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Originally posted by iheartskins

Wow. Where did you find that? Were you at the party?

Nah, it's all over the net. Just google "Eli Manning drunk".

Meanwhile, minus the red eyes (which I'm guessing isn't her actual eye color), that chick he's with is pretty damn hot.

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We've all see photographs where the people in the picture have spooky red eyes. These are photos taken at night with a flash. Where do the red eyes come from?

The red color comes from light that reflects off of the retinas in our eyes. In many animals, including dogs, cats and deer, the retina has a special reflective layer called the tapetum lucidum that acts almost like a mirror at the backs of their eyes. If you shine a flashlight or headlights into their eyes at night, their eyes shine back with bright, white light. Here is what Encyclopedia Britannica has to say about the tapetum lucidum:

Among many nocturnal vertebrates the white compound guanine is found in the epithelium or retina of the eye. This provides a mirrorlike surface, the tapetum lucidum, which reflects light outward and thereby allows a second chance for its absorption by visual pigments at very low light intensities. Tapeta lucida produce the familiar eyeshine of nocturnal animals.

Humans don't have this tapetum lucidum layer in their retinas. If you shine a flashlight in a person's eyes at night, you don't see any sort of reflection. The flash on a camera is bright enough, however, to cause a reflection off of the retina -- what you see is the red color from the blood vessels nourishing the eye.

Many cameras have a "red eye reduction" feature. In these cameras, the flash goes off twice -- once right before the picture is taken, and then again to actually take the picture. The first flash causes people's pupils to contract, reducing "red eye" significantly. Another trick is to turn on all the lights in the room, which also contracts the pupil.

Another way to reduce or eliminate "red eye" in pictures is to move the flash away from the lens. On most small cameras, the flash is only an inch or two away from the lens, so the reflection comes right back into the lens and shows up on the film. If you can detach the flash and hold it several feet away from the lens, that helps a lot. You can also try bouncing the flash off the ceiling if that is an option.


^^ it still doesn't tell why whites have it and blacks don't

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Originally posted by Ghost of Nibbs McPimpin

Hey, you see all those freckles on that girl's shoulder?


She probably gets em from stayin out in the sun too long, trying to get tan.


not that theres anything wrong with that, mcpimpin :)

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Originally posted by Ghost of Nibbs McPimpin

Hey, you see all those freckles on that girl's shoulder?


She probably gets em from stayin out in the sun too long, trying to get tan.

Yeah, about 12 beers deep that's certainly a deal-breaker. Not.

I dunno, I wouldn't mind her sober, let alone as drunk as Eli is in that picture.

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Originally posted by Chopper Dave

Yeah, about 12 beers deep that's certainly a deal-breaker. Not.

I dunno, I wouldn't mind her sober, let alone as drunk as Eli is in that picture.

Hit-wise? Not a deal breaker, but man, seriously, I cannot abide someone covered with freckles.

You ever see someone is red-haired and pale-skinned and has like a damn brown sleeve of freckles on their arm or a freckle shirt on their shoulders?

Yeah, nuh unh. Never dude. Never that.

:laugh: :peaceout:

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