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(Merged) Terri Schiavo passes


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There are so many other cases like this happening every day. I wonder if they'll receive the same amount of attention. Thankfully, I doubt it. These kind of sad situations just have no easy answers. God bless TS and her family. The media and all the politicians who turned this into a national story should be ashamed of themselves.

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Originally posted by rictus58

They weren't doing this for their daughter. They were doing it for their own selfish wants and needs.

While I agree that removing the feeding tube was in Terri's best interest, I wholeheartedly disagree with this statement. However wrong their decision, and misleading information they spread, may have been, I believe it was only because they really loved and cared for her daughter. I can't imagine any parent not fighting for a child no matter the age or marital status. I can't blame them. For that reason I have to make sure all my loved ones, including and specially my parents, know without a doubt what my wishes are should I happened to be in that situation.

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What research is needed?

A Feeding tube is not the same as a respirator or a dyalsis machine.

Then the **** then refuses to let her parents provide by hand water and food?

Yet her will to live is impressive hanging on 2 weeks is surprising when hubby(?) claims she didnt want to be that way

Hubby(?) didn't let her family at her bedside for her final moments despite their pleas.

Then the guy is still going to ignore her roman catholic roots and her family wishes for a funeral to cremate her and have her remains moved to pennsylvania.

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"I also find it interesting that out of all of this, no one used this pulpit to try to explain the absolute dangers of these eating disorders. I mean, for years it's been explained what the consequences of these problems are, and this was a perfect chance for something good to come out of this.. it's a real shame no one connected would allow her to be used as an example that maybe could save some lives."

I think it wasn't used because it would have lessened some of the publics sympathy for her. This whole tragedy is of her own making. It should never have come to this.

"Then the guy is still going to ignore her roman catholic roots and her family wishes for a funeral to cremate her and have her remains moved to pennsylvania."

That may be her roots be she may not have subscribed to that.

How many unfounded statements can we make about this situation. None of us have any knowledge of the personal lives of those involved. We don't know there wants and desires. Truly, her husband is likely the only one who knows for sure. My wife never has spoken about such things to her parents. They wouldn't have a clue what she would really want given the same situation. Without a living will, her parents and I could be locked in the very same battle. How many of your parents know your desires in this type of situation. After we marry we are closest to our spouses and they know more personal things about us than anyone else, including parents.

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Originally posted by NavyDave

And its pathetic that wanting someone to live is a bad thing in some circles.

Can we use this technique on pedophiles, gays knowingly spreading Aids, terrorists and beached whales?


Just gays knowingly spreading AIDS? Why not "straights" who are doing the same thing? C'mon.


For what it's worth, they are reporting that her husband was at her side when she passed on. Perhaps this is why the parents were not allowed to be there, given how much anger and bitterness is between the two sides? Is a husband not allowed to be by his dying wife's side (no matter what the situation is)?


Her husband and guardian, Michael Schiavo, was with her at her bedside when she died.

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I'm wondering (dreading), now.

Here in Florida, we have court cases (still pending, I think) concerning two newspapers request to get copies of the autopsy photos of Dale Ernhart. Aparantly, under Florida law in effect at the time, such records are public records. Jeb's response to the newspapers request was to issue an order forbidding the county from complying with the law, long enough for the leglislature to pass a special (unconstitutional) law for him. (Not that I'm trying to draw any parallels here, or anything).

I wonder if the special law they passed was one of those this-law-only-applies-to-one-person specials, or did they make it apply to everybody's autopsy.

Just think, we could get the ACLU involved in this, too.

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Originally posted by NavyDave

And its pathetic that wanting someone to live is a bad thing in some circles.

Can we use this technique on pedophiles, gays knowingly spreading Aids, terrorists and beached whales?

Navy if her wish was to live then fine she would have, but it wasn't what part of that can't you comprehend??

Don't you think if she cared what her parents thought she would have told them her wishes, ah but you haven't thought that have you.

I know a lot of people that are NOT white that agree with what happened. So stop trying to make this into a racial issue when it isn't.

If anything it is an issue of ignorance more then race.

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Originally posted by NavyDave

So easy to rattle the liberal chain

Gays spread it more throughout the population and I include those who sleep with my sistas for a thrill which is a problem in the black community

I'd like to see you post some links to reputable reports and/or studies which will back up your statements, NavyDave. Put up or shut up.

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Originally posted by Nicealot

RIP. My prayers go out to her family. For her memory's sake, I hope that her funeral/memorial arrangements are without controversy...

my feelings exactly !! but we all know thats not the way it's gonna be :(

RIP Terri

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Originally posted by NavyDave

So easy to rattle the liberal chain

Gays spread it more throughout the population and I include those who sleep with my sistas for a thrill which is a problem in the black community

Man, I am gonna have separate the men from the boys on this one. I am as conservative as it gets. But that comment goes way outta line. Should get you a day or two off.

I was embarrassed to read that.


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There are many comments about parents and there motives, desires, etc. In the end really one thing is clear...

No parent should ever have to bury their child. Having to do so, for whatever reason, is just a sad tragic moment. Likely one of the hardest moments in life.

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Originally posted by gstahl

There are many comments about parents and there motives, desires, etc. In the end really one thing is clear...

No parent should ever have to bury their child. Having to do so, for whatever reason, is just a sad tragic moment. Likely one of the hardest moments in life.

I agree 100% and I would hate to do it, but I would also understand what is best for me may not be for my child. They lost their child 15 years ago, and they never knew.

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Originally posted by portisizzle

Man, I am gonna have separate the men from the boys on this one. I am as conservative as it gets. But that comment goes way outta line. Should get you a day or two off.

I was embarrassed to read that.


its his way of ruining threads when people have their own opinions.

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