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Shannon Sharpe with the F. Mitchell blast...LOL


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On Rome's show, he had Shannon Sharpe on, and of course the topic turned to the Eagles WRs. Sharpe wanted to know why Freddie Mitchell was thanking his hands so much when he has caught about 3 TDs in the last last three years. Then to the laughter of everyone in the immediate area, he said he should cut his hands off since he barely uses them.


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Don't know if this was posted yet.


JACKSONVILLE, FL--As members of the media swarmed around Terrell Owens at Tuesday’s media day, Freddie Mitchell broke his own ankle in an attempt to steal some of the spotlight from his teammate. He was assisted by linebacker Jeremiah Trotter, who helpfully shattered the ankle with a sledgehammer.

“Aaaaah! My ankle! My ankle!” Mitchell shouted in the direction of the throng of reporters around Owens. “I…I think it’s broken. Look, it’s completely shattered. Oh, cruel fate, why must you mock me? I just hope I can still play in the big game. I’m really going to try. I’m sure that will probably be the story of the week leading up to Sunday. Just please respect my privacy. I don’t want to become some media sensation. Hello? Is anyone listening to me? Broken ankle over here.”

Mitchell then hopped over to the group of reporters to show them his broken angle and cry out in pain and anguish.

“Oh, the humanity? Did you see my ankle? It hurts so bad,” said Mitchell. “Will I make a Willis Reed-like comeback? Will the doctors forbid me from playing? Fact or fiction: Freddie Mitchell should be allowed to play on Sunday. Anyone? Goddamn it, look at me!”

When the reporters ignored him, Mitchell called them out by name.

“Skip Bayless! Skip! Hey, man, don’t you have anything to say about this? You’re supposed to be really opinionated. And how about you, Steven A. Smith? I’ll bet you’d love to put in your two cents about the whole ordeal. Peter King? I have an angle for your next column. ‘Mitchell shooting for dramatic comeback despite crippling injury.’ You can put than in Monday Morning Quarterback column instead of more boring crap about your daughter’s field hockey team.”

None of the reporters in question responded to Mitchell’s pleas, as they were too busy interviewing Owens, who also has an ankle injury. Owens has vowed to play in the Super Bowl, despite the fact that a team doctor refused to give him clearance. The story has captivated reporters for weeks while Mitchell’s injury barely drew a response.

“Oh, I see Freddie hurt his ankle or something,” said Bill Lyon of the Philadelphia Inquirer. “That’s too bad. Speaking of ankles, has anyone seen T.O.? I was thinking of doing a piece on him.”

Mitchell’s sense of humor and outlandish personality have made him a popular figure among members of the media, but when it comes to making an impact on the field, he is not held in high regard.

“Freddie’s a funny guy and good for a quote or two, but let’s face it, T.O. is where it’s at,” said Lyon. “Mitchell isn’t going to have much of an impact on this game. Why do I know this? Because I occasionally watch football, that's why. The guy doesn’t do ****. He does love the spotlight, though, and it was a little uncomfortable to have him hugging my leg as I was trying to walk away from him earlier.”

In an effort to calm the fears of Eagle fans, Mitchell guaranteed that he would play in the Super Bowl, regardless of what team doctors said.

“I’m playing. There’s no question about it,” Mitchell announced. “I am not going to let my teammates down. I don’t care if it kills me, I will be out there playing the game and making an impact. The group of guys in that locker room is too important for me to sit out. And if the trainers have a problem with that, they can kiss my ass. Nobody’s going to tell Terrell Owens he can’t play. I mean, nobody’s going to tell Freddie Mitchell he can’t play.”

Fortunately for Mitchell, the trainers are too busy to be concerned with his ankle. Head trainer Rick Burkholder has already given him the green light to play even though he hasn’t seen the injury yet.

“Freddie? Yea sure, whatever. He can play if he wants. Or he can sit out. It’s his choice,” Burkholder said. “Right now we’re concerned with T.O. If he plays, the Eagles have a chance of competing in this game. As for Freddie, well, he can saw his arm off and break every bone in his body for all I care. The team can probably do without his two catches.”

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One of the sickest things is,, Freddie lists as his boyhood hero.... Art Monk.

How can he be so much what Monk wasn't if he grew up idolizing him?

By the way, I LOVE Shannon Sharpe. He has talked trash in his day, but he always backed up every single word of it, and then some. He is a DEFINITE HOFer.

Once he gets his mumblemouth problem under control he will be one of the best analysts in the game, I'd wager. When I have watched that AWFUL CBS show, he's always stuttering and tripping over his tongue, but if you can get past it, he usually is saying something pretty darned insightful.


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Originally posted by junglist350z

according to NFL.com he started in 9 games and has 2 touchdowns.

Freddie said he could take anyone's job at ESPN. Dan Patrick replied, "Michael Irvin has more SB rings than Mitchell has TDs this season."

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by Bang

Once he gets his mumblemouth problem under control he will be one of the best analysts in the game, I'd wager. When I have watched that AWFUL CBS show, he's always stuttering and tripping over his tongue, but if you can get past it, he usually is saying something pretty darned insightful.


You're so right, Bang. He's always got something interesting to say - just not always annunciated when he says it.

As for mitchell - :doh: This guy can't be for real!

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Originally posted by junglist350z

according to NFL.com he started in 9 games and has 2 touchdowns.

Well, I can think of one game where Todd Pinkston was injured, and that might have been it. But aside from the final two games, and the postseason, I can't think of any other game he started. So I don't know which those were. He had one td in week 16, 17, and two in 19.

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