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(Merged) Terri Schiavo passes


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Originally posted by portisizzle

It is a sad state of affairs when the mother and father of a child have no say in this matter. Furthermore saying that is not hate speech...

I don't think so, the person you should be the closest to is your spouse not your parents. You don't tell your parents anything close to what you tell your spouse.

Parents are to overprotective, this is why this has been so bad, they can't let go.

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Originally posted by portisizzle

It is a sad state of affairs when the mother and father of a child have no say in this matter.

Why should they? She's not a child. She's an adult. When she got married, that removed any "rights" the parents may have had.

They weren't doing this for their daughter. They were doing it for their own selfish wants and needs.

She was a married adult, An adult who brought this upon herself with an eating disorder. That may seem harsh, but, that's one fact that gets left by the wayside. This isnt a case where she was in an auto accident and ended up this way. She did this to herself. I'm sure I'll get "spat" upon so to speak. But this entire issue was not about her. it was about everyone else and what everyone else wants. Including the camera hog Jesse Jackson.

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"She was a married adult, An adult who brought this upon herself with an eating disorder. That may seem harsh, but, that's one fact that gets left by the wayside. This isnt a case where she was in an auto accident and ended up this way. She did this to herself"

Unfortunately true. It is ashame that they coulnd't put all of the issues aside so they could all be at her bedside during her final hours. I can understand how he could justify not letting them in. They have been brutally villifying him for years.


The Bible is crystal clear that when you leave your parents to marry, you become your spouses responsibility. There is no grey area here.

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Originally posted by Kilmer17

2 years from now we will look at this as the reason the GOP get's spanked in the midterm elections.

My prayers are with Terri and Michael.

As well as Terri's parents and siblings. I hope they can find peace and comfort.

welcome back.....and I semi-agree.

I think American's have a short term memory about a lot of stuff.

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Well, hopefully this can be put to bed now.

Unfortunately, since no one seems to be able to keep their noses out of anyone's business, it likely won't happen.

Just one more division in a deeply divided nation.


I also find it interesting that out of all of this, no one used this pulpit to try to explain the absolute dangers of these eating disorders. I mean, for years it's been explained what the consequences of these problems are, and this was a perfect chance for something good to come out of this.. it's a real shame no one connected would allow her to be used as an example that maybe could save some lives.


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Now I wonder if we're going to have another Ted Williams deal over the funeral/burial arrangements with Michael wanting creamation and a plot in PA...wonder if the parents will fight.

I agree with Kilmer. I think the Republicans are hoping the Americans have short term memory.

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Originally posted by Bang

I also find it interesting that out of all of this, no one used this pulpit to try to explain the absolute dangers of these eating disorders. I mean, for years it's been explained what the consequences of these problems are, and this was a perfect chance for something good to come out of this.. it's a real shame no one connected would allow her to be used as an example that maybe could save some lives.



If you ask so many of these people fighting for her life, they probably don't even know what she is there, we need to use this to educate others what could happen. When you have a situation like this you want to see how it can help many not just one.

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Originally posted by Bang

Well, hopefully this can be put to bed now.

Unfortunately, since no one seems to be able to keep their noses out of anyone's business, it likely won't happen.

Just one more division in a deeply divided nation.


I also find it interesting that out of all of this, no one used this pulpit to try to explain the absolute dangers of these eating disorders. I mean, for years it's been explained what the consequences of these problems are, and this was a perfect chance for something good to come out of this.. it's a real shame no one connected would allow her to be used as an example that maybe could save some lives.


ding ding ding

They say she lost her 1st 100 pounds with a help from a doctor. But still, something went awfully wrong.

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Originally posted by NoCalMike

So now that this is all over with, I guess Michael Jackson gets to hog the media spotlight all to himself, I mean not like there is anything important in the news today about faulty intelligence or anything....!?!

its been pretty quiet on the Michael Jackson front, but yeh, he will regain the spotlight now.

At least she will be in peace for once now, as much as an issue this was, a decade of vegetation is pretty taxing on your body and mind I would think...

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her parents were there right up until about 10 minutes before the end...they weren't kept away......

I have thought about mentioning the whole eating disorder thing but I didn't want to get jumped on...but since someone else brought it up....the physical state that she was in was mainly due to her bulimea.....she stripped all the electrolytes out of her system and induced the heart attack...

I'm glad that the husband is doing an autopsy...that will shut all the liars and such up about how he "abused her" and how she was getting "better".

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Originally posted by Funkyalligator

her parents were there right up until about 10 minutes before the end...they weren't kept away......

I have thought about mentioning the whole eating disorder thing but I didn't want to get jumped on...but since someone else brought it up....the physical state that she was in was mainly due to her bulimea.....she stripped all the electrolytes out of her system and induced the heart attack...

I'm glad that the husband is doing an autopsy...that will shut all the liars and such up about how he "abused her" and how she was getting "better".

I'm sorry, but you are incorrect.

They were booted over an hour before she died by the husband.

The feud between the parents, Bob and Mary Schindler, and their son-in-law continued even after her death: Brother Paul O'Donnell, an adviser to the Schindlers, said they and their two other children "were denied access at the moment of her death. They've been requesting, as you know, for the last hour to try to be in there and they were denied access by Michael Schiavo. They are in there now, praying at her bedside."


Not that it matters now, but lets keep the facts staright here.

Either way, now is the time that hopfuilly the families can put this behind them and try to honor her in death better than all honored her in life.

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