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Everything posted by Gamebreaker

  1. I find it laughable the Sessions-led DoJ even completed this farce of an investigation. The Undisclosed team, who helped Adnan Syed get a new trial, provided ample evidence that Gray's injuries occurred during the arrest and not transporting him securely just finished him off. That case simply proves to unethical officers that yes, you can kill a black man and escape prosecution, no matter how big the case gets.
  2. I think there should be room enough in this topic to say a cop shouldn't be pulling out his firearm for no reason, AND that guy is taking a significant risk yelling at the same irresponsible officer like that.
  3. I cannot find any concrete evidence of this, but I'm fairly positive that brandishing or taking your firearm out of your holster with no direct reason is not allowed for a police officer. Unfortunately, we don't have any visual evidence of this (yet), but if it did occur than I can understand this man's anger. I still don't agree with how he went about it. I've seen people of other skin complexions scream and rant at police, rarely do I see a black man do that and not end up with trumped up charges, bloody and beaten, or dead. I do not engage police in that manner. It serves no benefit to me. Recently, probably no more than two weeks ago. I'm driving on Allentown Road on the way to getting my son and myself haircuts. A PGC squad car is following behind me for around 3-4 blocks before he hits the flashers. I wasn't speeding,so I figured he just needed to get by me. I move over into the left lane to let him pass, he follows me. Ok, I see he's actually pulling me over. I make a right turn at the next street that comes up. Get my license and registration. This Asian officer comes up to my driver side, but he doesn't bring himself into full view, making me turn nearly all the way around to look him in the eye. I know this a training tactic in case you suspect a threat. My son is 7, he's sitting in his booster in the backseat. The second officer is standing by my gas tank staring at my son. Both of them have their hands on their sidearms. I asked why I was pulled over and he says,"You know why...." I take a deep breath and say,"No, I don't. That's why I'm asking." He decides to ignore my question and instead ask me where I'm going. I can tell at this point he's basically looking for a reason to cause a problem. As angry as I was, I kept my cool and told him(despite not needing to tell him anything by law), I was heading to the barbershop. I followed my answer with the same question I asked before. He finally says my brake light is out. I tell him I found that interesting considering I've been pulled over for a 'brake light out' multiple times in the past two years but every time I get it checked out the lights are fine. This guy didn't check my license and registration in his car, he didn't write me a work order ticket to get the brake light fixed like he was supposed to, he just gave me back my paperwork and walked away. That isn't as bad of a situation as having an officer draw his gun before he asks you for your license, but I knew what that was and he knew he was in the wrong. If I would've, with full rights to do so, called him our for racial profiling, he could've abused his authority and made life for me and my son hell. Since that day I thought about whether I should've copied down the squad car number, or got his information, something to identify him by and follow up. But honestly, that is pointless when the entire department reinforces this behavior. Ranting at the cop in front of you isn't going to fix anything, filing a harassment report isn't going to fix anything, but going after the elected officials who are dictating this behavior definitely will.
  4. Are the Celtics going to have Lebron too? Since they won't, it matters.
  5. I think you and I have discussed that spiritual leader before. I can't recall her name at the moment, but if she is the one that was convicted of murder, escaped prison and fled the country, don't you have some misgivings about how that case was handled and that she's always maintained her innocence of the crime? I agree about the racist comments she's made, but is she really a terrorist? I don't think so.
  6. I was not there, and I'm sure I haven't seen every single image or video recorded from that weekend. But I'm skeptical that people who carried tiki torches and beat on protesters that Friday night, and stood by while Nazi salutes, flags, symbolism, and chants were going on the next day didn't agree with it. I have yet to see a single image or video of someone who supported that side showing any kind of disdain or confusion with what was going on. At the very least, calling the Nazis a small minority of the people on that side is a bit revisionist.
  7. That's fine, the report I watched may have gotten the two of them confused on that part. They based all of their information on the bodycam footage of the two officers in question. And also, the statement made by the PD the victim is a reserve officer with. They defended their officer and commended the actions of the nurse and the hospital.
  8. I heard that was the offending officers superior, who made those threats. There is also bodycam footage that shows he came down to the hospital after the arrest, and tried to condescendingly explain why it happened and why he gave the other officer the order to get the blood. Even insinuating that even if getting the blood was illegal, the nurse should've let them do something illegal because nothing will come of it later on. THIS is the mentality of men in leadership at these departments. They think they can do anything they want, and get away with it because they are supposed to be upholding the law. And who is going to stop them. They feel like this because the citizens of this country overwhelmingly revere them as "heroes" and representing the very best of our society, when they truth is far, far different. Later on, the bodycam footage reveals he admitted he made a mistake but blamed it on the arresting officer for not giving him all the details to the situation. Apparently, the hospital had already drawn blood from the victim, and they could've just got a warrant( like she explained them a million times), to use that. A lot of people don't understand why the PD wanted blood from the victim of this car crash, especially when the victim wasn't a suspect at all. Some speculation is saying they officers pursuing the suspect did so in a reckless manner, that may have contributed to the fatal car crash. And if it turns out the truck driver, a reserve officer himself, may have been under the influence they may be able to blame the result of the accident on him. Despite squad car footage that shows the truck driver did nothing wrong.
