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The Everything 118th Congress Thread


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21 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:

Perhaps electing the Christian fundamentalist that nobody had ever heard of wasn't the best course of action.


Republicans admit it. Kevin McCarthy has never looked so good.
House GOP insiders view the new speaker as a man perpetually without a plan.





More at link. 



I think Kev wants to see his party burn now.




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I hate how you can't read Twitter without an account and the 3rd party sites (nitter) was using (nitter) are locked out of their API and dying. 


Basically the thread ties Johnson and Gaetz as GOP members who have claimed to have teenage "sons".  For Johnson the issue is that he has provided 3 timelines wrt to his son and when he got married, which change the age of his son. Speculation is something to do with control/coercion over having some type of dark secret (see what happened to Madison Cawthrone).  They sprinkle it in with church sex abuse speculation, NDAs and the lack of pressing interviews with his "son".

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10 hours ago, Fergasun said:

I hate how you can't read Twitter without an account and the 3rd party sites (nitter) was using (nitter) are locked out of their API and dying. 


Basically the thread ties Johnson and Gaetz as GOP members who have claimed to have teenage "sons".  For Johnson the issue is that he has provided 3 timelines wrt to his son and when he got married, which change the age of his son. Speculation is something to do with control/coercion over having some type of dark secret (see what happened to Madison Cawthrone).  They sprinkle it in with church sex abuse speculation, NDAs and the lack of pressing interviews with his "son".




This could help (from the thread)...the contradicting stories about taking in the boy as his son (not the entire text but some highlights):





STORY 1: Johnson first announced his “son” Michael James in June 2019 in a House hearing on reparations for slavery. He said he and Kelly met a 14-year-old boy as newlyweds “22 years ago”, i.e. 1997. No one flagged the problem: Mike and Kelly met only in 1998, married in 1999.


STORY 2: When Johnson talked about his ‘son’ again a year later, to Water Isaacson, he fixed the Kelly problem by making the boy 3 years younger. Now he and Kelly took in the 14-year-old “20 years ago”, i.e. 1999, the year they married. Isaacson didn’t notice the switch.


For 3 years, Johnson repeated Story 2 like a script. 2020: “have you seen the movie The Blind Side - that was our story except MY Michael was not an NFL prospect”  2022: “You’ve seen the movie The Blind Side, that is our story except my kid was not an NFL prospect”


STORY 3: In 2023, the Daily Mail found Michael James and learned he was older. Johnson then scrambled to cover. He added the 3 years back, now saying he met James in 1996 (when the boy would be 13) but “took him in” only 3 years later, at age 16, after he married Kelly.


HE BIG PICTURE: two Congressmen in the top 10 insurrection scores had fake-adopted unrelated boys. The Speakership was seized by these two, with Jim Jordan who'd covered up abuse of young men at Ohio State. That's wildly improbable by chance. The secrets look like a feature.


Secrets are a useful tool in politics. Today’s GOP collects them and uses them. Kari Lake wears a wire, then ousts a rival. Matt Gaetz outs a fellow Rep, saying he “has to live a lie”.  Madison Cawthorn is booted with scandalous footage (simulating gay sex, wearing lingerie).



Edited by Califan007 The Constipated
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This is the dumbest, most wortheless Congress ever and MAGA/GOP deserve to have zero hands on the levers of power after the next election.


The only deal they did (debt limit), the House GOP has whined, complained and worked to roll it back / fight it.  They have spent more time wasting time over kneecapping their speaker.  The Senate worked for months on a "WE NEED THIS NOW!!" border security bill, and Biden and his allies actually gave them a very good deal.  The Senate also worked on Ukraine funding and the response was."what about Americas borders?!?!?!". 


We are coming up to March and the GOP still seems to be wrapped up and wanting to go back to the year old budget deal.  Not wanting to fund Ukraine.  Not wanting to do border security.  Normally you have the levers of power to at least exercise what power you have. 


Nothing would make me more happy than voters giving MAGA/GOP a big old slap in the face.  Yet, due to the Senate composition, and the number of MAGA/GOP red states - Ohio, Florida, Texas come to mind -- Senate control will likely go to MAGA/GOP.  


