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Everything posted by Gamebreaker

  1. Horriific years in basketball that their GM orchestrated. The coach can’t be blamed for that.
  2. You get called out for using a strawman argument so you decide to double down on said strawman argument instead of owning it. Got it.
  3. “The RAM leader claims his organization isn’t racist and complains he doesn’t even know what the word “racism” means.” It would be humorous if it wasn’t so sad.
  4. OC (out of control) Drummond gets disqualified after nearly injuring Mahnimi.
  5. Wait, so you make a blanket statement, speaking for all military, active or former, and when I make multiple points refuting his intentions, as well as this assertion that all veterans are offended you come up with this sarcastic BS? Bravo. At no point did I say people don't have the right to be offended, but you knew that. You just needed to a strawman argument to pretend like you had a point . Furthermore, it is a reasonable assumption that if you COMPLETELY IGNORE the actual reason of the protest to get bent out of shape over the method. Then you, at the very least, care more about your precious flag and anthem isn't disrespected then the actual rights those veterans fought for or police brutality. It doesn't take a massive leap in logic to come to this conclusion.
  6. Yes, I didn't see anything that directly showed any African American men going ape **** on a cop and not dying. Can you find the part where it shows that?
  7. It's cold-blooded murder, but damned if this country ever gets this right. Like I said, I'll believe it when I see it. I'm not going to say there is a possibility it may have happened and there simply wasn't a camera around to record it.
  8. Interesting article. I agree that white people have been victims of police brutality and murdered unarmed by trigger happy/skittish cops. We have numerous examples of that in this very thread. But what that article doesn't really address are the situations you see like in the video, where a cop would've been justified in pulling the trigger on that white male, but for some reason didn't. That just doesn't happen to a black male. Instead of wondering why the cop didn't fire on the suspect as he's racing to his squad car, we're debating whether the angle of where the black male was shot determines if he was really going to pull a knife or not.
  9. That would be true, if I haven't seen a half dozen videos, at least, with almost the exact same scenario playing out. And honestly, I would love for someone to show me a video of a PoC doing what that guy did and not getting shot up.
  10. Agreed. I wouldn't mind it being renamed "The Official Washington Wizards thread: The John Wall Era".
  11. I don't think Philly will win a title anytime soon. The chances of Embiid, Simmons, and Fultz all staying in Philly after their first contracts is pretty low. At least one of them, likely whoever is lowest statistically, will leave as a FA to go somewhere he can "shine". Embiid is probably not going to be able to stay healthy anyway, derailing things further. I think Simmons is is a future All-Star who Philly will try to build around. He's not as talented as Embiid, but he's healthier. And I think his upside is higher than Flutz. IMO, their ceiling my be a title run but what we'll actually get is a couple of playoff appearances before it all blows up.
  12. I've watched that Hayward injury like 5 times. Geez. Well, on the bright side for Boston, it's a long season and this happened in the very beginning so they have a lot of time to adjust on the court and make some deals before the deadline, if necessary. It's not the end of the world, but definitely not how you wanted to start your season.
  13. Well, I’m savinf this video for every single time I get into an argument with a white person that wants to claim there is no bias against black people when it comes to shooting unarmed civilians. If that guy was black, he would’ve been dead the moment he jumped back up after laying on his stomach.
  14. Interesting, but not likely at all. Remember, in the uncapped year the NFL all but admitted they colluded against the players when they punished Jones and Snyder, and how did that turn out? It may be they avoided repercussions because they got the NFLPA to agree to not sue for collusion for that year...which should've been a big red flag to Demaurice Smith. But I'm fairly confident the NFL isn't scared of this collusion suit at all. Like before, they've made sure there is no paper trail for their marching orders.
  15. The only think Simmons is winning at is his choice in GF. He’s banging one of the Gonzalez twins. Lucky ****.
  16. Well, ****, if this is what we're doing I'm game. 60 wins and the one seed. Wall is the MVP, and KD is caught on IG under his fourth fake account making "KD 2 DC" rumors.
  17. The song used in that trailer fit very well. Black Panther is looking like a must-see at this point.
  18. I love the disrespect. Just fuels guys like Wall to play even harder in the regular season. It’s the same way I felt when Kobe challenged Wall on twitter. He’s the kind of dude that is an anti-strasburg, he doesn’t wilt under pressure but plays better when the competition or challenge demands it.
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