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Shannon Sharpe with the F. Mitchell blast...LOL


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If they run a 3wr set on the first play and Mitchell is in, that counts as starting. Thats where the 9 starts are.

And cmon man, even Eagles fans dont defend Mitchell. Hes a talentless idiot who has no justification for the way he runs his mouth. Regardless of his TWO touchdowns in a season (which, Im sure most FIFTH stringers would be happy about), he is in on tons of plays and doesnt get anything done. His BEST game was what....65 yards? And he thanks his hands afterwards for being so great? You have GOT to hate this guy.

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Agreed....believe me I live in this awful city, I know an Eagles fan when I see one. And an Eagles fan is one, in the face of adversity and certain incorrect-ness, scrounges for hope by making some terribly ridiculous saving grace statement like "I would defend Freddy as a player."

No Eagles fan in their right mind should ever have anything good to say about Mitchell, Thrash, or Pinkston. In that order. Bottom line.

And so what, Rod Gardner is technically an above average receiver...is that what they was hoping for when he drafted him in the 1st round? Bottom line, hes a bust, hes dont absolutely nothing to help the Eagles win or lose (aside from one game with 65 yards), hes not evident, hes a ghost.

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Originally posted by TenaciousB15

Well, I can think of one game where Todd Pinkston was injured, and that might have been it. But aside from the final two games, and the postseason, I can't think of any other game he started. So I don't know which those were. He had one td in week 16, 17, and two in 19.

Oh, please.......don't nitpick how many games he has or hasn't started. It is not like he is a rookie.....if he is not starting on that weak WR corps, he SUCKS. He has had every opportunity to move into a starting role, but he hasn't.....cuz why??? He sucks.

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Love those classy patriots:

Ty Law on Espn Hot Seat with Dan Patrick

DP: Describe Team's impression of Freddy

TL: "Fake TO"

DP: "Fake TO? Like a TO wanna-be?"

TL: "Those are your words, not mine" but agreed nonetheless.

DP: What do the Eagles have to do to win?

TL "The Patriots just don't show up."

DP: "You mean the Eagle have no shot at all?"

TL: "The only way the Eagles win is if the Patriots stay in St. Augustine."

The nerve of Freddie Mitchell. I got something for ya...

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JACKSONVILLE, FLA. -- His coach reprimanded him. Opponents threatened him. Opinion-makers cast him adrift on the slow ship of sports fools bound for Elba Island, where his utterances would echo only off rock, tree and Deion Sanders.

Eagles receiver Freddie Mitchell had sinned against the unwritten, primal rules of professional football.

He had offered candor and humor in disproportion to his ability.

He must be rebuked.

I would have condemned him to a week watching the NFL Network. The New England Patriots have opted for a reduced sentence -- public ridicule and corporal punishment.

Last week, Mitchell, the wacky wideout, agreed to an interview with an upstart cable outfit called ESPN.

Someone asked Mitchell to name the Patriots' starting cornerbacks. Mitchell, demonstrating something in common with the rest of us, admitted he knew their numbers, not their names.

(This is not unusual. I got my hands on a Vikings defensive game plan before they faced the San Francisco 49ers in 1992. The handout warned defenders about No. 80. What's in a name, even when it's Jerry Rice?)

Then Mitchell admitted he knew Patriots safety Rodney Harrison, looked into the camera, and, while employing a large smile and playful tone, said, 'I got something for you, Harrison, when I meet you.' "

You would have thought he had tried to clone a sheep.

ESPN, stealing the Vikings' playoff game plan, caught Mitchell unguarded. When Mitchell offered an honest answer, the network gained a foothold in the sporting public's consciousness by broadcasting and analyzing Mitchell's answers until the Patriots felt their machismo had been threatened.

Harrison questioned whether Mitchell was drinking, which, although insightful, is irrelevant.

Harrison warned Mitchell against running routes on Sunday.

Harrison's teammates vowed to seek vengeance.

In fact, the Patriots became so incensed they decided to try to actually win this game. Without Mitchell, this apparently would have been nothing more than a cold week at the beach.

This is what happens at the Super Bowl. Levity is the first casualty of hype.

Note to the hyper analytical, the hypercritical and the Patriot-ic: Pick on someone more important.

Mitchell isn't as good a player as he should have been, considering he was a first-round draft pick.

But he's had his moments.

• He caught the fourth-and-26 pass that salvaged a playoff game against the Packers last year.

• He caught the 60-yard pass following a wild McNabb scramble that became the Eagles' play of 2004.

• He caught one touchdown and grabbed a fumble for another that beat the Vikings.

• And 71 percent of his too-infrequent catches have produced first downs.

He's had his moments as a personality, too. Mitchell sometimes wears his hair in a Mohawk pompadour that would make Little Richard wince.

After that fumble recovery against the Vikings, Mitchell said, deadpan, "I'd just like to thank my hands for being so great."