  9. Understood on the edit. Sorry for getting heated( seriously this time lol). Our Justice system can't solve racism and inequality, but it doesn't have to serve them either. Since you'd like me to provide potential solutions, here are some I feel need to be implemented based off the issues I raised in this thread: - removal or restructuring of the bail system. Currently, if you're wealthy you have no issues. If you're poor, you're screwed. The change should be if you are charged with a violent crime you don't get bail. If it isn't a violent crime then you aren't sitting in jail while your life falls apart. If you aren't charged with a violent crime but you miss a court date, your pending freedom is revoked and you sit in jail until your case is resolved. This won't help defendants who may not have committed the violent crime they're accused of, but it does stop the wealthy from using their money to make their situation easier, and it helps a poor person attempt to keep their life together through the process. - Underfunding Public Defenders should be met with fines strong enough to force a state/county to reconsider ignoring their needs. I don't know how many cases is too much for one lawyer, but whatever number it is should be met with serious repercussions for the state/county if it is exceeded. I'm talking cases being thrown out. If a court has to potentially throw out a case, I'm sure the state/county will make sure they pay PDs well enough to support the need. Furthermore, if a PD asks for a DNA test for their client, or any other request that could exonerate them, the case should not go forward until those requests are satisfied. Additionally: - Brady violations should suspend a prosecutors license immediately, pending further chance to be disbarred. Prosecutors are committing Brady violations regularly. The tampering of and withholding of evidence has got to stop. This should already been happening, but it isn't enforced. The only way you can get these prosecutors in line is make them understand there are real consequences for their actions. My suggestions aren't perfect, but IMO, they would be an improvement over what we already have.
  10. I made a statement about the system, SOMEHOW in order for my statement to be valid, TO YOU, I need to have a ****ing thesis on it's improvements. If something is bad, you don't need to have a detailed plan ready to go in order to acknowledge that it's bad. And at no point, did the person I was speaking to make any counter arguments for the system beyond, "**** is worse everywhere else." So please, take your BS "you're naive and childish" argument and shove it up your own ass. The system does not work. Period. Sorry if that hurt your precious feelings. No wait, I'm not sorry. Not even a little bit.
  11. Who's going to distribute the ball in that offense? Certainly not Kyrie. Who's going to Guard Wall or Beal. Without Bradley, their perimeter defense is going to be trash. Nah, I have to disagree. They got worse.
  12. It's not just having a competent lawyer, but one who actually has the time and resources to give their client a fair trial. I believe it was in New Orleans where the Public Defenders office went on strike due to a lack of resources and funding, and saw no other chance to give their clients fair trials then to slow the process to a halt. When you have stuff like this happening, something needs to be done ASAP to fix it.
  13. Best in the world? I'll need to do some research on the rest of the world before I can agree or disagree on that. Do I want Wild West justice? Sometimes I do. But that's just me being emotional in the moment. Once all the emotions have passed, what I really want is a justice system that actually does what it claims to pursue. I'm not saying abandon the system, but if the foundations of it are rooted in racism, prejudice and an intentional bias against the poor, a large scale reform is needed.
  14. Exactly how is this response supposed to excuse widespread prosecutorial misconduct, openly biased Judges, and a system designed to allow you to get away with murder, literally, if you can afford it? But ruin your life over crimes that aren't even a felony if you're poor. I'm not playing this game, our justice system is trash. If you don't agree, please mount a defense of this system that doesn't come down to comparing it to even worse justice systems that are irrelevant.
  15. Our justice system is already worthless, and has been worthless since it's inception. We need to stop putting lipstick on this pig and make drastic changes. Moving a trial isn't due to making sure someone goes to jail, when presently it's a guarantee they won't. It's trying to remove the bias that's already present.
  16. And he has the audacity to say ignorance breeds ignorance at the end of his heavily edited version of events. Someone should've posted a link to the secession documents every Southern state created stating their refusal to stop slavery was the reason for them leaving the Union, and then tell him to STFU.
  17. Thats s good question. I think they'll either be removed or they'll stop doing them on Netflix and they'll only appear on Disney's streaming service. Agents of Shield is safe because Disney owns ABC.
  18. I echo a lot of Destino's thoughts. Finn Jones was better as Iron Fist, but barely. It seemed like they weakened Luke in order to create more drama. Also, I agree that in fights Jessica just looks lost. Someone should also teach her how to sell a punch. She reminds me of Katie Cassidy trying to portray the Black Canary. I did very much enjoy it though. I'm not going to get too far into details because I don't want to spoil it for those who haven't had the chance to watch it yet.
  19. Wow really? He isn't someone people would describe as "slim" either.
  20. That sounds like an interesting method of manipulating information. But from this question: "From what you have heard or seen about each of the following do you mostly agree or mostly disagree with their beliefs: The white supremacy movement?" I doubt it.
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