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poll: guns


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Originally posted by portisizzle

I would like to see someone come to my house and try to take my gun. The day that happens......well..... lets just say the end of America is close at hand. At least it will be the end of me, because someone will be going down with a fight.

My guess is that I am not the only one that would feel the same.

I got your back, Brother Portis!

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Originally posted by Huly

I am not judging any of you who hunt or own guns. I respect your opinions, but I feel we do need stronger gun laws or something. My opinion as has yours has not changed, but what can we do to improve society?

All we need to do is enforce the laws already on the books. They are plenty tough.

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I do eat meat but I will not wear fur. I do enjoy deer along with gator but I could not kill one. Like I said before I understand hunting and I do not mind hunters who hunt to eat what they kill and shoot to kill, but I have seen the other side from working so much with wild life and domestics. People who shoot for fun then leave their dog or wild animal to suffer. That ticks me off.

That is why I probably took a lot of frustration out on Jody (by the way sorry) as he said hunting for sport.

Just to give you guys a very good laugh a mouse got into my house. Well one of my cats caught it and injured it, so I took it to the Animal Emergency Clinic and asked them to put it down humanely. Yes they were all laughing at me but I could not set it free as I did its partner in crime as it was hurt but I could not kill it either.

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Originally posted by pez

I just have one last thing to say:

there is only one purpose a gun and a bullet have....... that is to kill.

There is only one purpose for war ........ that is to kill things and break stuff up.

Your argument against firearms hold as much water as any argument against war. (That cup BTW, has a big hole in it)

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I just love it when our liberal posters in one thread can ***** about the horrors of the patriot act (justifiably so) and yet in another thread preach about the virtues of gun control.

The same applies with conservatives on this board( when they praise the patriot act)

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Originally posted by Predicto

Dammit, I just want my Anthrax powder for protection! No criminal is going to break into a house if he thinks there might be Anthrax there. We just need to educate people about the risks of Anthrax.

The reason that guns are given specific mention in the Bill of Rights is NOT to protect us against a criminal breaking into our house, that reasoning is covered elsewhere.

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Originally posted by Predicto

Dammit, I just want my Anthrax powder for protection! No criminal is going to break into a house if he thinks there might be Anthrax there. We just need to educate people about the risks of Anthrax.

Anthrax would be very expensive, don't you think?

Best stick with guns. That way you can kill just the person you are looking to kill and not the whole damn block!!



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Originally posted by Huly

I am not trying to be rude to any of y'all, I just do not get it!

I'm guessing you've never really been around guns.

I've grown up around guns, there were guns in my house growing up. My dad taught my brother and I at an early age about the care and danger of guns. We learned early, they were not taboo, they were not hidden away, we were not yelled at if we look at them. In essense, we were not curious about them because we knew how to use them properly and what they did. The problem IMO is when irresponsible people have guns. When these people don't teach their kids the responsibility associated with guns.

I know that if guns were made illegal, We, the honest citizen would be MUCH less safe. The criminals would understand that fewer people would have guns, therefore the criminal would be safer while robbing and mugging.

I don't buy the "our forefathers wanted us to be armed against the british" for a second. Our forefathers were a whole lot smarter than you give them credit.

If our country was invaded, the citizens are armed, if our government gets stupid, our citizens are armed.

Think about this as well, what's more dangerous, a 9mm pistol or a AK 47 assault rifle?

Honestly, the 9mm is because it is easier to hide, the ammo is dirt cheap and can be bought at walmart. The AK can't be concealed reasonably and ammo is very hard to come by. If you see someone toting an AK down the street, you have a chance to run and hide, someone can walk right up to you with a 9mm hidden. So why are assault weapons such a big deal? There are fewer of them, less ammo etc... Why? Think about that.

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Originally posted by pez

I myself cannot understand need for handguns or auto's over a rifle if you are just protecting your family or sport... those types of guns are primarily meant for one thing... a violent crime.

A rifle can't be concealed as easily in your home. One thing you DO NOT want to happen is for a criminal to break in and see your gun and use it against you. I have 3 loaded guns concealed through out my home, in places that are easy to get to but would not be stumbled upon by accident.

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Originally posted by Predicto

Why hide it? Hang it up over the mantelpiece for all I care. A loaded handgun in a nightstand is a good way to get your own kids' brains splattered all over the headboard.

My father was a D.C. cop, we had guns all over the house.

It's called "training".... I went to the range with him. It wasnt a game...

