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Everything posted by Gamebreaker

  1. Wall can't allow his actions as leader of this team be affected by the idiots in the front office. He's accountable for his actions, or lack thereof. The mark of a leader is someone who doesn't allow his personal feelings affect how the rest of the team views him. Regardless of whether or not he thought Brown was the best choice, he should've welcomed him and wished him luck. It's just the mature thing to do as the leader of this team.
  2. Exactly, that is what a team with good chemistry and a GOOD LEADER do.
  3. Wow, really? That kinda says a lot about where this team is as a group. None of the other players could be bothered to reach out to the new guy.
  4. Interesting how you think you know what every white girl in America does in regards to police.
  5. This Shades and Mariah romance is the most unrealistic thing on a TV show about a bulletproof superhero. That other detective that Misty keeps arguing with is fine as hell.
  6. "Sugar, tell me something sweet or I'm a get bitter." My eyes rolled out of my head and haven't come back since I watched that scene.
  7. Lucy Liu directed the first episode. I think that was a mistake. I found some of the dialogue cringy and the overuse of music during scenes distracting. Second episode is better so far. Steph Green has a better handle on the tone of the show, imo.
  8. Mesa, AZ. And they have a history of brutalizing PoC.
  9. Because there is literally nothing a citizen can't do that doesn't warrant being punched in the face by a gang of police officers.
  10. So they should only bother when they get something out of it? Not because what happens to minorities is wrong?
  11. You know, I had a little bit of sympathy for this girl until she tried to use her race to get out of the situation. Now? Thoughts and prayers, ****. Thoughts and prayers. Check out @HouseofTalentPa’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/HouseofTalentPa/status/1001126778289688577?s=09
  12. Unfortunately ESPN has pushed the wizards game to a channel I don’t have to accommodate the draft. Guess I’ll be just watching the draft then.
  13. They don’t even try to hide it anymore. Nothing happens when they lie in your face, so why bother?
  14. Whhaaa—? You can read through this thread and see members talking about comics that game out between the 70s-90s. Exactly what do you define as young? And no I won’t trust you, I’ll trust rotten tomatoes, user reviews, and my own eyes that generally regard Marvel movies as a cut above nearly everything when it comes to quality, and created a massive shift in how Hollywood viewed making movies based off comics.
  15. They were so shocked at his behavior. For some people that’s just your typical Tuesday.
  16. “I beat the hell out of his head, not gonna lie about that.” Said immediately after he fabricated half of what happened to the responding officers.
  17. Many of these situations begin with some racist ****face seeing a minority walking down the street and exaggerating this person committing the egregious crime of walking in public to the police. A 911 call, that we know nothing more about, doesn’t erase the very real possibility the entire point of the call was bull****.
  18. So.....you seem to not understand the point of this thread.
  19. I’m a Christian. This is probably the least amount of words that will be in any post I write in here.
  20. I got mine there too. Going on the 28th. They froze the Kree body. The show got better after one of the agents on the team turned out to be Hydra. Last season with Ghost Rider and the Framework was the best season the show has. The current season is shaping up well too.
  21. I think GRRM is more the exception instead of the rule. Dude just isn’t even trying. Where Rowling was motivated in finishing the series and not lying to her fanbase. I dont think you’ll see another writer screw over his readers and studio as bad GRRM did. But it wouldn’t surprise me at if these contracts for TV shows and movies started having language written in for huge penalties when the writer doesn’t hold up his end of the bargain.
  22. Well, that announcement kinda ruins an Agent of Shield storyline that hasn’t quite played out yet.
  23. I'll also add, when rebellions broke out he stomped that **** out immediately. The Greyjoys tested him, and he put them down pretty soundly.
  24. In really enjoying Black Lightning. Actually find the daughter Anissa, more interesting than Black Lightning himself. That Shazam costume is a joke. Who approved this? I feel bad for Zackary Levi, he deserves better.
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