all of this?
  10. Yeah, that was the best scene in the whole movie. Too bad they showed the entire thing in a trailer. How disappointed I was when the rest of the movie was awful. And yes, making SS’s power only come from his board was ridiculous. Galactus was some glowing space cloud? Ridiculous. Using CGI to digitally add tears to Jessica Alba’s face? Obvious and embarrassing.
  11. That is essentially the plot to the second FF movie. Of course, FOX screwed that up though.
  12. I must've missed those story arcs. I was big fan of SS in the '90's. Back when he fought Terrax, got his ass kicked by Morg, and then recruited all of Galactus' former heralds to take Morg down. Yeah, he was reaallly overpowered though. So much so, that his crossover potential with other books was limited. I recall the FF and New Warriors having a crossover when Terrax came to Earth. Terrax held his own against two groups of superheroes and the only way they won was they had to call SS to come in and defeat Terrax in 5 seconds and drag him off Earth. Yes! This is the SS I remember, and the art direction shiny look was a lot better as well.
  13. True. But, and this may be just me, I've never really liked the Vision character and always seemed to dismiss him when I've thought of a superhero with this power set. In my eyes, this person would only be susceptible to mental attacks by telepaths like Jean Grey or Xavier. I've seen too many times where Vision has been defeated by the most random villains and attacks. I know that is also the product of bad writing, which I feel Iceman has suffered from as well(dude is seriously one of the most powerful X-Men and could end nearly every fight within seconds but nearly all X-Men writers nerf him or give him some issue he's dealing with that prevents him from showing his full potential /endrant).
  14. I really like the powers of that young Inhuman that Simmons helped. I've always thought a superhero with the ability to go intangible like Shadowcat of the X-Men, or increase your density to the point of being unbreakable would be an awesome combination. I hope we see more of her eventually. This is a given. If the next X-Men movie wasn't already in post-production I think they would've canceled it and recast everyone.
  15. I've known this was going to happen eventually for years, and yet I'm still pissed off like I just found out.
  16. I'm comfortable with it too. And I'll keep pointing out the hypocrisy and obvious prejudices until things change.
  17. Wait, please tell me that isn’t true. The police aren’t, by law, expected to help you? Meanwhile, everytime they get in trouble they’re always using the excuse that they should have the right to gun people down because they’re putting “their life on the line.”
  18. There is a comment under that article that I feel needs to be repeated: "It seems police officers are well trained on how to keep themselves safe- at the expense of everything and everyone else. They too often forget that the people they're sworn to protect and serve are standing right in front of them." I'm sorry, but if you are a police officer and you're so scared ****less of doing your job that you're escalating situations with your shrieking high pitched orders, or pointing a gun at an 11 year old girl. YOU ARE IN THE WRONG PROFESSION. Resign before you get an innocent person killed.
  19. Apparently the guy shooting the dumb Simon Sez get it right or you die orders isn’t the cop that killed Shaver, but his sergeant. Who quietly retired with his pension while the other cop got fired and stood trial. Both of them should've been put on trial, and I wish someone would find that idiot sergeant and put him in the same situation and see how he fairs.
  20. I've been saying this for years. People acted like having bodycams would solve the problem. Bodycams don't mean **** to bullies in power, who have a hard-on for abusing said power, and know they will get away with it video footage or not.
  21. They want everything. I will proudly rebel against the Disney domination of all entertainment....AFTER they take the Marvel properties back from FOX.
  22. Why the hell did they order him to crawl towards them? They created the situation where they misinterpreted his movements as "reaching for a gun". Can we stop getting uneducated, critically stupid cops??? Please? Why didn't they ask him to just walk towards them with his hands held up, from like, the very beginning? Although it likely can't be proven in a court of law, the inscription on his gun and his illogical commands make me feel like he wanted to shoot someone that night.
  23. I'm actually surprised Robbie agreed to do all of these films considering how much she disliked portraying Quinn, and hated her outfit. But I guess money talks.... My point about her being the Hugh Jackman of the DCEU is about how FOX kinda ruined the X-Men by focusing SO MUCH of their stories on Wolverine. He's a great character, but if your only exposure to the X-Men were the movies you'd think the X-Men were incompetent freaks who never accomplished anything until their Lord and Savior Logan arrived. He got all the attention, and all the stories centered around him and led to three spin-off films where only one was any good. Fox was doing the same thing to Jennifer Lawrence as Mystique. Her role in Apocalypse is the most un-Mystique thing I've ever seen, but done solely to keep Lawrence on screen for the majority of the movie. FOX has a habit of watching one of their cast become a big star, often not for their role in the X-Men movies, and then trying to capitalize on that stardom by making everything about their X-Men character. Unfortunately, it ruins these epic storylines that have very little to nothing to do with that character. Thank God it's looking as if Disney is about to buy it all back from FOX and do the X-Men justice. Anyway, WB would do well to not emulate anything FOX has done with the X-Men, especially trying to capitalize on their biggest actors/actresses by doing these spin-offs. Margot Robbie may be a household name, but Harley Quinn isn't.
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