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Everything posted by Gamebreaker

  1. True, not a majority. I should've realized that. 44% is still ridiculously too high.
  2. I saw "The American Conservative", not NPR. Either way, it's funny people who said poll results couldn't be trusted when Trump won now want us to trust poll results. Find a point you are willing to stick to, not one that suits your needs when it helps your side. Furthermore, I will believe the majority of African American don't want confederate statues removed when Trump goes a single day without telling a lie. 4% of AA agree with White Supremacists....yeah right...
  3. So I'm supposed to believe poll results from obviously biased sources. Ok.
  4. http://www.fox26houston.com/news/local-news/273392586-story Houston Cops body slam a woman on the ground, pull her feet to her head, and search her vaginally for drugs. All of this occurs out in the open at a gas station. And of course, they get away with it.
  5. This, I just have to disagree with. The South didn't secede over states rights, they seceded over slavery. Idolizing men who fought and lost to keep a large portion of our population enslaved is repugnant. The statues should've never been erected, but considering how this country acted immediately after the civil war ended, that people thought it a good idea to create them isn't surprising at all. I have no problem with historical exhibits on the site of major historical events. I used to be a history major, and that kind of stuff I find important to teach the younger generations. It's the rest of the junk that has been added to it that needs to go. A statue of General Lee serves no purpose other than to give racists something to look up to. Now this is a bit off-topic, but it came to mind and I thought it a similar enough story to mention. I read an article a couple years back about a woman who worked as a tour guide at a historical plantation house. She had numerous stories of white people getting angry with her for telling the truth of what happened in that house on their tours. Some people tried to rationalize away the depravity of it all. I explicitly remember her mentioning one woman said to her,"Well, they treated them well. Weren't they happy with that?" I think her response back was,"Would you be?" In which she received no response. I bring that up because some people see movies like the 2016 version of Birth of a Nation, or 12 Years a Slave, and think it's just a Hollywood exaggeration of what really happened. It wasn't that bad. These are the same people who fight for "Southern Pride", and claim they aren't a racist. Who think removing a statue somehow diminishes them in some way.
  6. Now in that case, if one night at 3:30am someone came around, removed it and it was never seen again. I wouldn't have a problem with that at all.
  7. I'm thinking they used the paper bag test.
  8. White supremacy and the KKK have been around a lot longer, and have allowed their power and influence in this country to erase a lot of the atrocities they've committed over this countries history. If you mean, incomparable as ISIS isn't as effective and doesn't have the backing of the most powerful government in the world, than I'd have to agree.
  9. And that should surprise no one. It's not like the KKK didn't exist prior to WWII. There were plenty of Americans who agreed with that philosophy before they even knew who Hitler was.
  10. And people openly questioned why I created this thread. The past 24 hours, and the lack of concern by our President is a prime example.
  11. He could be talking about anything with that tweet. The chances he ever outright condemns white Supremacist is less than .1%.
  12. Suggesting these people exit our society and going out and doing it are two different things. Words on a message board don't equal going to a rally with a automatic rifle/bat/whatever I could find around the house, while wearing my favorite shirt with the Hitler quotes on it, and intending to beat on bleeding heart liberals or snowflake college students. Maybe even a colored or two, if they're brave enough to show up.
  13. No. Im not dealing with this "it's both sides that are like this" bull**** today. The other side isn't showing its ass in Charlottesville right now. Stop trying to deflect from what this really is. Whenever the other side gets violent, it's always in direct response to what the PoS that are in Charlottesville are doing or have done. The root of the issue is these PoS in Charlottesville and their millions of sympathizers across the nation.
  14. There would be blood in the streets. Remember, they brought out tanks against protestors in Ferguson. And the police were armed like they were invading Mosul. Whether some of them are sympathetic or not, they are likely being to told to stand down from above if any of them wanted to stop it, and did not prepare for this protest the same way they prepare for a PoC or LBGT rally/protest.
  15. "Should" and "will" are miles apart when it comes to this issue in America.
  16. Nah, hopefully sometime in the future they don't exist. I want them to go the way of the do-do. They serve zero purpose in society outside of being an excellent example of how not to live, how not to raise your children, and why when PoC say there are inequalities in our society the immediate response shouldn't be to dismiss them.
  17. They cant shut this down. The lack of a single dark-skinned protestor on that side leaves their hands tied. This is yet another example of the vast difference between how minorities are treated compared to white people. The sad thing is by next week the apologist will have forgotten about this and will continue their "BLM is going about it all wrong" narrative.
  18. Nope. They are just around to play devils advocate when a BLM protest happens.
  19. There are a lot of dumbass, gender biased assholes in the tech industry. It's bound to happen when so few women pursue these careers or are even interested. The lack of diversity has bred a very backwards thinking environment. That will change as the IT industry continues to grow and more demographics are interested in an industry that is basically immune to the ups and downs of the economy.
  20. It's almost as if they think they are above the law.....oh wait....
  21. Gotta admit I was wrong. John signed the extension. And I'm glad of it. This is his city now.
  22. Kyrie is not good enough to be the alpha on a playoff team.
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