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Important announcement concerning Blondie


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I just received a call from the Queen of Extreme. K. P. has been admitted to local hospital in Corsicana. She had been suffering from severe chest and back pains. Fortunatley, ( and thank God above) that they have ruled out a heart attack. Right now, they are not sure what is wrong, but tests are pending. They may rule out anything bad by the time all the tests are in. For those of you who don't know, she does have a prior medical condition that can lead to such things as I have mentioned. She's only mentioned it once here and I won't repeat it. Suffice to say if you ever question your own strength, look no further than her. She wanted me to let you all know what has happened and to let you know she's not feeling good. For me, she's doing okay. Sounds ok, despite having an allergic reaction to morphine while there. So for Blondie, and if you have the time,it would be nice to send a prayer her way. Or if you don't believe, a kind, healthy thought for her during this time. I think....no...I know, it would help her to know how much we do care for her here. I will forward anything said to her, so trust me when I say she will know what you say. If you want specifics as to where she is staying you may pm me. Again, we still don't know what exactly is going on and with any hope she get's released tomorow or asap. I will update you as soon as I know anything. She is very special ....Thanks


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Thanks for passing the word, Jay. Not an easy duty.

Kathi, be strong, keep the faith, and know we're out here thinking of you. You know I don't pray ... but trust me, I'll be having a very serious discussion on your behalf with the universe tonight.

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I'm a rookie on extremeskins, Blondie, but I read your posts all the time. You crack me up and I need you to get back online soon to tease the romantic in me and teach me more about the Religion of Rock Cartwright. Missing you already. Get up and get back to us as soon as you are able.


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Get well soon Blondie. We're all praying for you, in our own way. :)

I know any Redskin fan that is able to survive and thrive in Texas must be pretty tough. That's why I'm sure you'll battle through whatever it is that ails you. Stay strong.

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