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Hamas Attacks Against Israel


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22 minutes ago, Destino said:


None of this is to say Israel is somehow the white hat in this little drama. They’ve engaged in no shortage of cruelty and injustice. They’re doing so right now in my opinion.


if this was an easy fix, someone smarter than us would have done so by now.


There's no easy fix.  Israel is careening into becoming a monster in an attempt to prevent being attacked by one.  History will be the judge of how that plays out, how much good will do they except gonna be left on present course with respect to preventing another Hollcaust by any means necessary? They can't tap that well forever.

16 minutes ago, Destino said:

You’re under selling it, the problem is they’d use it.


Reverse engineer it, build more, use more.


If folks want to back off of Right to Return for Palestinians and focus more on citizenship for those already in Palestinian Territories, that's way better to me then a potential future larger scale version of what happened to the Rohingya as Israel hits a wall trying to claim more territory as theirs via new settlements:




If One-State is a non-starter and Two-State is dead as it's ever been, where do folks think this is a heading?

Edited by Renegade7
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4 hours ago, Renegade7 said:

If One-State is a non-starter and Two-State is dead as it's ever been, where do folks think this is a heading?


If it wasn't made abundantly clear with previous posts, it's heading to lots and lots of dead people.  Unfortunately there's no magic wand to wave to make it stop.

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33 minutes ago, bearrock said:


If it wasn't made abundantly clear with previous posts, it's heading to lots and lots of dead people.  Unfortunately there's no magic wand to wave to make it stop.


I don't get the need to reiterate this...everyone in this thread gets that. 


A discussion on a longterm plan is not a search for magic wand, it's necessary in the context of potential mass scale of loss of human life and what should be the goal of limiting that as much as realistically possible.


What I figured by people asking and proposing different options is which one potentialy involves the least dead bodies in the long run.  This is like breaking a bone to get it to heal properly, it's gonna suck no matter what right off the bat.


The immediate sense involves Israel somehow backing off invading Gaza, which unfortunately looks like they've made up their mind on to do it anyway.  Theres no need to remind people of this until something comes out that changes this incoming reality.


I don't want to control the debate here, I'm just giving my opinion.

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11 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:

I don't get the need to reiterate this...everyone in this thread gets that. 

Because you keep suggesting there’s this other path, despite it being laid out that clearly there just isn’t. It’s been going on for a few days now. 


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15 minutes ago, tshile said:

Because you keep suggesting there’s this other path, despite it being laid out that clearly there just isn’t. It’s been going on for a few days now. 



I see...


To be clear, when I say options on the table, I'm thinking more long-term options in regards to one-state, I'm tired if seeing this over and over again same as anybody else.


I saw folks talking about long term and short term solutions, I did the same, I don't believe even saying out loud Israel would do what I suggested would stop them from invading Gaza first.


I'll be more clear when talking about what we should now versus long term-term, pretty much everything I said still stands though, maintaining this current no-state solution is an option, but a lot uglier then some of the others when looked at from longterm perspective.

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To be clear I wasn’t trying to be a jerk about it. 
I just think most people have resigned themselves to the idea there is no long term solution. Both sides will try to eliminate the others from the game. And if Israel is the winner, which is what most assume, violence will continue it’ll just be from some other group of Muslim extremists. 

it’s a heart breaking reality to accept. But for most of us it’s a reality we feel forced to accept. 

the only question to me right now is whether Israel is saber rattling or serious; and if serious is it possible for the international community to stop it. 

it seems to me they’re serious and I don’t have any reason to believe the international community can stop it diplomatically (of course they could stop it militarily but I don’t think they’ll try nor do I think it’s even an option on the table)

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8 hours ago, Renegade7 said:

You might as well be giving it to Iran.

Joke's on them, we installed a GPS tracker with a remote detonator for such an occasion.


8 hours ago, Renegade7 said:

Reverse engineer it, build more, use more.

I don't think the make-up of nuclear weapons is much of a secret anymore.  It's the process of refining and enriching Uranium that is the difficulty.  But if it makes you feel any better, we've booby-trapped the warhead so that it will go off in the event of attempted reverse-engineering.


Man, international politics is easy.

Edited by PokerPacker
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@Renegade7 Let me apologize for the tone of my several previous posts.  Reading it again, it's condescending and dismissive.  I know you are discussing it in good faith and our differences in opinion doesn't justify how I debated my positions.  Ugh, it just sucks so very much. At the end of the day, I hope you are right and I am wrong about the possibility of some type of a better outcome or arrangement in the region.

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Schumer, Romney rush into Tel Aviv shelter during Hamas rocket attack https://www.cbsnews.com/news/chuck-schumer-mitt-romney-shelter-hamas-rocket-attack-tel-aviv/


Schumer, a Democrat, is the highest-ranking Jewish elected official in the U.S. He said he felt an obligation to visit Israel. 


"In the face of this horrific attack, we're here to share a message in resolute solidarity," Schumer said. "We say to Israel, America will stand with its ally, Israel. And I, along with my colleagues here, will lead the effort in the United States Senate to provide Israel with the support required to fully defend itself from this monstrous attack."

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Here is the tweet from the football pos.

Absolutely no call for peace, absolutely no words for the slaughtered children, raped women, and other people who lost their lives.


"All our prayers for the inhabitants of Gaza who are once again victims of these unjust bombings which spare no women or children." (G translated)



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2 hours ago, FrFan said:

Here is the tweet from the football pos.

Absolutely no call for peace, absolutely no words for the slaughtered children, raped women, and other people who lost their lives.


"All our prayers for the inhabitants of Gaza who are once again victims of these unjust bombings which spare no women or children." (G translated)



TBF, Benzema has proven to be a complete dickhead.

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New York AG Letitia James demands answers from social media companies about online threats


New York Attorney General Letitia James is demanding answers from social media companies about threats posted online.


James' office sent a series of letters to Google, Meta, X (formerly Twitter), TikTok, Reddit, and Rumble, asking what they are doing to limit antisemitic and Islamophobic threats from reaching their users.


"In the wake of Hamas' unspeakable atrocities, social media has been widely used by bad actors to spread horrific material, disseminate threats, and encourage violence," James said. "These platforms have a responsibility to keep their users safe and prohibit the spread of violent rhetoric that puts vulnerable groups in danger."


According to James' office, the letters specifically request the following information: 

  • What actions, if any, they have taken to address the recent calls for violence against Jewish and Muslim people and institutions
  • What actions they have taken to address the possibility that their platforms may be used to plan, encourage, or disseminate acts of violence
  • The public-facing terms of service, community rules, or other policies in place that prohibit users from utilizing the platform to disseminate calls for violence
  • Details of internal policies that govern the determination of whether content is a call for violence that should be removed
  • Policies regarding disciplining, suspending, and/or banning users for posting content that has been removed for spreading calls for violence

Click on the link for the full article

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50 minutes ago, Captain Wiggles said:

I'm still amazed that a sports message board I frequent daily is moderated far better than any social media site. 🤭


Folks self-moderate here in a way the Mods don't have to make excuses for why they can't keep up with it.

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