And after his touchdown catch against the Vikings, Mitchell pretended to pull up his pants -- deftly and tastefully ridiculing Randy Moss' Wisconsin moon.

The guy was a character until we taught him a lesson.

"If you're hyping Freddie Mitchell and Rodney Harrison, it's gonna be a lousy Super Bowl," he said.

Does he regret the interview? "Never, I never feel bad for anything I say," Mitchell said. "It's interesting, though, how they blew things up."

Does he worry? "We play football, not tennis," Mitchell said. "I expect to get hit all the time."

But he's never gone through anything like this -- getting caught in the vortex of instantaneous media and angry rivals.

You look at the Eagles' receivers, and you could see two self-promoting egomaniacs -- Mitchell and Terrell Owens.

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(02-01) 16:45 PST JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (AP) --

Philadelphia Eagles wide receiver Freddie Mitchell fired another verbal shot Tuesday. This one, though, was at his own organization.

Mitchell said he was no longer speaking to Derek Boyko, the team's director of media services.

"I'm not even talking to Derek Boyko anymore because they didn't even have a podium for me," Mitchell said at the Super Bowl's official media day.

Boyko downplayed the comments, saying Mitchell was probably joking. But Mitchell, who loves the spotlight, appeared serious.

Eleven players, including just-signed backup tight end Jeff Thomason, addressed reporters from a podium, while other players were assigned a specific location in the stands.

Mitchell may have been bumped from his spot because he dissed New England's secondary last week. Known more for his big mouth than making big plays, the Eagles' other loquacious receiver -- the one without the All-Pro pedigree and ankle injury -- said he didn't know the names of most of the defensive backs. He also took a dig at Pats safety Rodney Harrison.

"I think they've been hiding me from the media," said Mitchell, who caught 22 passes for 377 yards and two touchdowns this season.

Later, Mitchell said only quarterback Donovan McNabb deserved his own podium.

Thomason, who played in two Super Bowls with Green Bay in the 1990s, was surprised he was set up in a prime location.

"My last two media days when I was with the Packers, I was over in the corner trying to get someone to talk to me," he recalled. "This is definitely a thrill."

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Originally posted by autograph

You can't hold the Patriots accountable for Ty Law.

Ty Law just hates your team more than his own.

He won't play as a Patriot ever again.

Well, in that case, since Mitchell won't be with the eagles next year, so he gets a free pass for anything that happens.

What Law said. Was absolutely redicolous. I waited until today, just to see what ESPN would do. I watched all of NFL live and saw nothing about it. Flipped around through Cold Pizza, and PTI, and saw nothing. Freddie Mitchell said "I got something for ya" and he is the 2nd biggest story for 2 weeks. Ty Law said the eagles can only win if the Pats don't show up, and it is nothing. This just doesn't go along with the story line that the Patriots are a bunch of humble team players, that never talk. And in the case of Rodney Harrison, he is just allowed to, and still gets to be the bigger man.

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Your missing the point.

He is cheerleading his team.

Out of the outspoken NFL players this past couple of months, Terrell Owens, Randy Moss, Freddie Mitchell and now Ty Law, what is the difference?

Terrell Owens, Randy Moss and Ty Law

play serious football.

They are the top of their profession.

Freddie Mitchell is a joke.

He has started 17 games in four years

and has scored only 5 TDs in that time.

Ty Law has 6 TDs in 10 years and he's a CB.

Another difference would be out of those four players, Only Ty Law will have three Super Bowl rings (See post above to see what those actually look like) when you wake up on Monday. Freddie Mitchell has three TDs all season.

See the similarities?

Now, see the difference?

You say you have been paying attention to football for five years.

Support a team that has history.

The Washington Redskins might break your heart at times but not like the Eagles. The Washington Redskins have fans worldwide. All of us welcome them.

After your boys don't do it again and

free agency ravages your Eagles, think about coming over to our side.

Your a closet Redskin fan anyway.

Thats why you always chat with us instead of them.

I'm being serious, think about it.

No Super Bowl trophy for the eagles.

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What Ty Law said may be out of line but he backs it up with his play on the field. Freddie Mitchell does not, he's like that kid on the school yard that gets picked last but still has the tenacity to talk trash if he does one good thing, except in this case Freddie Mitchell was a first round pick and still can't climb over Todd "Alligator Arms" Pinkston for the #2 spot...honestly give me a break, this guys is an assclown

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LOL? Eagles don't have fans worldwide? Thats what there known for. Supporting a team just becuase of history is a joke. I'd be a Steelers or Dallas fan if I was going to do that. I couldn't care less about things I never remembered seeing.

Anyway. So you saying its ok for him to say the eagles can't win unless the patriots don't show up is fine, becuase he can play well. Even though he won't have to back up his talk this sunday of course. My dispute, is the vast difference in what he said, good, back, injured or healthy. I think its redicolous that ESPN makes a big stink about Freddie, but real bulletin board material like Law's doesn't matter. He is injured and won't play, which makes it even worse. At least Freddie has a chance to make an impact.

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