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Everything posted by Gamebreaker

  1. Same. She's basically played the same character in every role I've seen her in. This will be a big step up for in terms of being the main focus of an entire show. If she can't be convincing it's all going to fall apart.
  2. This has nothing to do with video games. We've had way too many mass shootings already that had nothing to do with video games. The tournament was a for a football game, not a violent shooter. One of the players there said the shooter was acting weird all weekend, wore the same clothes on the second day of the tourney that he wore on the first day, wore shades the whole time and wouldn't speak to people. This was premeditated and at least one of the two victims killed seem to be targeted.
  3. Those guys were weaving in and out of traffic, shooting their guns at police after already killing a civilian at a car wash earlier that morning. I'm unsure how accurate bullets will be after hitting his windshield, but I have no problem with that officers actions in stopping two murderers. Luckily, no civilians were hit during the chase. Although I'm unsure, I do think laws vary per state on whether an officer can fire his gun during a pursuit or not. IMO, if an officer is being fired upon then they should be able to do the same.
  4. I thought I'd heard it all, thought I'd never be surprised about the lengths these gangs with badges would go. And yet I'm still surprised.
  5. If Robinson ends up on someone else's roster after this summer league, can we finally start putting our Ocean 11esque plan together to get rid of Ernie?
  6. Baltimore may not be the best example to use, considering they had a massive scandal where many officers were getting paid for overtime when they weren't working. Even getting paid overtime while they were on vacation. Baltimore PD isn't a good example for anything but how not to police a city, unfortunately.
  7. Funny, the Cardinals owner used their official Twitter account to promote the latest Supreme Court judge nominee. I thought the owners didn't want to be involved with politics.
  8. I agree with this, the system isn't structured in a way where there is accountability and those who attempt to stop the corruption don't end up dead before a trial. I still feel like that officer's shrug towards actually doing his job is unacceptable. Yes, if he resists than it can look bad. But unlike Freddie Gray, these kids committed a crime and resisting arrest would be no one's fault but their own.
  9. https://www.theroot.com/cop-pulls-gun-on-children-after-911-caller-falsely-repo-1827524223 it's sad my son has reached an age (8), where some of these police officers would consider him a threat enough to point a gun at his head with zero provocation. Meanwhile, my son is still afraid of the dark.
  10. The problem isn't that due to the riots, police can't police anymore, it's that they were never taught the proper way to police a city and therefore, from leadership on down, they don't know any other way of doing it that doesn't involve violating civil rights. This was brought up by a Baltimore Sun reporter who spoke about when the change in Baltimore City policing began, and how then Mayor Martin O'Malley, gave them the green light to do whatever they liked. This was back in the 90s, so we've had two decades of bad policing in that city. That is veteran officers, going around and training fresh out of the academy colleagues to unlearn everything they were just taught and do it "our" way. You need to pretty much clean house and start over in order to get a new foundation and a better attitude towards accomplishing their goals. The amount of corruption and abuse that has gone on for decades should be enough evidence that none of the people running that dept should have anything to do with police work every again.
  11. I like Cube addressing that with Maher. I think I may have seen that before. Bill seemed like he was tired of the backlash he got. Regardless, the only thing I take issue with is Cube saying," That's our word now." I hate that word so much. I don't say it at all. I don't like black people saying it, and damn sure don't like other races saying it either. As a kid, with my friends, we used to use it in a friendly manner to describe one another. One time my grandfather overheard me say it. My grandfather was never a man to raise his voice, but this was one of two times where I saw him do so. He pulled me aside and told me about every time that word had been used as a weapon against him, every time a white person used it to belittle him, to his face. He was disappointed to realize my generation had decided it would be cool to use amongst ourselves. Most of us really haven't experienced the level of blatant outright racism that our parents and grandparents have. What he said stayed with me, and out of respect for him, I stopped saying it. Now when I hear it from other black people, I don't preach at them about it but I don't approve. Although it may never fully stopping being used with my generation, I hope future generations remove it from their vocabulary. It needs to die.
  12. 1. This racist doesn't know Puerto Rico is a US territory, and that Puerto Ricans are American citizens. 2. The first cop on the scene basically gives the guy the green light to terrorize this woman until a family member intercedes. 3. The police only became concerned when the Puerto Rican male is advancing on the racist white guy who is harassing the woman. BTW, the first cop on the scene who did nothing is under investigation and put on desk duty.
  13. Yes, I see Kit's career going a lot like Orlando Bloom after the LotR trilogy was done. He'll get into some roles doing similar things he did in GoT. But Kit doesn't have the best acting chops to go any further. I find Maisie interesting, she's still young, so I don't know how far she'll grow as an actress. I actually think Emilia's career with be similar to Kit's. She's delivered lackluster performances in the roles she's done during GoT. But she's hot, and popular, so we'll see her for a little while.
  14. You know what? Go head and get Melo. This team will blow up so bad with these personality clashes it just might get Ernie fired. #signmelo
  15. Ernie is playing y'all for suckers again.....Secret extension incoming...
  16. ??? Nobody wants to watch the current mess we have right now. Most people would care to watch the league if more teams had a chance at a title. This really isn't up for debate. No one cares when the winner is a foregone conclusion.
  17. I think some of us are putting too much stock into other teams not making offers, and not WHY other teams didn't make any offers. Too many GMs for these teams, have had their calls go unanswered as these superstars are only interested in budding up with another team that is remotely within the range of being competitive. This began with Lebron and Miami, and now it's much, much worse. I don't blame GS, they are just doing what's best for their team. I don't blame Cousins, he's probably following the advice of his agent in order to maximize his chances for a better deal in the future. I do blame the league office, for not forcing a lockout and getting the CBA fixed before it came to this. I don't know what they can do to fix it, but some kind of incentive needs to be made that counters this generation's willingness to collaborate instead of compete. Maybe the salary cap needs to modified where the worst teams have the most cap room. Or maybe they need to finally do away with the luxury tax and make it a true hard cap. I don't know, but what the point of a league is to provide entertaining sport. And right now, the only entertainment being found by anyone who isn't a Warriors fan is the first week of free agency.
  18. So he's coming to DC because he likes a IG post? A little far-fetched, IMO.
  19. Agreed. I'll leave my thoughts on why I didn't like the ending in spoilers
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