That's the real problem..

I keep a full sized crowbar next to my bed... I chose not to get a gun right now.. I will when my children are older...

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Originally posted by Thiebear

My father was a D.C. cop, we had guns all over the house.

It's called "training".... I went to the range with him. It wasnt a game...

That's the real problem..

Exactly, I don't think alot of anti gun folks understand that difference.

BTW, am I actually agreeing with you??:doh:

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I have two things to add to this discussion.

#1, for the poster saying to ban all gun except rifles and shotguns. You really do not want to be defending yourself in your home with a rifle for two reasons, 1 bullet travel and power, if you shoot someone with a rifle, chances are the bullet will pass through the person you shot and then through something else, like the wall to your kids room, or through your exterior wall and into your neighbors house, or any other nuber of unfortunate scenarios. The second is it is not very practicle at all, and a D.A would more than likely prosecute with the angle that you were obviously over zealoous for using unnecessary force, calling you a "dirty harry" type.

#2, to the posters saying to "just outlaw them" lets say you emptied the whole country of guns, great, for maybe a month or two, til a blackmarket was set up for them, then you basically create another version of the war on drugs, then the only people who would have them would be people who mean to injure or kill you. You would never be able to get rid of them, only ensure that the people who would not commit a crime would not have them. You can't ban guns for the whole world. Crooked cops and soldiers would be able to sell them like they were gold to anyone.

If you think that we were given the right to own guns only to fight the british or to hunt you obviously haven't read the Declaration of Independence very closely. When a government abuses the power given to the by the consent of those governed, it is the right of those people to abolish that government and institute one that ensures the happiness and wellfare of the governed. Hard to do when you have rocks and your government has M-16's. Look at the palestinians vs. the Israelis. I would never give up my firearms or the rigth to own them

You want to get rid of gun crime, out law stupid people. starting with dallas fans

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"The constitution put in the right to bear arms intending upon protecting people from english troops during the revolution, it has no practical means today...

Wrong. We have the right to bear arms to protect ourselves from our own government.

A rifle and shotgun are useless for self defense. A long weapon in the small confines of a house is completely ineffective. Do you really want your neighbor firing a weapon that will go through his walls and into your house. And I don't know about you, but firing a shotgun in my house is the last thing I'd want to do considering I have Kids and a wife to be concerned with. Anyone who uses a handgun for home protection should use ammo that is designed to not go through walls. It is just as effective as a normal round for taking down an intruder.

Because I have kids, my firearm is put up unloaded away from ammo. The only way it would be effective for self protection is if I heard someone trying to get in and had enough time to load it.

Just because you don't see any redeeming qualities in gun ownership, doesn't mean there aren't any. We have the constitutional right to own them, just as you have the constitutional right to the free speech that allows you to voice your opinion. I can make a pretty good argument that freedom of speech has put many an american soldier in peril over the years, yet I don't see you calling to limit that right.

We have laws to tell our citizens what can and can't be done legally. We shouldn't write or alter laws, that take away the rights of law abiding citizens, in order to alter how a criminal can commit a crime.

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The most important reason for gun ownership is a quote "Armed we are Citizens,disarmed we are subjects" a armed populace is the best defense against anarchy. I no longer carry a pistol because of the laws and liscence required here {Yes ,TEXAS has laws to restrict weapons ;) } . As far as needing to be armed, I have had several instances where being armed has prevented my family being harmed. I believe harsh punishment for crimes committed when armed and education about firearm safety are best.

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As far as issues go, I lean pretty far to the left. But putting major restrictions or outlawing guns altogether is one of the WORST possible things that can be done. I've read every post of this thread and the reasons are there. It cannot be reinterated enought that GUNS DO NOT KILL PEOPLE. It's the unaware, lunatic, and often IGNORANT people that are holding them. Gun safety is a must. There's a reason why people who commit gun crimes are mostly the ones without a knowlege of them (and a good deal of the people are the ones who are against them in the first place).

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Originally posted by PokerPacker

the big problem with gun accidents is that people don't know how do use them. if a kid knows how to use a gun, they'll be less stupid, and won't kill themselves with the bullet that's still in the chamber

Exactly, my daughter is 8 mo. old and as soon as i feel she is ready to learn i will teach her everything she needs to know about guns and gun saftey. Until she is ready they will all remain locked up. Yes all my guns are currently locked. For anyone interested you can get free gun locks from http://www.projectchildsafe.org/ I got one for every gun i own free!

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