I think we truly share the country with some politically awful people, who somehow just want politicians to channel their silly little rage. I don't understand how to get through to people who may not see how this MAGA/GOP is insane. But if you are over 40s and not willing to bail on these ****s...  you have gotta be a selfish, unempathetic, busy body, prick... and now you are pretty much also on board with supporting Russia? I am looking at Senator Ron Johnson...

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Democratic Senator Says Lindsey Graham ‘Would Literally Push His Mother in Front of a Train’ to Get Reelected


Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) reportedly irked some of his Senate colleagues by suddenly opposing an aid package for Ukraine.


The Senate passed aid for the country last week, but it faces an uphill climb in the Republican-controlled House.


Graham is a longtime foreign policy hawk and previously a staunch supporter of aid to Ukraine since Russia invaded the country in February 2022. However, support for the besieged country is becoming increasingly unpopular in Republican politics, thanks in part to Donald Trump’s hammerlock on the GOP. Trump has repeatedly cozied up to Russian President Vladimir Putin.


“I talked to President Trump today and he’s dead set against this package,” Graham said on the Senate floor. “He thinks that we should make packages like this a loan, not a gift.”

One unnamed Democratic senator told The Hill that he is frustrated with Graham, saying the Republican would push his mother in front of a train to get reelected.


“He got sucked into the Trump orbit, and he is so zealously about his own self-preservation in South Carolina that he literally would push his mother in front of a train to get to where he needs to be,” the senator said. “I hate to say it because I actually like him.”


Graham’s mother died in 1976.


Some Republican senators aren’t happy with the South Carolinian either.


“I don’t know what he’s doing, because Lindsey is a super smart guy,” a GOP senator told The Hill. “I don’t know whether he’s just trying to cover for Trump or what he’s doing, but I find it worrisome. He’s just so all over the map. It’s worrisome. I don’t know what to do.”


Click on the link for the full article

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Republicans’ Star Hunter Biden Witness Is an Epic Disaster


As if it wasn’t bad enough already, a new Justice Department memo says ex-FBI informant Alexander Smirnov confessed that he has ties to Russian intelligence.




Republicans’ main witness in their efforts to impeach Joe Biden has already been charged with lying to the FBI. Now he has also admitted to having ties to Russian intelligence officers.


Alexander Smirnov, a longtime FBI informant with ties to Ukraine, had claimed to have proof of Biden and his son Hunter accepting bribes from a Ukrainian oligarch. Republicans repeatedly touted Smirnov’s claims in their quest to impeach the president. But last week, the Justice Department announced that it was charging Smirnov with making a false statement and creating a false record related to the bribery allegation.


Now, in a detention memo filed Tuesday, the Justice Department revealed that Smirnov confessed that Russian intelligence officers helped him smear Hunter Biden.


“During his custodial interview on February 14, Smirnov admitted that officials associated with Russian intelligence were involved in passing a story about” the younger Biden, the filing said.


Smirnov also told the FBI that he had had repeated contact with a Russian official who, as Smirnov told it, was “the son of a former high-ranking Russian government official, someone who purportedly controls two groups of individuals tasked with carrying out assassination efforts in a third-party country, a Russian representative to another country, and … someone with ties to a particular Russian intelligence service.”


Smrinov initially tried to spread the Biden Ukrainian corruption story just before the 2020 election, but Justice Department prosecutors are warning that Smirnov’s “misinformation” goes far beyond that.


“He is actively peddling new lies that could impact U.S. elections after meeting with Russian intelligence officials in November,” they said in the filing.





Of course the problem is, how do we know he's not making up another story now? lol...Somewhere George Santos is reading all this and saying "I feel you, buddy..."

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9 hours ago, Califan007 The Constipated said:

Now, in a detention memo filed Tuesday, the Justice Department revealed that Smirnov confessed that Russian intelligence officers helped him smear Hunter Biden.


“During his custodial interview on February 14, Smirnov admitted that officials associated with Russian intelligence were involved in passing a story about” the younger Biden, the filing said.


Smirnov also told the FBI that he had had repeated contact with a Russian official who, as Smirnov told it, was “the son of a former high-ranking Russian government official,


Damn you Eric and/or Don Jr...

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